Regent Valley | Ascalon | Guild Wars Prophecies poradnik Guild Wars: Prophecies
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 26 sierpnia 2019

Regent Valley
01 Entrance to Old Ascalon
Corwin Luceinne (Collector)
3 Ornate Grawl Neclaces: Cane (Chaos Dmg: 3-4 req. 5 Domination Magic), Truncheon (Dark Dmg: 3-4 req. 5 Curses), Flame Artifact (Energy +6 req. 5 Fire Magic), Healing Ankh (Energy +6 req. 5 Healing Prayers), Runnik Hammer (Energy +5, Blunt Dmg: 11-17 req. 3 Hammer Mastery), Air Staff (Energy +4, Lightning Dmg: 3-4 req. 4 Air Magic).
02 Entrance to Fort Ranik
Sergeant Brannen
Quest: Regent Valley Defense. Search King's Watch for Charr. See Lord Darrin for your reward. (Przeszukaj King's Watch w poszukiwaniu Charrów. Zobacz się z Lordem Darrin po odbiór nagrody). Nagroda: 500 xp, Longbow (Piercing Dmg: 9-13 req. 3 Marksmanship, Two-handed).
Artisan Kristian (Materials)
Bolt of Linen (5 Plant Fibers), Roll of Parchment (5 Wood Planks), Leather Square (5 Tanned Hide Squares), Lump of Charcoal (10 Wood Planks), Steel Ingot (10 Iron Ingots + 1 Lump of Charcoal).
Gelsan the Outfitter (Merchant)
Valeria Benes (Collector)
3 Singed Gargoyle Skulls: Cane (Chaos Dmg: 3-4 req. 5 Illusion Magic), Grim Cesta (Energy +6 req. 5 Soul Reaping), Storm Artifact (Energy +6 req. 5 Air Magic), Fire Staff (Energy +4, Fire Dmg: 3-4 req. 4 Fire Magic), Bulwark of Balthazar (Armor: 6 req. 4 Tactics), Longbow of Warding (Piercing Dmg: 9-13 req. 3 Marksmanship).
03 Bridge to Pockmark Flats
Sir Nyman (Collector)
3 Rawhide Belts: Belt Pouch (Holds 5 Items).
Stolen Goods (Item do Quest: Vanguard Equipment).
UWAGA: Trzeba zabić kilaka potworów zanim to oddadzą.
05 Bandit Hideout
Torin (Monster do Quest: The Ambassador's Quandary).
06 King's Watch
Historical Monument of King's Watch (do Quest: Cities of Ascalon)
Group of Charr (Monsters do Quest: Regent Valley Defense)
Corpse of Little Thom (do Quest: The Red-Cloaked Deserter)