Soldner: Secret Wars - Community Edition - v.33910 - Pełna wersja gry - Download
Pobierz i zagraj za darmo i legalnie w pełną wersję gry Soldner: Secret Wars z gatunku Gry Akcji w wersji Community Edition - v.33910 na komputer lub laptop z systemem Windows. Do pobrania za darmo i legalnie. Życzymy miłego grania.
typ plikuPełna wersja gry
rozmiar pliku483,8 MB
pobrań (7 dni)0
data aktualizacji29 stycznia 2013
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Akcja SÖLDNER: Secret Wars toczy się w niezbyt odległej przyszłości roku 2010. Wielkim potęgom jak Stany Zjednoczone czy Rosja po blisko połowie wieku znudziła się rola tzw. „Światowej Policji”. Prowadzone przez te kraje kampanie militarne i sankcje ekonomiczne bardzo negatywnie odbiły się na ich gospodarce, ekonomii i przede wszystkim bezpieczeństwie narodowym. Powoli nadrzędną rolę w międzynarodowych konfliktach zaczęły odgrywać małe i dobrze zorganizowane grupy najemników, wykorzystujące bardzo nowoczesny sprzęt bojowy ( pojazdy opancerzone, śmigłowce, oraz samoloty startu pionowego).
Uwaga: Gra w wersji Community Edition w angielskiej wersji językowej. Poniżej anglojęzyczny opis zawartości tej wersji (v.33910)
Here's the free Community Edition of Soldner Secret Wars, the 1st/3rd-person tactical military shooter. The Community Edition is a revised version of Soldner Secret Wars (and its expansion Marine Corps) that is completely free of charge.
Söldner / Marine Corps is all about multiplayer. There is a huge selection of maps with different terrains, vegetation- and climate zones. Fight on the ground, on and under water or in the air. The ingame-time is fully adjustable, so you can fight at sunrise, afternoon, at midnight or any other time in between. The server administrators can use any daytime in combination with any weatherconditions they like, or let the time progress automatically after each round played. These weathersettings allow drastic changes of atmosphere and conditions on the battlefield.
The multiplayer contains a large variety of gamemodes to advance your experience.
Capture the Flag
Capture the Vehicle
For faster communication use the Advanced Gesture System, but there is also chat system, allowing you to talk, either global or to your team. Each team can vote a commander, who can lead the team from above using a satellite view, employing airstrikes etc. Due to the destructible environment you can change the tactical conditions on the battlefield in many ways. You can select your weapon from a big selection of arms, for use in battle and also pilot lots of different vehicles depending on the money you or your team have earned.
This download contains the installer for the full game, all you need to install and play the game.
All sounds are in English language. Optional localizations in German, French, Spanish can be downloaded automatically by the installer or manually.
Download the server files here.
Recommended system requirements:
CPU: at least 1.8 Ghz per core
Graphics card: Newer than year 2004
changelog version v33900 > 33910
fixed a server crash that could occur when the server was running for a long time
fixed a bug that prevented all SSW servers from being started until the root server was rebooted
fixed an error that caused vehicle movement to be very jumpy
removed dot in the crosshairs for infantry players
removed shuffle maps function
added a new button in the server webinterface to randomize the order of the current map rotation
grenades and C4 no longer bounce back when thrown against a glass window
scout targets now disappear when the target is dead
removed an error in the help text of the !vote command
launchers no longer play shot sound when tried to fire from a disallowed posture
fixed issue that caused some LAN servers to be unjoinable
added new scope element to show distance to the target
the vote timeout setting of the webinterface works now
adjusted hardware id system to exclude more invalid IDs
fixed a bug that could be exploited to crash servers
SCQ game mode now has the same caps calculation as Conquest
activating a vehicle scope no longer changes your weapon
players wearing the red lumberjack shirt get a 25% speed bonus when driving the tractor
fixed an error that could prevent target locking when several targets were visible
removed 800x600 screen resolution from the options menu (no longer supported by the GUI system)
added new IR target system that allows certain aircrafts to lock their rockets on special infrared targets. Targets can be set by:
Scout Kit infrared signal grenade
Gunner of the helicopter (target is only visible to the pilot)
recon vehicle Fennek
compass waypoint markers replaced by flag/target icons (workaround for Direct3D 11 shader issues)
the server executable no longer needs the -user:server parameter to start the server
the commander mode now displays the base names in conquest game modes
weapon tracer rounds now ricochet from surfaces
crashlogs are now written to the Soldner Secret Wars folder in the users My Documents directory
the terminal window is now larger to be able to display more weapons at the same time
added a search function for the terminal; typing a weapon name will set the cursor to the weapon
the player model's hands and arms are now visible when using the weapon's ironsight
weapon M16 A2 removed
HEMMT trucks have more powerfull brakes now
Apache Close Support removed from the game
added passenger seat to Luchs and enabled the gunner to take over the weapon
price and armor of BRDM-1 reduced
BMD2 has more buoyancy now
crosshair amplitude reduced when having a high pulse
some vehicles can now honk
updated ironsight camera settings and soldier animations for all weapons
KA-50 Hokum cannon reconfigured
A-10 gatling cannon now has greater dispersion
Fennek visor turret modified
M4 AimPoint model remodeled
added new weapon HK MR762
added 9 new camouflage settings
added new vehicle Lada Niva
- data aktualizacji: 29 stycznia 2013
- kategoria gry: Akcji
- rozmiar pliku: 483,8 MB