Mamnoon Lagoon | Maguuma Jungle | Guild Wars Prophecies poradnik Guild Wars: Prophecies
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 26 sierpnia 2019

Mamnoon Lagoon
01 Hollow Log
Hollow Log (do Quest: Mysterious Message)
02 Hill
Vargil the White (Collector)
5 Ancient Eyes: Cane (Chaos Dmg: 7-13, req. 8 Domination Magic), Grim Cesta (Energy +10, req. 8 Blood Magic), Storm Artifact (Energy +10, req. 8 Air Magic), Healing Ankh (Energy +10, req. 8 Healing Prayers), Crimson Carapace Shield (Armor: 12, req. 8 Tactics), Ascalon Bow (Piercing Dmg: 13-25, req. 8 Marksmanship, Two-handed).
Hadasha the Artisan (Materials)
Bolt of Linen (5 Plant Fibers), Roll of Parchment (5 Wood Planks), Leather Square (5 Tanned Hide Squares), Lump of Charcoal (10 Wood Planks), Steel Ingot (10 Iron Ingots + 1 Lump of Charcoal).