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Persona 5 - poradnik do gry

Persona 5 - poradnik do gry

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Ostatnia aktualizacja: 5 sierpnia 2019

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W szkole natkniesz się na dość wymagające pytania.

Persona 5 dość realistycznie podchodzi do kwestii chodzenia na zajęcia szkolne. Nie dość, że musisz przygotowywać się na egzaminy, to pytania w grze są dość trudne i oparte na faktycznej wiedzy ze świata rzeczywistego. Gdy nauczyciel pyta cię o coś w szkole, zawsze możesz wykorzystać przycisk touchpada, by sprawdzić jakich odpowiedzi udzielała reszta graczy. Odpowiedź o najwyższym procencie wskazania zazwyczaj jest tą właściwą. Poniżej znajdziesz jednak zestawienie wszystkich pytań i odpowiedzi na trudne pytania w szkole:

Semestr 1 - Pytania w klasie



Jak brzmi poprawna odpowiedź?


A soul is composed of appetite, spirit, and what else?



Is the line extending from A connected to B or C? Which is it?

Line C


What event did Emperor Nero add to the Olympics so he could participate?



What's the common usage of kakushinhan again, regarding an action you take? Knowing your actions are wrong.


Conviction that you're right.


How many colors does it take to paint every region without any two adjacent ones being the same color?



Question about Wunder, Kind, wunderkind

Wonder, Child, A Prodigy


What do people generally call a woman who has a charm that sometimes leads men to their doom?

Femme Fatale


Who do you think is the origin of the term "magistrate's patronage"?

Minamoto no Yoshitsune

Semestr 1 - Egzaminy



Jak brzmi poprawna odpowiedź?


Although the line connects A to C it looks like it leads to B instead. What is this phenomenon called?

An optical illusion


If how they're seeing things is different, it probably has to do with this sort of information...

Visual information


What takes the visual information from your eyes and processes it?

The brain


The brain processes visual information. So, the reason why people see things differently is...

they have different cognitions.


Which of the following expressions came from the name of the position that Minamoto no Yoshitsune held?

magistrate's patronage


What is the origin of the English word "talent"?

the name of a sum of currency.


What did the Greek philosopher Socrates say that evil is born from?



What's the least number of colors needed to paint Japan so no two adjacent areas are the same color?


Semestr 2 - Pytania w klasie



Jak brzmi poprawna odpowiedź?


Do you know who created the piece which sold for the highest price back in the 20th century?

Van Gogh


What is the name of this ratio that Japanese architects and artists have liked using?

the silver ratio


The root words of synesthesia are "syn" and "aisthesis". What do they mean?

"together" and senses"


What was the name of the other famous novel that Sherlock Holmes appeared in?

"Arsene Lupin, Gentleman Burglar."


Who was the pirate who said that he hid his treasure in a certain place just before he was executed?

William Kidd


The original blazers were named that thanks to a certain quality they had. Any idea what it was?

they were brightly colored.

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