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Original War - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v. - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Original War z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja v., data publikacji 4 grudnia 2015.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku126,7 MB


pobrań (7 dni)1

data aktualizacji4 grudnia 2015

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Original War patch v. - Darmowe Pobieranie |

Patch o numerze do gry Original War. Poniżej anglojęzyczny opis aktualizacji:

Added: Make it so mods can change Gallery parts and add new ones (Issue #116)

Added: Add ability to customize SAIL Syntax Highlighting (Issue #120)

Added: When creating new Unit re-use old slots (Issue #130)

Added: Error Log Tick (Issue #149)

Added: Steam Workshop Support (Issue #189)

Bug Fix: Am08 (Issue #6)

Bug Fix: problemy z intrem Ru (Issue #94)

Bug Fix: Am10_cont (Issue #100)

Bug Fix: Ru02 (Issue #103)

Bug Fix: Multiplayer maps (Issue #105)

Bug Fix: Alt tabbing ogl (Issue #106)

Bug Fix: OWOGL re-loads some textures before drawing each frame (Issue #113)

Bug Fix: GrndSec throws error about multiple OW's (Issue #115)

Bug Fix: Clicking on Minimap using OpenGL Renderer doesn't work (Issue #117)

Bug Fix: OW Editor Leaks memory when using Raise/Lower Hex (Issue #118)

Bug Fix: Contaminating scientist (Issue #122)

Bug Fix: Putting driver into sleep with soporific ammunition (Issue #126)

Bug Fix: Invalid Hint Types set in Custom Maps do not show correct image (OGL) (Issue #137)

Bug Fix: OW Editor allows users to create files with non-standard ASCII characters (Issue #145)

Bug Fix: Shift+Exit vehicle bug (Issue #159)

Bug Fix: Am13 (Issue #167)

Bug Fix: Am02 (Issue #168)

Bug Fix: Ru08 (Issue #177)

Bug Fix: Too many Anim Layers (Issue #190)

Bug Fix: Too many Lasers (Issue #191)

Bug Fix: Editor does not display GBI when first imported (Issue #193)

Bug Fix: Arabian Layout bug (Issue #194)

Bug Fix: Am06 - Fixed minor misspelling.

Bug Fix: Am15 - Laggy behaviour was reported

Bug Fix: Ru09 - Fixed minor dialogue error (dialogue string was misspelled)

Changed: Am05 (Issue #45)

Changed: Ru15a + Am15a (Issue #156)

Changed: Ru15a + Am15a (Issue #157)

Changed: Ru15a + Am15a (Issue #158)

Improved: Implement AVI Videos in OpenGL Renderer (Issue #92)

Improved: Points of Siberit detection and shipments on minimap (Issue #128)

Improved: Modify Server to Pause Game when a client requests more than 1 second worth of Ticks (Issue #151)

Improved: Make Randomize SAIL functions unusable in Multiplayer Maps (Issue #160)

Improved: Hide "Include"-section in SAIL editor (Issue #169)

Improved: Increase max environment objects from 1500 to 5000 (Issue #181)

Improved: Make reg_obj2 a dynamic array (Issue #182)

  • data aktualizacji: 4 grudnia 2015
  • kategoria gry: Strategiczne
  • rozmiar pliku: 126,7 MB

Pliki do gry Original War






7 dni

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