Naszyjniki, amulety i pierścienie | Przedmioty poradnik Wrota Baldura: Opowieści z Wybrzeża Mieczy
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 1 sierpnia 2016
Naszyjniki, amulety i pierścienie
Amulets & Neclaces
[AMUL17] Greenstone Amulet (special: protection against all charm, confusion, fear, domination, ESP, detect alignment, hold, stun, psionics, sleep and feeblemind, much like the 8th level wizard spell Mind Blank) - Ulgoth's Beard Store and Inn.
[AMUL18] Wolfsbane Charm (THACO +2 bonus vs. Lycanthropes, damage +2 bonus vs. Lycanthropes) - Dradeel na Werewolf Island.
[HELM15] Kiel's Helmet (special: protect against critical hits, protect against all forms of panic and boosts morale) - podziemia Dulgar's Tower level II.
[RING05] Ring of Invisibility "Sandthief's Ring" (special: wearer becomes invisible until an attack is made) - Ulgoth's Beard Sttore and Inn.
[RING09] Ring of Free Action "Edventar's Gift" (special: the wearer is immune to everything) - Dushai w Ulgoth's Beard.