Traveler's Vale, Yak's Bend | Northern Shiverpeaks | Guild Wars Prophecies poradnik Guild Wars: Prophecies
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 26 sierpnia 2019

Yak's Bend
Nazwane tak z powodu licznych stad jaków przemieszczających się przez te tereny, Yak's Bend jest ostatnim przyczółkiem dla podróżników wyruszających na niedostępne ścieżki Shiverpeak. Wioska położona jest jeszcze na tyle nisko, że pogoda nie jest tu tak ostra, zapewniając miejsce na odpoczynek, przegrupowanie i oporządzenie.
Henchmen Level 8
Little Thom (Brawler Henchman), Claude (Cultist Henchman), Alesia (Healer Henchman), Orion (Mage Henchman), Stefan (Fighter Henchman), Reyna (Archer Henchman), Dunham (Enchanter Henchman).
Captain Osric
Quest: The Road to Borlis Pass. Follow the road from Yak's Bend to Borlis Pass. Defeat all Stone Summit raiders along the road. (Przejdź drogą z Yak's Bend do Borlis Pass. Pokonaj wszystkich Stone Summit raiders napotkanych na drodze). Nagroda: 500 xp, Focus Item (Energy +7 req. 5 Healing Prayers).
Quest: Shiverpeak Stragglers. Search the road to Ascalon for refugees. Lead the refugees to Yak's Bend (Speak with Guard Marcus). Return to Captain Osric for your reward. (Przeszukaj drogę do Ascalon w poszukiwaniu uchodźców. Zaprowadź ich do Yak's Bend - Porozmawiaj tam z Guard Marcus). Nagroda: 500 xp, Smiting Rod (Light Dmg: 4-7 req. 5 Smiting Prayers), War Hammer (Blunt Dmg: 13-20 req. 5 Hammer Mastery, Two-handed).
Primary Quest: The Way is Blocked. Clear the Stone Summit blocking the entrance to Borliss Pass. (Pozbądź się Stone Summit blokujących wejście do Borlis Pass). Nagroda: 500 xp.
Grand Master Stonecleaver
Quest: Helping the Dwarves. Find Rangil Ironbow in Traveler's Vale. (Odnajdź Rangil Ironbow w Traveler's Vale). Nagroda: 250 xp, skille: Gale (E), Mantra of Frost (Me), Remove Hex (Mo), Suffering (N), Debilitating Shot (R), Protector's Strike (W).
Necromancer Morgan
Quest: Renegade Necromancer. Find Verata in Traveler's Vale and put an end to his experiments. (Odnajdź Verata w Traveler's Vale i połóż kres jego niecnym eksperymentom). Nagroda: 350 xp, skills: Necrotic Traversal (N), Defile Flesh (N), Well of Blood (N).
Tabor Woolridge
Quest: The Missing Artisan. Follow the road through Traveler's Vale to the Ascalon Foothills. Talk to Artisan Rudger. (Przejdź drogą przez Traveler's Vale do Ascalon Foothills. Porozmawiaj z Artisan Rudger). Nagroda: 500 xp.
Van the Warrior
Quest: The Wayward Monk. Talk to Cynn in Traveler's Vale. Help Cynn Find Mhenlo in Iron Horse Mine. (Porozmawiaj z Cynn w Traveler's Vale. Pomóż Cynn odnaleźć Mhenlo w Iron Horse Mine). Nagroda: 350 xp, skills: Vigorous Spirit (Mo), Pacifism (Mo), Divine Boon (Mo).
Quest: Securing the Vale. Proceed to the first partol point in Traveler's Vale. (Dotrzyj do pierwszego patrolu w Traveler's Vale). Nagroda: 500 xp, skills: Swift Chop (W), Irresistable Blow (W), Seeking Blade (W).
Howland the Elementalist
Quest: A Heart of Ice. Find Greplak Frostaff and obstain the Heart of Ice from him. (Znajdź Greplak Frostaff i zabierz mu Heart of Ice). Nagroda: 350 xp, skills: Whirlwind (E), Ward Against Foes (E), Ice Prison (E).
Sebedoh the Mesmer
Quest: The Stone Summit Champion. Defeat Ulrik the Undefeated in Traveler's Vale. (Pokonaj Ulrik the Undefeated w Traveler's Vale). Nagroda: 350 xp, skills: Fragility (Me), Power Spike (Me), Channeling (Me).
Sadira Power (Collector)
5 Alpine Seeds: Boots (Armor: 37)
Breyshaw (Armor: 40)
Fur-Lined Boots (4 Tanned Hide Squares + 1 Fur Square), Fur-Lined Vest (12 Tanned Hide Squares + 3 Fur Squares), Fur-Lined Gloves (4 Tanned Hide Squares + 1 Fur Square), Fur-Lined Leggings (8 Tanned Hide Squares + 2 Fur Squares), Drakescale Boots (4 Tanned Hide Squares + 1 Scale), Drakescale Vest (12 Tanned Hide Squares + 3 Scales), Drakescale Gloves (4 Tanned Hide Squares + 1 Scale), Drakescale Leggings (8 Tanned Hide Squares + 2 Scales), Leather Boots (2 Tanned Hide Squares), Leather Vest (6 Tanned Hide Squares), Leather Gloves (2 Tanned Hide Squares), Leather Leggings (4 Tanned Hide Squares), Tamer's Mask (4 Tanned Hide Squares + 1 Fur Square), Archer's Mask (4 Tanned Hide Squares + 1 Bolt of Linen), Hunter's Mask (4 Tanned Hide Squares + 1 Bolt of Silk), Simple Mask (2 Bolts of Cloth), Traveller's Mask (4 Tanned Hide Squares + 1 Scale)
Hylas (Weapons)
Battle Axe (Slashing Dmg: 7-19, req. 5 Axe Mastery) (8Iron Ingots + 2 Wood Planks), Longbow (Piercing Dmg: 12-21, req. 5 Marksmanship, Two-handed) (10 Wood Planks), Jeweled Chalice (Energy +6, req. 5 Illusion Magic) (5 Iron Ingots), Grim Cesta (Energy +6, req, 5 Death Magic) (5 Bones + 1 Scale), Scroll (Energy +6, req. 5 Earth Magic) (2 Rolls of Parchments + 1 Wood Plank), Healing Ankh (Energy +6, req. 5 Healing Prayers) (5 Granite Slabs + 1 Shell), War Hammer (Blunt Dmg: 14-23, req. 4 Hammer Mastery, Two-handed) (6 Iron Ingots + 4 Wood Planks), Long Sword (Slashing Dmg: 11-17, req. 5 Swordsmanship) (8 Iron Ingots).
Sanura (Merchant)
Xunlai Agent (Storage)
Willem (Priest of Balthazar)
Bromgar (Arena Guard)
Traveler's Vale
01 Entrance to Yak's Bend
Pyrs Harven (Collector)
5 Silverpeak Manes: Hunter's Mask (Armor: 37).
Guard Marcus (do Quest: Silverpeak Stragglers)
Elsa Alston (po zakończeniu Quest: Silverpeak Stragglers)
Quest: Oswald's Epitaph. Search the Ascalon Foothils for Oswald's headstone. Inscribe Elsa's words on the headstone. (Poszukaj nagrobka Oswalda w Ascalon Foothils. Zanotuj inskrypcję pozostawioną przez Elsę). Nagroda: 500 xp, Focus Item (Energy +7 req. 5 Healing Prayers).
02 Bridge
Stone Summit (Monsters do Primary Quest: The Way is Blocked)
03 Mountain Pass
Elsa Alston and Ascalon Refuges (do Quest: Silverpeak Stragglers)
04 Path to Ascalon Foothills
Necromancer Verata (do Quest: Renegade Necromancer)
05 Mountain Bridge
Artemis the Ranger
Quest: Stone Summit Beastmasters. Track down and destroy Thorgrim Beastslasher in Iron Horse Mine. (Wytrop i zabij Thorgrim Beastslasher w Iron Horse Mine). Nagroda: 350 xp, skills: Whirling Defense (R), Winter (R), Call of Protection (R).
06 Entrance to Iron Horse Mine
Rangil Ironbow
Quest: Minaar's Trouble. Find Minaar Stonesledge in Iron Horse Mine. Escort Minaar back to Traveler's Vale. (Odszukaj Minaar Stonesledge w Iron Horse Mine. Eskortuj go z powrotem do Traveler's Vale). Nagroda: 500 xp, Tall Shield (Armor: 7 req. 5 Tactics), Focus Item (Energy+7 req. 5 Healing Prayers).
Quest: Minaar's Worry. Go to Iron Horese Mine and kill Ore Darkwhip. Deliver the war machine plans to Rangil Ironbow. (Idź do Iron Horese Mine i zabij Ore Darkwhip . Dostracz plany maszyny wojennej do Rangil Ironbow). Nagroda: 500 xp, Battle Axe (Dmg: 6-16 req. 5 Axe Mastery).
Quest: Iron Horse War Machine. Go to the Iron Horse Mine. Sabotage the 9 control levers around the equipment used by the Stone Summit. (Idź do Iron Horse Mine. Sabotuj 9 dźwigarów kontrolnych w pobliżu maszynerii używanej przez Stone Summit). Ngroda: 500 xp, Smiting Staff (Energy +7, Light Dmg: 4-7 req. 5 Smiting Prayers, Two-handed), Longbow (Piercing Dmg: 11-18, req. 5 Marksmanship, Two-handed).
TIP: Użyj Powder Keg z pobliskiego składu do wysadzenia dźwigni w powietrze.
Asgrim Brightaxe (Collector)
5 Stone Summit Badges: Gloves (Armor: 37).