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Guild Wars: Prophecies - poradnik do gry

Guild Wars: Prophecies - poradnik do gry

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Scoundrel's Rise | Northern Kryta | Guild Wars Prophecies poradnik Guild Wars: Prophecies

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 26 sierpnia 2019

01 Entrance to Griffons Mouth - Scoundrels Rise | Northern Kryta | Guild Wars Prophecies - Guild Wars: Prophecies - poradnik do gry

Scoundrel's Rise

01 Entrance to Griffon's Mouth

Ambassador Braun (do Quest: To Kryta: Journey's End)

02 Entrance to the Gates of Kryta

Camryn Jamison (Collector)

4 Decayed Orr Emblems: Cane (Chaos Dmg: 5-10, req. 6 Domination Magic), Truncheon (Cold Dmg, req. 6 Death Magic), Air Staff (Energy +6, Lighting Dmg: 5-10, req. 6 Air Magic, Two-handed), Holy Staff (Energy +6, Fire Dmg: 5-10, req. 6 Divine Favor, Two-handed), Cruel Staff (Energy +6, Dark Dmg: 5-10, req. 6 Blood Magic, Two-handed), Flame Artifact (Energy +8, req. 6 Fire Magic).

03 Entrance to Northern Kryta Province

Settlement Scout Drew (do Quest: Reversing the Skales)

04 Swamp

Lord Timot (Monster do Quest: Reversing the Skales)