Telmark Wilderness | Southern Kryta | Guild Wars Prophecies poradnik Guild Wars: Prophecies
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 26 sierpnia 2019

Talmark Wilderness
Julianna Furst (Collector)
5 Glowing Hearts: Boots (Armor: 49)
02 Beach
Ember Whisperwind (Collector)
5 Forest Minotaur Horns: Vest (Armor: 49)
03 Dakutu Village
Elder Rabne
Artisan Sivan (Materials)
Bolt of Linen (5 Plant Fibers), Roll of Parchment (5 Wood Planks), Leather Square (5 Tanned Leather Square), Lump of Charcoal (10 Wood Planks), Steel Ingot (10 Iron Ingots + 1 Lump of Charcoal).
Galstaff the Light (Collector)
5 Mergoyle Skulls: Boots (Armor: 49).
04 Beach
Hurc the Fisher