Broń | Przedmioty poradnik Wrota Baldura: Opowieści z Wybrzeża Mieczy
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 1 sierpnia 2016
Axe Proficiency - Axes
[AX1H07] Bala's Axe "Wizard Slayer" (damage 1D8, special: miscast magic affects victim on each sucessful hit, speed 7) - podziemia Durlag's Tower level III.
Blunt Weapons Proficiency - Staffs, Maces & War Hammers
[STAF05] Staff of Striking (damage 1D6 +9, THACO +3 bonus, speed 1) - podziemia Durlag's Tower level IV.
[STAF06] Staff Mace (THACO +2 bonus, damage 2D4+2, speed 2) - w domu Dradeela na Werewolf Island North.
[STAF07] - Staff Spear +2 (THACO +2 bonus, damage 1D8 +3, speed 4) - Kirinhale na III piętrzę Durlag's Tower
[STAF08] Quarter Staff +3 "Aule's Staff" - Ulgoth's Beard Store and Inn.
[BLUN09] Kiel's Morningstar (cursed - damage 2D4 +3, THACO +3, special: this weapon is cursed and instills a berserker fury in its wielder) - grobowiec Kiela w podziemiach Durlag's Tower na levelu II.
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