Diviner's Ascent | Crystal Desert | Guild Wars Prophecies poradnik Guild Wars: Prophecies
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 26 sierpnia 2019

Diviner's Ascent
01 Entrance to Elona Reach
Luven Undrerwood (Collector)
5 Minotaur Horns: Cane (Chaos Dmg: 11-22, req. 9 Domination Magic), Bone Staff (Energy +10, Cold Dmg: 11-22, req. 9 Death Magic, Two-handed), Fire Wand (Fire Dmg: 11-22, req. 9 Fire Magic), Smiting Staff (Energy +10, Light Dmg: 11-22, req. 9 Smiting Prayers, Two-handed), War Hammer (Blunt Dmg: 19-35, req. 9 Hammer Mastery, Two-handed), Ascalon Bow (Piercing Dmg: 15-28, req. 9 Marksmanship, Two-handed).
02 Camp
Cinder Linnwood (Collector)
5 Bleached Carapaces: Jeweled Staff (Energy +10, Chaos Dmg: 11-22, req. 9 Illusion Magic, Two-handed), Idol (Energy +12, req. 9 Curses), Storm Artifact (Energy +12, req. 9 Air Magic), Divine Symbol (Energy +12, req. 9 Divine Favor), Long Sword (Slashing Dmg: 15-22, req. 9 Swordsmanship).
Eater of Souls (Monster do Quest: The Monk's Path)
TIP: Gdy tu dojdziesz Eater of Souls ukryje się w podziemnych tunelach, a na ciebie wyśle dużo robali do obrony. Musisz pozabijać wszystkie Jade Scarabs zanim wyjdzie z pod ziemi.
3 Tempest Drakes (Monsters do Quest: The Mesmer Path)