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Ultima IX: Ascension - poradnik do gry

Ultima IX: Ascension - poradnik do gry

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Dungeon: Shame | Ultima IX Ascension poradnik Ultima IX: Ascension

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 4 października 2019

Zanim wejdziemy do Shame musimy porozmawiać z duchem Sir Dupre przy Shrine of Honor, jego pomoc będzie nam potrzebna aby wypełnić wszystkie zadania w labiryncie - Dungeon: Shame | Ultima IX Ascension - Ultima IX: Ascension - poradnik do gry

Zanim wejdziemy do Shame musimy porozmawiać z duchem Sir Dupre przy Shrine of Honor, jego pomoc będzie nam potrzebna aby wypełnić wszystkie zadania w labiryncie.

Zadaniem jest odzyskanie Glyph of Honor i Chalice of Honor

01 - Press switch
02 - Fire few times at target (look up), turn eye to open doors
03 - Track fireball at target
04 - Press statues and track fireballs at targets
05 - Track fireball at moving target
06 - Press Violet Switch to make statues change colors. Stop each statue at gray color. When statues start to flash very fast try to stop them at red color. Take the Globe from the chest
07 - Press buttons in order : 1,F,2,F,3,F ... etc. Fireball should hit all the targets in one run.

Po wyjściu z labiryntu należy kontynuować dalej misje w Trinsic - Dungeon: Shame | Ultima IX Ascension - Ultima IX: Ascension - poradnik do gry

08 - Shot at target, press both switches
09 - Switch all switches but avoid eye look at you
10 - Put globe on pedestal to open way to upper level of dungeon
11 - Press a switch and take cart
12 - Enter Blue Light
13 - Click on Statue
14 - Click most W switch and take cart, enter Yellow Light, go and click statue 13
15 - Click switch on eye and enter Red Light, go back and click statue, enter teleport
16 - You appears here, speak mantra "SUMM" to brake force field
17 - Take Sword of Light
18 - Fight Wyrmguard to open glyph room
19 - Take Glyph of Honor
20 - Take teleport and jump flying steps
21 - Talk to Blackthorn, watch when he destroy Chalice, take random cup and try to go out of the room, Ghost of Sir Dupre tel you about real Chalice

Po wyjściu z labiryntu należy kontynuować dalej misje w Trinsic