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Guild Wars: Prophecies - poradnik do gry

Guild Wars: Prophecies - poradnik do gry

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Ettin's Back, Ventari's Refuge | Maguuma Jungle | Guild Wars Prophecies poradnik Guild Wars: Prophecies

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 26 sierpnia 2019

Nazwane na cześć mądrego starego Centaura opiewającego spokojne życie - Ettins Back, Ventaris Refuge | Maguuma Jungle | Guild Wars Prophecies - Guild Wars: Prophecies - poradnik do gry

Ventari's Refuge

Nazwane na cześć mądrego starego Centaura opiewającego spokojne życie. Goście odwiedzający ten przyczółek załatwiają swoje sprawy wśród korzeni olbrzymich skamieniałych drzew, z największą inteligentną rasą żywych istot.

Henchmen Level 15

Little Thom (Brawler Henchman), Claude (Cultist Henchman), Alesia (Healer Henchman), Orion (Mage Henchman), Stefan (Fighter Henchman), Reyna (Archer Henchman), Dunham (Enchanter Henchman).

Ventari (do Primary Quest: White Mantle Wrath: A Helping Hand)

Hanita (Armor: 55)

Druid's Boots (8 Tanned Hide Squares + 8 Wood Planks), Druid's Vest (24 Tanned Hide Squares + 24 Wood Planks), Druid's Gloves (8 Tanned Hide Squares + 8 Wood Planks), Druid's Legging (16 Tanned Hide Squares + 16 Wood Planks), Fur-Lined Boots (8 Tanned Hide Squares + 2 Fur Squares), Fur-Lined Vest (24 Tanned Hide Squares + 6 Fur Squares), Fur-Lined Gloves (8 Tanned Hide Squares + 2 Fur Squares), Fur-Lined Leggings (16 Tanned Hide Squares + 4 Fur Squares), Studded Leather Boots (8 Tanned Hide Squares + 2 Steel Ingots), Studded Leather Vest (24 Tanned Hide Squares + 6 Steel Ingots), Studded Leather Gloves (8 Tanned Hide Squares + 2 Steel Ingots), Studded Leather Leggings (16 Tanned Hide Squares + 4 Steel Ingots), Drakeskale Boots (8 Tanned Hide Squares + 2 Skales), Drakeskale Vest (24 Tanned Hide Squares + 6 Skales), Drakeskale Gloves (8 Tanned Hide Squares + 2 Skales), Drakeskale Leggings (16 Tanned Hide Squares + 4 Skales), Leather Boots (4 Tanned Hide Squares), Leather Vest (12 Tanned Hide Squares), Leather Gloves (4 Tanned Hide Squares), Leather Leggings (8 Tanned Hide Squares), Tamer's Mask (8 Bolts of Cloth + 2 Fur Squares), Archer's Mask (8 Bolts of Cloth + 2 Bolts of Linen), Hunter's Mask (8 Bolts of Cloth + 2 Bolts of Silk), Traveler's Mask (8 Bolts of Cloth + 2 Scales), Simple Mask (4 Bolts of Cloth).

Gilead (Merchant)

Xunlai Agent (Storage)

Jaden Fletcher (Collector)

5 Ancient Eyes: Boots (Armor: 61).

Ettin's Back

01 Entrance to Ventari's Refuge

Councilor Vaylor

Primary Quest: White Mantle Wrath: A Helping Hand. Speak with Ventari. Defeat the forces surrounding Ventari's Refuge. Return to Councilor Vaylor for your reward. (Porozmawiaj z Ventari. Pokonaj wrogów otaczających Ventari's Refuge. Wróć do Councilor Vaylor po nagrodę). Nagroda: 500 xp, Focus Item (Energy +10, req. 8 Domination Magic).

Primary Quest: Urgent Warning. Meet up with Gretchen's Scout. See Elder Gretchen for your reward. (Spotkaj się z Gretchen's Scout. Zobacz się z Elder Gretchen po odbiór nagrody). Nagroda: 500 xp, Battle Axe (Slashing Dmg: 6-21, req. 8 Axe Mastery), Smiting Staff (Energy +8, Light Dmg: 7-13, req. 8 Smiting Prayers, Two-handed).

Deep Root

Quest: Dropping Eaves. Find the White Mantle meeting spot and eavesdrop on their conversation. Return to Deep Root and tell him what you have overheard. (Znajdź miejsce spotkania Białych Płaszczy i podsłuchaj ich rozmowę. Wróć do Deep Root i opowiedz mu co udało ci się usłyszeć). Nagroda: 500 xp, skills: Iron Mist (E), Spirit of Failure (Me), Rebirth (Mo), Death Nova (N), Predatory Season (R), Shield Stance (W)

Quest: Blood and Smoke. Find Scout Melthoran in the Reed Bog. Find Dark Oak in The Falls to the southwest. Slay Drogo Greatmane. Return the Bloody Hearth to Dark Oak. Return to Deep Root and tell him of Dark Oak's warning. (Odszukaj Scout Melthoran w Reed Bog. Odszukaj Dark Oak w The Falls na południowym-zachodzie. Zabij Drogo Greatmane. Zwróć Bloody Hearth do Dark Oak. Wróć do Deep Root i powiedz mu o ostrzeżeniu przekazanym przez Dark Oak). Nagroda: 2500 xp, skills: Meteor (E), Spirit Shackles (Me), Protective Spirit (Mo), Barbed Signet (N), Savage Shot (R), "I Will Survive!" (W).

02 Ravine

Hember (Collector)

5 Thorny Carapaces: Vest (Armor: 61).

03 Cave

Lord Engelram (Collector)

5 Maguuma Manes: Boots (Armor: 61)


Snakebite (do Primary Quest: Urgent Warning)

05 Entrance to Aurora Glade

Horton Longsnout (Collector)

5 White Mantle Emblems: Vest (Armor: 61).