Soldner: Secret Wars - Community Edition - v.33931 - Pełna wersja gry - Download
Pobierz i zagraj za darmo i legalnie w pełną wersję gry Soldner: Secret Wars z gatunku Gry Akcji w wersji Community Edition - v.33931 na komputer lub laptop z systemem Windows. Do pobrania za darmo i legalnie. Życzymy miłego grania.
typ plikuPełna wersja gry
rozmiar pliku498,1 MB
pobrań (7 dni)0
data aktualizacji29 stycznia 2013
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Akcja SÖLDNER: Secret Wars toczy się w niezbyt odległej przyszłości roku 2010. Wielkim potęgom jak Stany Zjednoczone czy Rosja po blisko połowie wieku znudziła się rola tzw. „Światowej Policji”. Prowadzone przez te kraje kampanie militarne i sankcje ekonomiczne bardzo negatywnie odbiły się na ich gospodarce, ekonomii i przede wszystkim bezpieczeństwie narodowym. Powoli nadrzędną rolę w międzynarodowych konfliktach zaczęły odgrywać małe i dobrze zorganizowane grupy najemników, wykorzystujące bardzo nowoczesny sprzęt bojowy ( pojazdy opancerzone, śmigłowce, oraz samoloty startu pionowego).
Uwaga: Gra w wersji Community Edition w angielskiej wersji językowej. Poniżej anglojęzyczny opis zawartości tej wersji (v.33931)
Here's the free Community Edition of Soldner Secret Wars, the 1st/3rd-person tactical military shooter. The Community Edition is a revised version of Soldner Secret Wars (and its expansion Marine Corps) that is completely free of charge.
Söldner / Marine Corps is all about multiplayer. There is a huge selection of maps with different terrains, vegetation- and climate zones. Fight on the ground, on and under water or in the air. The ingame-time is fully adjustable, so you can fight at sunrise, afternoon, at midnight or any other time in between. The server administrators can use any daytime in combination with any weatherconditions they like, or let the time progress automatically after each round played. These weathersettings allow drastic changes of atmosphere and conditions on the battlefield.
The multiplayer contains a large variety of gamemodes to advance your experience.
Capture the Flag
Capture the Vehicle
For faster communication use the Advanced Gesture System, but there is also chat system, allowing you to talk, either global or to your team. Each team can vote a commander, who can lead the team from above using a satellite view, employing airstrikes etc. Due to the destructible environment you can change the tactical conditions on the battlefield in many ways. You can select your weapon from a big selection of arms, for use in battle and also pilot lots of different vehicles depending on the money you or your team have earned.
This download contains the installer for the full game, all you need to install and play the game.
All sounds are in English language. Optional localizations in German, French, Spanish can be downloaded automatically by the installer or manually.
Download the server files here.
Recommended system requirements:
CPU: at least 1.8 Ghz per core
Graphics card: DirectX9 card with 128 MB memory
Changelog 33920 -> 33931
rockets no longer 'get stuck' in vehicles
empty flyers can no longer be damaged by weapons that are too weak for their armor
the pre-spawn terminal now allows to buy up to three types of grenades
both visors (IR + NV) can be bought at the same time from the pre-spawn terminal now
the pre-spawn terminal now features buttons to sell the currently equipped items
the ASDS submarine's mobile spawn point is now available without a player in the boat
the Scout Kit no longer features the IR strobe grenades, they can now be bought like regular grenades
the Scout Kit now has laser and infrared target designators
fixed an error in the damage calculation for small arms
implemented new rocket type torpedo
the server executable now takes the command line parameters wwwport and port
submarines dive a little bit faster now
added a new function that allows units to jam the enemies radar
the radar distances are now calculated correctly in multiplayer
countermeasures for torpedos added
vehicles that can't detect enemy units on radar no longer show a radar distance
implemented a new function that allows vehicles to detect radar contacts for other units
players in closed vehicles no longer receive splash damage
the User.ini can now also be used to overwrite settings of the options.ini
added new command line parameter -config: to load any ini file with config settings
ships now sink when they are destroyed (in at least 5m deep water)
added new XML parameter to control if a vehicle can be transported with a helicopter hook
fixed a bug that caused some ships not show up on the radar
commanders can now use the keyboard keys to accept/reject team fund requests in commander mode and in vehicles
fixed a rare client crash that could occur when a helicopter was destroyed
the mobile respawn vehicle is now locked for other players once it is activated
added a function that enables the commander to lock/unlock mobile respawn vehicles
fixed a server crash that could occur when players initiated a knife attack while losing the knife
changed distance calculation method for all rocket sensors
removed the commander function to split the team account
the !hud 0/1 commands now additionally toggle the reticle, posture icon, passenger numbers, chat, kill messages, gamemode information
fixed a bug that caused the limit for mobile respawns per team to be ignored
maximum number of mobile respawns per team is now 3
changed major parts of the rocket physics code
added new ranking event to upload information on the player model to the ranking database
the kill distance is now displayed for unmanned units as well
torpedo splash damage is no longer reduced by the water surface
the mapcycle options screen of the server admin interface no longer hides certain maps
fixed a bug with the server-client synchronization of flyers (had no impact on regular game play)
the commander player list is now always sorted alphabetically
fixed a client crash that could occur when a player was in tracking spectator mode during map change
changed several German translations of AGS menu texts to match the sound sample
edited several English gesture texts
implemented four new AGS gestures (V-F-Y, V-F-M, V-F-A, V-J-D)
vehicle 'Marder' now has night vision
vehicle 'CV90' now has infrared vision
renamed vehicle 'Avenger' to 'M1097 Avenger'
renamed jet 'AV-8B Harrier' to 'AV-8B Harrier II'
renamed launcher 'Stinger Weapon System' to 'FIM-92A Stinger'
renamed launcher 'CR-90CR (M3)' to 'C90-CR (M3)'
changed country codes to match ISO-3166-1 three letter code
changed origin of vehicle 'Type 93' to Japan
changed origin of jet 'AN72 Coaler' to Ukraine
changed origin of jet 'Eurofighter' to Europe
changed origin of helicopter 'PAH Tiger HAP' to Europe
changed origin of helicopter 'PAH Bo105' to Europe
changed origin of helicopter 'Cougar' to Europe
changed origin of helicopter 'SA360 Dauphin' to Europe
changed origin of helicopter 'Bell UH1D' to USA
vehicle 'Fennek' can now use the IR Marker from a gunner seat
reduced refill costs of TV guided rockets massively
flight time of TV guided rockets slightly increased
all helicopters react slightly faster now
added stealth capabilities to Comanche helicopters, 'F-117A Nighthawk' and 'F-22 Raptor'
changed origin of weapon 'M93 Black Arrow' to Serbia
helicopters 'PAH Bo105' and 'Black-Hawk UH60G' can now engage IR targets
renamed jet 'C-130 Hercules AWACS' to 'EC-130H Compass Call' and added radar jamming capabilities
vehicle 'Fennek' now has radar scouting abilities (units close by see the radar contacts of the Fennek)
jet 'EC-130H Compass Call' now has radar scouting abilities
jet 'Eurofighter' has two anti-air missiles less now (not enough weapon slots on the aircraft)
both submarines are harder to lock now
maximum radar range for all units is now 1000m
jet 'EC-130 Compass Call' now detects empty vehicles on radar
vehicle 'Type 93' renamed to 'Type 93 Closed Arrow'
all game units except the biggest boats and submarines can now be transported with the helicopter hook
smoke grenade launchers on all vehicles now are in single shot mode (primary and alternative fire)
all flyers no longer shoot their flares in automatic mode, but single fire instead
TOW-Stand now has an improved radar using a 360° angle and a range of up to 600m
'VCC 80 Dardo' and 'Fennek' now have a radar range of up to 1000m
ranges of radars have changed for ships (RIB, VSV: 300m; RAC, SOC-R: 500m; Mark V, CB 90, CB 90AA: 1000m)
all Blackhawk-Helicopters (but the Gunship) now have launchers for smoke grenades
the radar of the Antonov An-24 was fixed and should work as those of An-72 and Y-7H
increased the power of the MK85-Grenades (Type-63 tank) and the MK100-Grenades (BMP-3 tank)
reload costs for Ataka-V launchers reduced by 6,67%
maximum pitch angle along the y-axis for Hokum helicopter increased by 40%
changed settings for the AC2T-Swatter Sensors to solve some issues with a too small lock-on range
refactored all launcher-systems and their targeting sensors
jet 'Su-39 Frogfoot Hydra' renamed to 'Su-25MK Scorpion'
jet 'Su-39 Frogfoot' renamed to 'Su-39 Frogfoot (Su-25TK)'
jet 'Su-25MK Scorpion' now uses proper S-8KOM Rockets in B-8M1 Launcher-Pods instead of Hydra Rockets
Ships, Jets and VTOLs now belong to subcategories (e.g. Transport, etc.)
new subcategories added (incl. internationalization)
all vehicles of subcategory 'transport', if they have any active radar, no longer show empty vehicles (exception: hook helis/VTOL)
weapons 'HK MP5' and 'HK MP5 Silenced' no longer feature a burst fire mode
weapon 'Rheinmetall MG 3' renamed to 'MG 3'
weapon 'USAS 12' magazine capacity increased from 10 to 20 shots
weapon 'NeoStead' renamed to 'NeoStead 2000'
weapon 'AK-74' renamed to 'AK-74M'
weapon 'AKS-74U' renamed to 'AKMSU'
weapon 'HK G3 A3' renamed to 'HK G3A3'
weapon 'HK G3A3 ZF' renamed to 'HK G3A3 ZF'
weapon 'HK OICW' renamed to 'HK XM29 OICW'
weapon 'Steyr AUG' renamed to 'Steyr AUG A2'
weapon 'M82 A1 Light Fifty' renamed to 'Barrett M82 A1 Light Fifty'
weapon 'HK PSG1' renamed to 'HK PSG-1 A1'
weapon 'Steyr .50 HS' renamed to 'Steyr HS .50'
weapon 'MGL-MK1' renamed to 'Milkor MGL'
weapon 'VSS Vintorez' now has 6 magazines instead of 3
price of weapon 'Saiga .308' decreased from $1200 to $1000
price of weapon 'HK MR762' decreased from $1800 to $1400
weapon 'Tavor MTAR 21' renamed to 'Tavor CTAR 21'
weapon 'SVD Dragunow' renamed to 'SVD Dragunov'
UCS: the ghillie suit can no longer be combined with helmets
all infantry weapons without scope have less recoil in iron sight mode now
weapon 'HK 21E' can now be used effectively while crouching
maximum range of all infantry weapons except pistols and shotguns increased
weapon 'HK MP7' magazine count increased to 5
weapon 'CheyTac LRRS M200' magazine count increased to 4
weapons 'Milkor MGL' and 'RG 6' (grenade launchers) magazine count increased to 3
rocket launchers and vehicle cannons rebalanced and named
Stinger- and TOW-rocket systems unified (e.g. resupply of a single TOW rocket cost the same, no matter upon which platform it is located)
'Javelin' renamed to 'FGM-148 Javelin Launcher'
'M136AT4' renamed to 'AT-4CS Launcher' and changed the origin to Swedish
'M202A2 MRL' renamed to 'M202A1 FLASH'
added a crosshair to the infrared and night vision sights of jets
Ural truck has now capacity for two more soldiers
BTR-70 and BMP-1 have now increased capacity for one more passenger
changed the maximum up angle of the main gun for most wheeled IFV
'Mi-24F Hind' renamed to 'Mi-25 Hind-D'
'KA-29 Helix B' renamed to 'KA-29TB Helix-B' with now 4x20 S-8KOM rockets instead of the Hydra ones
'KA-50 Hokum' renamed to 'KA-50 Black Shark' with now 2x16 S-5K1 rockets instead of the Hydra ones
'SA 360 Dauphin' renamed to 'AS 565 AB Panther' with now 2x7 SNEB rockets instead of the Hydra ones
'SA 360 Dauphin (Transport)' renamed to 'AS 565 UB Panther'
'AS 532 Cougar' renamed to 'AS 532AL Cougar'
'PAH Tiger HAP' renamed to 'EC665 Tiger' now with 22 SNEB rockets instead of the Hydra ones
'AH-6G Littlebird' renamed to 'AH/MH-6M Littlebird'
'AH-6G Littlebird MG' renamed to 'AH/MH-6M Littlebird MG'
'B-8M1 launcher' (used , e.g. with Su-25) has now 20 'S-8-KOM' Rockets (instead of 19)
constructed 'B-8W-20A launcher' for 'S-8KOM' rockets
constructed 'UB-16-57UM launcher' for 'S-5K1' rockets
KARS-Launcher and -rockets have been renamed to a suiting UB-launcher system
constructed 'SNEB HP' Rocketsystem for simple non-locking Air-2-Ground-Rockets used by European helicopters
constructed 'Matra F2' launcher system for SNEB rockets (7 rockets)
constructed 'TDA LR6822' launcher system for SNEB rockets (22 rockets)
constructed 'M260' (7 rockets) and 'M261' (19 rockets) launcher system for Hydra 70 M151 rockets
constructed 'LAU-130/A' launcher system for 19 Hydra 70 M151 rockets
unified the resupply-cost for all non-aiming AG-rockets
all AH-64D helicopters now use the LAU-130/A launcher system for their Hydras (2/4x19)
the AH-1F now uses two M261 launchers for the hydra rockets (2x19)
reduced the resupply costs for the magazines of Hind, Cobra and Comanche MG
the Hind MG got more precise but far weaker
the Comanche MG got less precise and deals a little less damage per hit
Apache and Tiger MG now have three magazines with a size of 800 rounds each (instead of 2x1200)
the range of the MG of Apache and Tiger helicopters has increased to the same as of Comanche and Cobra MG
the range of the Hokum's gun has decreased to 1000m, a second magazine was added and the resupply costs for the gun increased
'BRDM-2 ATGM' renamed to 'BRDM-2 9P137 (ATM)'
'Mowag Piranha' renamed to 'Piranha IV 8x8'
'Mowag Eagle Recce' renamed to 'Eagle III'
'Tpz. Fuchs' renamed to 'Fuchs TPz 1 A7'
'Luchs' renamed to 'Luchs SpPz 2'
'FlaRakPz Roland' renamed to 'Roland FlaRakPz'
'Leopard2A6' renamed to 'Leopard 2 A6'
'M2 Bradley' renamed to 'Bradley M2'
'M1A2 Abrams' renamed to 'Abrams M1A2'
'VCC 80 Dardo' renamed to 'Dardo VCC 80'
'PAH Bo 105' renamed to 'Bo 105P'
'Bell UH1D' renamed to 'UH-1C Iroquois'
'UH-60 Black-Hawk' renamed to 'UH-60M Black-Hawk'
'UH-60L Black-Hawk' renamed to 'UH/MH-60L Black-Hawk'
'UH-60G Black-Hawk' renamed to 'UH-60M HOT Gunship'
'UH-60M Black-Hawk' renamed to 'UH/HH-60M MedEvac'
'AH-64D Ground-Supression' renamed to 'AH-64D Apache Longbow GS'
'AH-64D Multi-Role' renamed to 'AH-64D Apache Longbow MR'
'KA-60 Kasatka' renamed to 'KA-60R Kasatka'
'Mi-17 Hip' renamed to 'Mi-17V-3 Hip-H'
'CH-47 Chinook' renamed to 'CH-47F Chinook'
prices for Jets and VTOLs adjusted
balancing and driving behaviour of all wheeled vehicles, tanks and ships overhauled
balancing for helicopters overhauled
added new submarine 'Ghadir'
added new weapon torpedo
added new torpedo carrying helicopter 'Harbin Z-9C'
added new camouflage grey2
removed vehicle 'M2A1 Bradley'
added new vehicle 'Linebacker M6 Bradley'
added new electronic warfare vehicle 'K1Sh1 Infauna'
added a new ship: an Arleigh Burke class destroyer. It's available on map Silvereye as a spawn vehicle
added new ship 'IPS-18 Tir Class'
corrected a typo on the English IR/NV start screen
removed togcom logo from all start screens (full installer only)
added a new HUD icon for radar jammers
Serpentine: added VTOL terminals in both HQs
Serpentine: added spawn helicopter 'AS 565 UB Panther' to CP Echo
Serpentine: adjusted helicopter spawn area in HQ Red to allow the larger helicopters to spawn
Warzone: added VTOL and launcher terminals in both HQs
K-Town: added VTOL terminals in both HQs
K-Town: added an airfield at CP Bravo
Pietrovsky: made launchers, equipment and VTOLs available at terminals in both HQs
Pietrovsky: added an airfield near CP Alpha
Kurvanova: made launchers, equipment and VTOLs available at both HQs
Kurvanova: modified vehicle spawn area at CP Alpha, large helicopters no longer explode when bought there
Bone Mountain: added two new checkpoints outside of the city
Bone Mountain: added an airfield to one new CP
Plattenbau: changed vehicle spawn area at HQ Red so the vehicles can't be shot from HQ Blue
Plattenbau: changed Humvee spawn area at HQ Red to cover it from fire from HQ Blue
Fishaven: added new CP Delta
Fishaven: added tank terminal to CP Charlie
Fishaven: added runways with jet terminals to both HQs
Countryside: added VTOL terminals in both HQs
Field: added VTOL terminals in both HQs
Deathcity: added VTOL terminals in both HQs
Armybase: made grenades available at every terminal
Armybase: made launchers available in both HQs
Deep Forest: made grenades available at every terminal
Island Hopper: added VTOL terminals at both outside island bases
Perimeter: added VTOL terminals at both HQs
Saint Rebekka: added airfields near both HQs
Villariva vs. Villabajo: added an airfield and jet terminal at the military base on the hill
Aspenovich: made launchers available in HQ Red
Aspenovich: added VTOL terminals in both HQs
Bruma: removed vehicle terminal at the ramp
Silvereye: the ship terminal at HQ Blue no longer has tanks available
Lenskoje: added VTOL terminals at CP Charlie and CP Delta
Baikal Sea: removed two of three stinger stands at CP Bravo
Baikal Sea: added a ship terminal at the central island
Lake Karachay: added Jet terminal to the airport at HQ Red
Lake Karachay: added VTOL terminal to HQ Blue
Desert Raid: added vehicle terminal in the city
Desert Raid: turned the outer base with helicopters into a capturable CP
Desert Raid: added an airfield with jet terminal to the new CP
River of Kazan: added VTOL terminals to the HQs
River of Kazan: added an airfield in the middle of the map
River of Kazan: added a ship terminal to the harbor on the blue side of the map
Al-Shedin: added an airport in the desert between the HQs
Al-Shedin: removed unused harbor behind the city
Nullgrad: added VTOL terminals to the HQs
Nullgrad: added an airfield in the valley next to HQ Red
Village: the flags in CTF game mode are no longer placed on the adjoining map Hell Valley
added new map: Carpathian Mountains
added new map: Vladivostok
- data aktualizacji: 29 stycznia 2013
- kategoria gry: Akcji
- rozmiar pliku: 498,1 MB