Tears of the Fallen | Southern Kryta | Guild Wars Prophecies poradnik Guild Wars: Prophecies
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 26 sierpnia 2019

Tears of the Fallen
01 Tower
Daved Logsdon (Collector)
4 Abnormal Seeds: Cane (Chaos Dmg: 5-10, req. 6 Illusion Magic), Grim Cesta (Energy +8, req. 8 Blood Magic), Water Wand *Cold Dmg: 5-10, req. 6 Water Magic), Protective Icon (Energy +8, req. 6 Protection Prayers), Fire Staff (Energy +6, Fire Dmg: 5-10, req. 6 Fire Magic, Two-handed), Ascalon Bow (Piercing Dmg: 12-21, req. 6 Marksmanship, Two-handed).
Arris Weston (Collector)
4 Spiked Crests: Inscribed Chakram (Energy +8, req. 6 Domination Magic), Bone Staff (Energy +6, Cold Dmg: 5-10, req. 6 Death Magic, Two-handed), Air Staff (Energy +6. Lightning Dmg: 5-10, req. 6 Air Magic, Two-handed), Deadly Cesta (Dark Dmg: 5-10, req. 6 Blood Magic), Battle Axe (Slashing Dmg: 7-19, req. 6 Axe Mastery), Scroll (Energy +8, req. 6 Energy Storage).