Nebo Terrace, Cursed Lands, Bergen Hot Springs | Northern Kryta poradnik Guild Wars: Prophecies
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 1 sierpnia 2016

Nebo Village
Inspector Caleb
Quest: The Hot Springs Murders. Go to Bergen Hot Springs and obtain a written testimony from Andar D'Leod. Go to Bergan Hot Springs and obtain a written testimony from Dannel Smythe. Go to Bergen Hot Springs and obtain a written testimony from Penelope Randell. Go to Bergen Hot Springs and obtain a written testimony from Layman Josef. Return the written testimonies to Inspector Caleb in Nebo Village. Speak with Inquisitor Gilead. (Udaj się do Bergen Hot Springs i spisz zeznania od Andar D'Leod. Udaj się do Bergen Hot Springs i spisz zeznania od Dannel Smythe. Udaj się do Bergen Hot Springs i spisz zeznania od Penelope Randell. Udaj się do Bergen Hot Springs i spisz zeznania od Layman Josef. Oddaj zeznania Inspector Caleb w Nebo Village). Nagroda: 500 xp, skills: Grasping Earth (E), Illusion of Weakness (Me), Mend Ailment (Mo), Blood of the Master (N), Bestial Pounce (R), Counter Blow (W).
Inquisitor Gilead
Elder Sobel
Etham the Artisan (Materials) (do Quest: The Weaver of Nebo i Quest: Blankets for the Settlers).
Bolt of Linen (5 Plant Fibers), Roll of Parchment (5 Wood Planks), Leather Square (5 Tanned Hide Squares), Lump of Charcoal (10 Wood Planks), Steel Ingot (10 Iron Ingots + 1 Lump of Charcoal).
Bergen Hot Springs
Lecznicze właściwości tego miejsca są znane w całej Tyrii. Pielgrzymi ściągają tu ze wszystkich stron w nadziej wyleczenia różnorodnych chorób, poczynając od reumatyzmu, a kończąc na opętaniu przez demony. Woda wypływająca ze źródeł Bergen Hot Springs jest kluczowym składnikiem mikstur i maści powszechnie używanych przez medyków.
Henchmen Level 12
Little Thom (Brawler Henchman), Claude (Cultist Henchman), Alesia (Healer Henchman), Orion (Mage Henchman), Stefan (Fighter Henchman), Reyna (Archer Henchman), Dunham (Enchanter Henchman).
Krytan Herald
Andar D'leod (do Quest: The Hot Spring Murders)
Dannel Smythe (do Quest: The Hot Spring Murders)
Penelope Randell (do Quest: The Hot Spring Murders)
Layman Josef (do Quest: The Hot Spring Murders)
Sewell (Weapons) - Customize Weapon.
Kailan (Armor: 49)
Leather Boots (3 Tanned Hide Squared), Leather Vest (9 Tanned Hide Squared), Leather Gloves (3 Tanned Hide Squared), Leather Leggings (6 Tanned Hide Squared), Druid's Boots (6 Tanned Hide Squared + 4 Wood Planks), Driuid's Vest (18 Tanned Hide Squared + 12 Wood Planks), Druid's Gloves (6 Tanned Hide Squared + 4 Wood Planks), Druid's Leggings (12 Tanned Hide Squared + 8 Wood Planks), Tamer's Mask (6 Bolts of Cloth + 1 Fur Square), Archer's Mask (6 Bolts of Cloth + 1 Bolt of Linen), Hunter's Mask (6 Bolts of Cloth + 1 Bolt of Silk), Simple Mask (3 Bolts of Cloth), Traveler's Mask (6 Bolts of Cloth + 1 Scale).
Luka (Merchant)
Xunlai Agent (Storage)
Milny Samhammil (Collector)
4 Mergoyle Skulls: Jeweled Chalice (Energy +8, req. 6 Illusion Magic), Grim Cesta (Energy +8, req. 6 Soul Reaping), Water Wand (Cold Dmg: 5-10, req. 6 Water Magic), Holy Rod (Fire Dmg: 5-10, req. 6 Divine Favor), Crimson Carapace Shield (Armor: 9, req. 6 Tactics), Air Wand (Lightning Dmg: 5-10, req. 6 Air Magic).
Nebo Terrace
01 House
Beldon the Blade (Collector)
4 Mergoyle Skulls: Inscribed Staff (Energy +6, Chaos Dmg: 5-10, req. 6 Domination Magic, Two-handed), Wicked Staff (Energy +6, Dark Dmg: 5-10, req. 6 Curses, Two-handed), Frost Artifact (Energy +8, req. 6 Water Magic), Storm Artifact (Energy +8, req. 6 Air Magic), Grim Cesta (Energy +8, req. 6 Death Magic), Ascalon Bow (Piercing Dmg: 12-21, req. 6 Marksmanship, Two-handed).
02 Mill
Kira Thorne (Collector)
4 Glowin Hearts: Inscribed Chakram (Energy +8, req. 6 Fast Casting), Deadly Cesta (Dark Dmg: 5-10, req. 6 Blood Magic), Earth Staff (Energy +6, Earth Dmg: 5-10, req. 6 Earth Magic, Two-handed), Healing Ankh (Energy +8, req. 6 Healing Prayers), Wicked Staff (Energy +6, Dark Dmg: 5-10, req. 6 Curses, Two-handed), Air Wand (Lightning Dmg: 5-10, req. 6 Air Magic).