Soldner: Secret Wars - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.33980 - Download
Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Soldner: Secret Wars z gatunku Gry Akcji, wersja v.33980, data publikacji 19 stycznia 2016.
typ plikuAktualizacja do gry
rozmiar pliku495,9 MB
pobrań (7 dni)0
data aktualizacji19 stycznia 2016
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Patch o numerze 33980 do gry Soldner: Secret Wars. Poniżej anglojęzyczny opis aktualizacji:
rcon command !rcon banned is working now
rcon command !rcon unban is working now
fixed a bug that caused commanders to get stuck when players entered their vehicle while outside their AOI
players can now open the vote screen from the respawn screen
public rcon commands are working now (version, ranking, list settings/users/mapcycle)
the rcon list mapcycle command now also works for large mapcycles (the next 10 maps get listed in that case)
fixed a server crash that could occur when animations were not loaded properly
adjusted default player limits for different map sizes
added a function to reset the limits to default in the web interface
MP7 reconfigured
baseprice adjustments to several rifles and pistols (Saiga .308, HK MR762, HK G3A3ZF, HK G36, PP-19 Bizon, Glock 18, Freedom Arms Model 83)
correction of Freedom Arms Model 83's recoil
baseprice of 'Mowag Eagle III' and 'Fennek JFST' reduced
increased baseprice of "B1 Centauro"
new weapon configuration for submarines of 'Sang-O' class
fixed range of laser sensors in Cobra and Tiger helicopters
fixed damage dealt with some mounted MG against heavy attack helicopters
issues with the range of Anti-Air artillerie guns fixed
added new text-language: Portuguese (Translations done by IgorWarrior)
added new waving AGS
added new 'Thanks' AGS
the medikit stimpack takes less time to apply now
medikit stimpack lasts slightly longer now
healing players is rewarded with more money now
accoustic decoys are a bit less effective now
radar range of wheeled tanks (Centauro, Rooikat) set to 300m (half radius of minimap)
engine settings of Fennek improved
fixed lean of submarines
maneuverability of Seawolf airplane reduced
added altimeter for seawolf pilot
fixed position of WSO-seat in the F-15
resistances of buildings vs. various cannons rebalanced
turn and corner behaviour of Infauna and BTR-70 improved
Models / Textures
BRDM-2 with BPU-1 turret re-introduced
added new object ship wreck
Maps removed:
Hell Valley (people will no longer be able to get vehicles on infantry map Village)
Cross River
added two new maps: Todra Gorge, Winterspring
implemented some optimizations to map Wayne Island
- data aktualizacji: 19 stycznia 2016
- kategoria gry: Akcji
- rozmiar pliku: 495,9 MB