Ascalon Foothills | Ascalon | Guild Wars Prophecies poradnik Guild Wars: Prophecies
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 26 sierpnia 2019

Ascalon Foothils
UWAGA: Znacznie łatwiej tu dotrzeć od strony Traveller's Valley.
01 Statue of Grenth
Artisan Rutger (Materials)
Clay Brick (1 Brick of Mud + 1 Pile of Glittering Dust), Tempered Glass Vial (5 Piles of Glittering Dust), Leather Square (5 Tanned Hide Squares), Vial of Ink (4 Plant Fibers + 1 Tempered Glass Vial), Lump of Charcoal (10 Wood Planks), Spiritwood Plank (5 Wood Planks + 10 Piles of Glittering Dust), Bolt of Linen (5 Plant Fibers), Steel Ingot (10 Iron Ingots + 1 Lump of Charcoal).
Dael (Collector)
3 Leathery Claws: Bag (Holds 5 Items)
02 Oswalt's Headstone
Oswalt Alston (do Quest: Oswald's Epitaph)