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Alea Jacta Est - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.0.1 - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Alea Jacta Est z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja v.1.0.1, data publikacji 20 listopada 2012.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku35,1 MB


pobrań (7 dni)0

data aktualizacji20 listopada 2012

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Wersja: v.1.0.1

Patch do gry Alea Jacta Est. Poniżej anglojęzyczny opis aktualizacji:


-Corrected bug on RGD constraint MustNoBeOwnedRegion

-Correction bug on entering enemy territory

-New generic weather resistance attributes


-changed the terrains, models and units to improve a bit the 'chances' of non-Romans vs Romans.

Movement will be overall slower, and deployment of light/irregular units more favored in difficult terrains.

-Fixed DB Issues with Python Scripts (Thank you Lafrite) and Berto's report (on Matrix Forum)

UI :

-Fixed a display issue in Social Mode for 1024 screen resolution

-New localized buttons in MainMenu/Options

Events/Setups :

-Fixed wrong CP penalty applied to absorbed factions and to recruited generic generals (Year of Four Emperors and Severus scenarios)

-Corrected some mismatches between tooltip and map regarding Roman Roads (Year of Four Emperors and Severus


-Legions not recruitable in small islands

-Fixed some MTB allocation issues in Severus and Marius vs Sulla Scenarios

-Fixed End of Faction Chain of Events in Year of 4 Emperors and Severus scenarios

-Fixed regeneration of Iberian Archers recruitment option

-Rome not controlled event now will give -20 VP malus

-Merchant sunk events corrected and now will give a -10 money malus

Marius vs Sulla scenario

-Lusitanians made a bit weaker

-Fixed blocked naval leaders in Lucullus odyssey

-Fixed some loyalty issues

-Fixed some stack fixing issues

-Fixed High Priest suicide event

-Fixed Peace of Dardanos issues.

Great Mithridatic War scenario

- Sertorius experience reduced a bit, as well as the Iberian power, should balance the Hispanian situation

- Added Pontic Catapultae to the force pool

Caesar vs Pompeius scenario

-Tweak to Hispania Surrender event

-Caesar and Pompeius are more on par as overall commanders now

Spartacus scenario

-Fixed double message Varinius arrival event

Year of Four Emperors scenario

-Fixed Otho death and Hispania governor rally events

Severus scenario

-Fixed the DID no FOW issue

-Fixed some stack fixing issues

-Fixed erroneous "new political options" messages

-Full message broadcasted when Albinus is proclaimed public enemy

  • data aktualizacji: 20 listopada 2012
  • kategoria gry: Strategiczne
  • rozmiar pliku: 35,1 MB

Pliki do gry Alea Jacta Est






7 dni

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