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Guild Wars: Prophecies - poradnik do gry

Guild Wars: Prophecies - poradnik do gry

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Mineral Springs | Southern Shiverpeaks, Sorrow's Furnace | Guild Wars Prophecies poradnik Guild Wars: Prophecies

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 26 sierpnia 2019

01 Village - Mineral Springs | Southern Shiverpeaks, Sorrows Furnace | Guild Wars Prophecies - Guild Wars: Prophecies - poradnik do gry

Mineral Springs

01 Village

Goran Grimyak (Collector)

5 Feathered Avicara Scalps: Inscribed Chakram (Energy +12, req. 9 Domination Magic), Idol (Energy +12, req. 9 Curses), Flame Artifact (Energy +12, req. 9 Fire Magic), Water Wand (Cold Dmg: 11-22, req. 9 Water Magic).

Crafter Hagrem (Materials)

Bolt of Damask (5 Plant Fibers + 5 Piles of Glittering Dust), Elonian Leather Square (5 Tanned Hide Squares + 5 Piles of Glittering Dust), Roll of Vellum (5 Wood Planks + 5 Piles of Glittering Dust), Lump of Charcoal (10 Wood Planks), Spiritwood Plank (5 Wood Planks + 10 Piles of Glittering Dust), Deldrimor Steel Ingot (10 Iron Ingots + 1 Lump of Charcoal + 5 Piles of Glittering Dust)

02 Bridge

Trego Stonebreaker (Collector)

5 Mountain Troll Tusks: Inscribed Chakram (Energy +12, req. 9 Fast Casting), Deadly Cesta (Dark Dmg: 11-22, req. 9 Blood Magic), Protective Icon (Energy +12, req. 9 Protection Prayers), Ascalon Bow (Piercing Dmg: 15-28, req. 9 Marksmanship, Two-handed).

03 Resurrection Shrine

Bariel Darkroot (Collector)

5 Alpine Seeds: Jeweled Chakram (Energy +12, req. 9 Inspiration Magic), Earth Staff (Energy +10, Earth Dmg: 11-22, req. 9 Earth Magic, Two-handed), Jeweled Chalice (Energy +12, req. 9 Illusion Magic), Scroll (Energy +12, req. 9 Earth Magic), Ascalon Bow (Piercing Dmg: 15-28, req. 9 Marksmanship, Two-handed).

04 Statue of Lyssa

05 Cave

Ice Beast (Monster) Zostawia Spectral Essence (Item)


Seer (Daj mu Spectral Essence (Item) aby uzyskać "infuse" zbroi)


Eviso Sectus (Monster do Quest: Defend Droknar's Forge)