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Guild Wars: Prophecies - poradnik do gry

Guild Wars: Prophecies - poradnik do gry

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Ascalon | Collectors i Materials | Guild Wars Prophecies poradnik Guild Wars: Prophecies

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 26 sierpnia 2019

Ascalon City (Town)

Calissa Segdwick (Collector)

4 Charr Hides: Belt Pouch (Holds 5 Items), Fur Squares (Rare Materials).

Old Ascalon

Innis the White (Collector)

4 Singed Gargoyle Skulls: Fire Staff (Energy +4, Fire Dmg: 3-4 req. 4 Fire Magic, Two-handed), Diessa Icon (Energy +6 req. 5 Smiting Prayers), War Hammer (Blunt Dmg: 11-17 req. 3 Hammer Mastery, Two-handed), Air Staff (Energy +4, Lightning Dmg: 3-4 req. Air Magic, Two-handed).

Dreaz Bowem (Collector)

3 Fetrid Carapaces: Inscribed Chakram (Energy +6 req. 5 Domination Magic). Truncheon (Dark Dmg: 3-4 req. 5 Curses), Leather Gloves (Armor: 31, Armor +30 vs. elemental attacks).

Saba Blackstone (Collector)

3 Scorched Lodestones: Jeweled Staff (Energy +4, Chaos Dmg: 3-4 req. 4 Illusion Magic, Two-handed), Grim Cesta (Energy +6 req. 5 Death Magic), Scroll (Energy +6, req. 5 Earth Magic), Holy Staff (Energy +4, Fire Dmg: 3-4 req. 4 Divine Favor, Two-handed, Ascalon Aegis (Armor: 6 req. 4 Tactics), Diessa Flatbow (Piercing Dmg: 9-13 req. 3 Marksmanship, Two-handed).

Palben Tunne (Collector)

4 Ornate Grawl Necklaces: Leggings (Armor: 31).

Penelope Hoode (Collector)

3 Scorched Seeds: Inscribed Chakram (Energy +6 req. 5 Fast Casting), Bone Staff (Energy +4, Cold Dmg: 3-4 req. 4 Death Magic, Two-handed), Frost Artifact (Energy +6 req.5 Water Magic), Holly Staff (Energy +4, Fire Dmg: 3-4 req. 4 Divine Favor, Two-handed), Runblade (Slashing Dmg: 7-10 req. 4 Swordsmanship), Ascalon Bow (Piercing Dmg: 9-13 req. 3 Marksmanship, Two-handed).

The Breach

Sally Kaugie (Collector)

3 Scorched Seeds: Jeweled Chalice (Energy +6 req. 5 Illusion Magic), Truncheon (Cold Dmg: 3-4 req. Death Magic), Scroll (Energy +6 req. 5 Energy Storage), Divine Symbol (Energy +6 req. 5 Divine Favor), Holy Staff (Energy +4, Fier Dmg: 3-4 req. 4 Divine Favor), Ascalon Bow (Piercing Dmg: 9-13 req. 3 Marksmanship).

Piken Square (Town)

Louise Haup (Collector)

3 Charr Carvings: Cane (Chaos Dmg: 3-4 req 5 Illusion Magic), Grim Cesta (Energy +6 req. 5 Soul Reaping), Storm Artifact (Energy +6 req. 5 Air Magic), Air Wand (Lightning Dmg: 3-4 req. 5 Air Magic), Barbed Ascalon Razor of Charrslaying (Slashing Dmg: 7-10 req. 4 Swordsmanship), Ascalon Bow (Energy +5, Piercing Dmg: 9-13 req. 3 Marksmanship, Two-handed).

Regent Valley

Corwin Luceinne (Collector)

3 Ornate Grawl Neclaces: Cane (Chaos Dmg: 3-4 req. 5 Domination Magic), Truncheon (Dark Dmg: 3-4 req. 5 Curses), Flame Artifact (Energy +6 req. 5 Fire Magic), Healing Ankh (Energy +6 req. 5 Healing Prayers), Runnik Hammer (Energy +5, Blunt Dmg: 11-17 req. 3 Hammer Mastery), Air Staff (Energy +4, Lightning Dmg: 3-4 req. 4 Air Magic).

Valeria Benes (Collector)

3 Singed Gargoyle Skulls: Cane (Chaos Dmg: 3-4 req. 5 Illusion Magic), Grim Cesta (Energy +6 req. 5 Soul Reaping), Storm Artifact (Energy +6 req. 5 Air Magic), Fire Staff (Energy +4, Fire Dmg: 3-4 req. 4 Fire Magic), Bulwark of Balthazar (Armor: 6 req. 4 Tactics), Longbow of Warding (Piercing Dmg: 9-13 req. 3 Marksmanship).

Sir Nyman (Collector)

3 Rawhide Belts: Belt Pouch (Holds 5 Items).

Eastern Frontier

Guardsman Noell (Collector)

3 Ornate Grawl Necklaces: Inscribed Staff (Energy +4, Chaos Dmg: 3-4 req. 4 Domination Magic, Two-handed), Cruel Staff (Energy +4, Dark Dmg: 3-4 req. 4 Blood Magic, Two-handed), Earth Staff (Energy +4, Earth Dmg: 3-4 req. 4 Earth Magic, Two-handed), Wicked Sfaff (Energy +4, Dark Dmg: 3-4 req. 4 Curses, Two-handed), Crimson Carapace Shield (Armor: 6 req. 4 Tactics), Air Wand (Lightning Dmg: 3-4 req. 5 Air Magic).

Fytch (Collector)

3 Ferid Carpaces: Jeweled Chakram (Energy +6 req. 5 Inspiration Magic), Truncheon (Cold Dmg: 3-4 req. 5 Death Magic), Flame Artifact (Energy +6 req. 5 Fire Magic), Divine Symbol (Energy +6 req. 5 Divine Favor), Runic Shield (Energy +5, Armor: 5 req. 4 Tactics), Water Wand (Cold Dmg: 3-4 req. 3 Water Magic).

Raymond Elsworth (Collector)

3 Stormy Eyes: Jeweled Staff (Energy +4, Chaos Dmg: 3-4 req. 4 Illusion Magic), Cruel Staff (Energy +4, Dark Dmg: 3-4 req. 4 Blood Magic), Frost Artifact (Energy +6 req. 5 Water Magic), Healing Ankh (Energy +6 req. 5 Healing Prayers), War Hammer of Fortitude (Blunt Dmg: 11-17 req. 3 Hammer Mastery), Earth Wand (Earth Dmg: 3-4 req. 5 Earth Magic).

Paige Osbourne (Collector)

3 Charr Carvings: Inscribed Staff (Energy +4, Chaos Dmg: 3-4 req. 4 Domination Magic, Two-handed), Bone Staff (Energy +4, Cold Dmg: 3-4 req. Death Magic, Two-handed), Water Staff (Energy +4, Cold Dmg: 3-4 req. 3 Water Magic, Two-handed), Protective Icon (Energy +6 req. 5 Protection Prayers), Ascalon Maul of Fortitude (Blunt Dmg: 11-17 req. 3 Hammer Mastery, Two-handed), Fire Wand (Fire Dmg: 3-4 req. 5 Fire Magic).

Pockmark Flats

Nicanor Gannel (Collector)

3 Enchanted Lodestones: Inscribed Chakram (Energy +6 req. 5 Domination Magic), Idol (Energy +6 req. 5 Curses), Earth Wand (Earth Dmg: 3-4 req. 5 Earth Magic), Smiting Staff (Energy +4, Light Dmg: 3-4 req. 4 Smiting Prayers, Two-handed), Fiery Flame Spitter (Fire Dmg: 5-12 req. 3 Axe Mastery), Ascalon Bow (Piercing Dmg: 9-13 req. 3 Marksmanship, Two-handed).

Ouran Odwin (Collector)

3 Stormy Eyes: Cane (Chaos Dmg: 3-4 req. 5 Domination Magic), Idol (Energy +6 (req. 5 Curses), Water Wand (Cold Dmg: 3-4 req. 3 Water Magic), Smiting Staff (Energy +4, Light Dmg: 3-4 req. 4 Smiting Prayers), Ascalon Axe of Fortitude (Dmg: 5-12 req. 3 Axe Mastery), Diessa Flatbow of Fortitude (Piercing Dmg: 9-13 req. 3 Marksmanship).

Grendich Courtyhouse (Town)

Graine Hathorn (Collector)

4 Fetid Carapaces: Boots (Armor: 31).

Diessa Lowlands

Martel Bastions (Collector)

3 Enchanted Lodestones: Jeweled Chalice (Energy +6 req. 5 Illusion Magic), Wicked Staff (Energy +4, Dark Dmg: 3-4 req. 4 Curses, Two-handed), Scroll (Energy +6 req. 5 Earth Magic), Protective Icon (Energy +6 req. 5 Protection Prayers), Grim Cesta (Energy +6 req. 5 Blood Magic), Ascalon Bow (Piercing Dmg: 9-13 req. 3 Marksmanship, Two-handed).

Wain Hughes (Collector)

3 Charr Carvings: Jeweled Chakram (Energy +6 req. 5 Inscription Magic), Cruel Staff of Fortitude (Energy +4, Dark Dmg: 3-4 req. 4 Blood Magic, Two-handed), Fire Wand (Fire Dmg: 3-4 req. 5 Fire Magiic), Ascalon Battle Sfaff (Energy +4, Light Dmg: 3-4 req. 4 Smiting Prayers, Two-handed), Earth Staff (Energy +4, Earth Dmg: 3-4 req. 4 Earth Magic), Ascalon Bow (Piercing Dmg: 9-13 req. 3 Marksmanship, Two-handed).

Gil Moriddan (Collector)

4 Leathery Claws: Vest (Armor: 31).

Lenerd Aberlod (Collector)

3 Singed Gargoyle Skulls: Belt Pouch (Holds 5 Items)

Dragon's Gullet

Ashram Fenn (Collector)

3 Scar Behemoth Jaws: Inscribed Chakram (Energy +6, req. 5 Fast Casting), Grim Cesta (Energy +6, req. 5 Blood Magic), Scroll (Energy +6, req. 5 Energy Storage), Shocking Plasma Blade (Lighting Dmg: 7-10, req. 4 Swordsmanship), Grim Cesta (Energy +6, req. 5 Death Magic), Ascalon Bow (Piercing Dmg: 9-13, req. 3 Marksmanship, Two-handed).

Nazag Fenn (Collector)

9 Gruesome Ribcages: Bag (Holds 5 Items)

Ascalon Foothils

Dael (Collector)

3 Leathery Claws: Bag (Holds 5 Items)