The Falls | Maguuma Jungle | Guild Wars Prophecies poradnik Guild Wars: Prophecies
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 26 sierpnia 2019

The Falls
01 Village
Dark Oak (do Quest: Blood and Smoke)
Slayton Redblade (Collector)
5 Tangled Seeds: Traveler's Mask (Armor 61)
02 Camp
Lloudes the Arcane (Collector)
5 Jungle Skale Fins: Leggings (Armor: 61)
03 Statue of Balthazar
Meghan the Bright (Collector)
5 Jungle Troll Tusks: Leggings (Armor: 61)
04 Waterfall
Agrippa Stonehands (Collector)
5 Behemoth Jaws: Hunter's Mask (Armor: 61)