[Items] Engine Room | Agatha Christie's Death on the Nile poradnik Agatha Christie's Death on the Nile
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 13 września 2019
Engine Room [2-5]
![1 - [Items] Engine Room | Agatha Christies Death on the Nile - Agatha Christies Death on the Nile - poradnik do gry](/Galeria/Html/Poradniki/648/629338984.jpg)
1. 2 clamps (metalowy zacisk)
2. 2 paint brushes (2 pędzle)
3. 2 saws (2 piły)
4. 2 wrenches (2 klucze maszynowe)
5. 3 hooks (3 haki)
6. 3 rags (3 szmaty)
7. 4 gears (4 koła zębate)
8. 4 hammers (4 młotki)
9. 4 number tens (4 liczby 10)
10. 5 number fives (5 liczb 5)
11. 5 screws (5 śrub)
Engine Room [A-L]
![1 - [Items] Engine Room | Agatha Christies Death on the Nile - Agatha Christies Death on the Nile - poradnik do gry](/Galeria/Html/Poradniki/648/629339000.jpg)
1. Anchor (kotwica)
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