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Red Dead Redemption - poradnik do gry

Red Dead Redemption - poradnik do gry

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Ostatnia aktualizacja: 26 lipca 2019

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Misje główne (57)

The Frontier

Northern Mexico

The North

[B] Bonnie MacFarlane

Exodus in America

New Friends, Old Problems

Obstacles in Out Path

This is Armadillo, USA

Women and Cattle

Wild Horses, Tamed Passions

A Tempest Looms

The Burning


[M] Marshal Johnson

Political Realities in Armadillo

Justice in Pike's Basin

Spare the Rod, Spoil the Bandit

Hanging Bonnie MacFarlane

The Assault on Fort Mercer


[W] Nigel Dickens

Old Swindler Blues

You Shall Not Give False Testimony, Except for Profit

Liars, Cheats, and Other Proud Americans

Can a Swindler Change His Spots?

The Sport of Kings, and Liars


[S] Seth

Exhuming and Other Fine Hobbies

A Gentle Drive with Friends

Let the Dead Bury Their Dead


[I] Irish

A French Man, a Welshman, and an Irishman

Man Is Born Unto Trouble

On Shaky's Ground

We Shall Be Together in Paradise

[LR] Landon Ricketts

The Gunslinger's Tragedy

Landon Ricketts Rides Again

Lucky in Love

The Mexican Wagon Train


[D] Vicente Desanta

Civilization, at Any Price

The Demon Drink

Empty Promises

Mexican Caesar

Cowards Die Many Times


[L] Luisa Fortuna

My Sister's Keeper

Must a Savior Die?

Father Abraham

Captain De Santa's Downfall


[R] Abraham Reyes

The Great Mexican Train Robbery

The Gates of El Presidio

An Appointed Time

[G] Agent Edgar Ross

Bear One Another's Burdens

Great Men Are Not Always Wise

And You Will Know the Truth

And the Truth Will Set You Free


[Mc] Professor MacDougal

At Home with Dutch

For Purely Scientific Purpose

The Prodigal Son Returns (to Yale)


[A] Home Missions - Abigail

The Outlaw's Return


Old Friends, New Problems


[J] Home Missions - Jack

John Marston and Son

Wolves, Dogs, and Sons

Spare the Love, Spoil the Child


[U] Home Missions - Uncle

By Sweat and Toil

A Continual Feast


[J] Home Missions - Finale

The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed

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