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Alea Jacta Est - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.04 rc - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Alea Jacta Est z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja v.1.04 rc, data publikacji 21 listopada 2014.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku65 MB


pobrań (7 dni)0

data aktualizacji21 listopada 2014

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Patch o numerze 1.04 do gry Alea Jacta Est. Poniżej anglojęzyczny opis aktualizacji:

NEW EXE (dated 07/10/2014)

- Permits to play all BOR and HAN scenarios inside AJE, if those games are installed in your hard drive(*)

- Significant improvements to AI code (including but not restricted to the ability to assault in sieges and revised supply management in sieges, better handling of siege works RGD, and more!)

- Fixes a bug that prevented the AI to build some units

- Modding: music sound volume can now be tweaked: inoMusicVolume; Verbosity_AI_BNU_ for verbosity in Build New Units; and more

(* - this feature may not work as such with the Steam version)


- New look for the faction selection window

- Added an extended detail panel for units with more than 13 elements

- Increased max level of zoom (thanks, Bohémond !)

- Modding: Military control overlay can be displayed with subfactions colors and not only factions (in userinterface.opt file, put inoSubfactionForMCOverlay = 1)


All scenarios:

- Fix to strong disciplinarian ability of the Legatus (will increase discipline of legions)

- Improvement in combat capabilities of Iberian and Numidian cavalry

- Fix of a DB error that caused too short build times for some militia units

- Punish RGD does not give NM bonus anymore

- Rework of several events to fix a rare issue when some leaders could not be recognized as being in-play if merged with a unit

Marius vs Sulla scenario

- Fix to consequences of Dardanos peace to Pontic troops in Macedonia and Graecia

Great Mithridatic War scenario:

- Armenian armies remain fixed when Pontus declares war

- Mankaios manus starts in Edessa

- Bithynia inheritance event probability increased

- Pontic generals/admirals Aristonicus and Dionysius have no longer Areabound penalties

- Fix to date of entry of consuls Publicola and Lentulus (and their removal if Crassus enters the game)

Severus 193 Scenario:

- Barbarians Threat Events reworked

- Armenia Supports Event fixed

The Roman Civil War (Caesar vs Pompey) scenario:

- Parthia is now inactive and locked.

- Mauretanian Horsemen Option fixed

Parthian Wars extension:

Traianus scenario:

- Fix to double Catilius leader in Armenia annexation option

- Small fix to Armenia invasion event (Colchis regions do not unlock)

- Fix to Cyprus judean revolt event: only roman garrison units are eliminated

- Fix to Egyptian judean revolt event: Nubae region is unlocked

- Fix to region loyalty change in Annexation of Armenia and Agbar betrayal options

Crassus Scenario:

-Fix Armenia Sue for Peace Event

-Fix to region loyalty change in Comagene switches sides and Agbar betrayal options

Marc Antonius Scenario:

-Fix Armenia Sue for Peace Event

-Fix to region loyalty change in Comagene switches sides and Lysanias rallying options

Severus scenario

- Fix to death of Vologese event


- Area Bound Ability Informations added

  • data aktualizacji: 21 listopada 2014
  • kategoria gry: Strategiczne
  • rozmiar pliku: 65 MB

Pliki do gry Alea Jacta Est






7 dni

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