autor: Kamil Zwijacz
Lost Odyssey, gra ojca serii Final Fantasy, za darmo na Xboksie 360 i Xboksie One
Do grona gier obsługiwanych we wstecznej kompatybilności na Xboksie One dołączyły jRPG Lost Odyssey i Blue Dragon. Pierwszy z wymienionych tytułów jest rozdawany za darmo do końca grudnia.
Firma Microsoft dodała kolejne gry z Xboksa 360 do listy produkcji obsługiwanych na Xboksie One dzięki wstecznej kompatybilności. Mowa o Lost Odyssey i Blue Dragon od studia Mistwalker, dowodzonego przez Hironobu Sakaguchiego, „ojca” serii Final Fantasy. Nie byłoby w tym nic nadzwyczajnego, ale pierwsza z wymienionych pozycji jest rozdawana za darmo do 31 grudnia. Jeżeli nie mieliście okazji zagrać wcześniej w ten całkiem udany projekt, to warto nadrobić zaległości. By skorzystać z oferty wystarczy kliknąć na widoczny poniżej odnośnik i „zakupić” grę.
Lost Odyssey to gra jRPG wydana na Xboksie 360 w 2008 roku. W grze wcielamy się w Kaima – nieśmiertelnego człowieka, który nie pamięta swojej przeszłości. Podczas zabawy, która nie odbiega zbytnio od klasycznych japońskich RPG-ów, odkryjemy tajemnice naszego podopiecznego, a także innych nieśmiertelnych oraz zwykłych ludzi towarzyszących nam w trakcie przygody. Jednak głównym zadaniem bohaterów występujących w grze jest ocalenie świata przed zagładą.

Przy okazji warto wspomnieć, że kompatybilność wsteczna towarzyszy posiadaczom Xboksa One od roku i obecnie biblioteka wspieranych tytułów obejmuje już ponad trzysta pozycji. Jeżeli ciekawi Was, w jakie tytuły z poprzedniej generacji można grać na obecnej, oto aktualna lista:
Gra | Wydawca |
A Kingdom for Keflings | Microsoft Studios |
A World of Keflings | Microsoft Studios |
Aegis Wing | Xbox LIVE Arcade |
Age of Booty | Capcom |
Alan Wake | Microsoft |
Alan Wake’s American Nightmare | Microsoft Studios |
Alien Hominid HD | Microsoft Studios |
Altered Beast | SEGA |
Anomaly Warzone Earth | Microsoft Studios |
Aqua | Xbox LIVE Arcade |
ARKANOID Live! | TAITO Corporation |
Assassin’s Creed | Ubisoft |
Assassin’s Creed II | Ubisoft |
Asteroids & Deluxe | Atari |
Astropop | Microsoft Studios |
Babel Rising (not avail in Xbox 360 store) | Ubisoft |
Banjo-Kazooie | Microsoft Studios |
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts | Microsoft Studios |
Banjo-Tooie | Microsoft Studios |
BattleBlock Theater | Microsoft Studios |
Battlestations: Midway | Square Enix |
Bayonetta | Sega |
Bejeweled 2 | Microsoft Studios |
Bejeweled 3 | PopCap Games |
Bellator: MMA Onslaught | 345 Games |
Beyond Good & Evil HD | Ubisoft |
Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 | CAPCOM |
BioShock | 2K Games |
BioShock 2 | 2K Games |
BioShock Infinite | 2K Games |
Blood Knights | Kalypso Media |
Blood of the Werewolf | Midnight City |
Bloodforge | Microsoft Studios |
BloodRayne: Betrayal | Majesco Entertainment |
Blue Dragon | Microsoft Studios |
Bomberman Battlefest | Hudson Entertainment |
Boom Boom Rocket | Electronic Arts |
Borderlands | 2K Games |
Bound by Flame | Focus Home Interactive |
Braid | Microsoft Studios |
Brain Challenge | Microsoft Studios |
Burnout Paradise | Electronic Arts |
Call of Duty 2 | Activision |
Call of Duty 3 | Activision |
Call of Duty: Black Ops | Activision |
Call of Duty: World at War | Activision |
Call of Juarez Gunslinger | Ubisoft |
Carcassonne | Microsoft Studios |
Castle Crashers | Microsoft Studios |
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse | SEGA |
CastleStorm | Microsoft Studios |
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night | Konami |
Centipede & Millipede | Atari |
Comic Jumper | Microsoft Studios |
Comix Zone | SEGA |
Condemned: Criminal Origins | Sega |
Counter-Strike: GO | Valve Corporation |
Crazy Taxi | Sega |
Crystal Quest | Microsoft Studios |
Dark Souls | Bandai Namco |
Dark Void | Capcom |
de Blob 2 | THQ Inc. |
Dead Space | Electronic Arts |
Dead Space Ignition | Electronic Arts |
Deadliest Warrior: Legends | 345 Games / Spike Games |
Deathspank T.O.V. | Electronic Arts |
Defense Grid: The Awakening | Microsoft Studios |
Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut | Square Enix |
DIG DUG | Bandai Namco |
DiRT 3 | Codemasters |
DiRT Showdown | Codemasters |
Discs of Tron | Disney Interactive Studios |
Domino Master | Microsoft Studios |
Doom | Bethesda Softworks |
DOOM 3 BFG Edition (only available on disc) | Bethesda Softworks |
Doom II | Bethesda Softworks |
Doritos Crash Course | Microsoft Studios |
Double Dragon Neon | Majesco Entertainment |
Dragon’s Lair | Microsoft Studios |
DuckTales: Remastered | Capcom |
Duke Nukem Manhattan Project | Gearbox Software |
Dungeon Siege III | Square Enix |
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara | Capcom |
E4 | Microsoft Studios |
Earthworm Jim HD | Microsoft Studios |
Eat Lead | D3 Publisher |
EnclevermentExperiment | Microsoft Studios |
Escape Dead Island | Deep Silver |
Fable II | Microsoft Studios |
Fable III | Microsoft Game Studios |
Faery: Legends of Avalon | Focus Home Interactive |
Fallout 3 | Bethesda Softworks |
Fallout: New Vegas | Bethesda Softworks |
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon | Ubisoft |
Feeding Frenzy | Microsoft Studios |
Feeding Frenzy 2: Shipwreck Showdown | PopCap Games |
Final Fight: Double Impact | Capcom |
Flashback | Ubisoft |
FLOCK! | Capcom |
Forza Horizon | Turn 10 Studios / Microsoft Studios |
Foul Play | Sold Out Sales & Marketing Ltd. |
Fret Nice | TECMO |
Frogger | Konami |
Frogger 2 | Konami |
FunTown Mahjong | Microsoft Studios |
Galaga | Namco Bandai |
Galaga Legions | Bandai Namco |
Galaga Legions DX | Microsoft Studios |
Garou: Mark of the Wolves | SNK PLAYMORE |
Gatling Gears | Intergrow Inc. |
Gears of War | Microsoft Studios |
Gears of War 2 | Microsoft Studios |
Gears of War 3 | Microsoft Studios |
Gears of War: Judgment | Microsoft Studios |
Geometry Wars Evolved | Microsoft Studios |
Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime | Atari |
Go! Go! Break Steady | Microsoft Studios |
Golden Axe | Sega |
GRID 2 | Codemasters |
Gripshift | Microsoft Studios |
Guardian Heroes | Sega |
Gunstar Heroes | Sega |
Guwange | CAVE |
HALF-MINUTE HERO -Super Mega Neo Climax- | Microsoft Studios |
Halo Wars | Microsoft |
Halo: Reach | Microsoft Game Studios |
Halo: Spartan Assault | Microsoft Studios |
Hardwood Backgammon | Microsoft Studios |
Hardwood Hearts | Microsoft Studios |
Hardwood Spades | Microsoft Studios |
Haunted House | Atari |
Heavy Weapon | Microsoft Studios |
Hexic 2 | Microsoft Studios |
Hexic HD | Microsoft Studios |
Hydro Thunder | Microsoft Studios |
I Am Alive | Ubisoft |
Ikaruga | Microsoft Studios |
Injustice: Gods Among Us (+ disc only Ultimate Edition) | WB Games, Inc. |
Interpol | Microsoft Studios |
Iron Brigade | Microsoft Studios |
Jeremy McGrath’s Offroad | D3Publisher |
Jet Set Radio | Sega |
Jetpac Refuelled | Microsoft Studios |
Joe Danger 2: The Movie | Microsoft Studios |
Joe Danger Special Edition | Microsoft Studios |
Joust | Xbox Live Arcade |
Joy Ride Turbo | Microsoft Studios |
Jurassic Park: The Game | Telltale Inc. |
Just Cause 2 | Square Enix |
Kameo: Elements of Power | Microsoft Studios |
Kane & Lynch 2 | Square Enix Ltd |
Killer Is Dead | XSEED Games |
Lazy Raiders | Microsoft Studios |
Left 4 Dead | Electronic Arts |
Left 4 Dead 2 | Electronic Arts |
LEGO Batman | Warner Bros. Interactive |
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game | Disney Interactive Studios |
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga | Disney Interactive Studios |
LIMBO | Microsoft Studios |
Lode Runner | Microsoft Studios |
Lost Odyssey | Microsoft |
LUMINES LIVE! | Microsoft Studios |
Magic 2012 | Microsoft Studios |
Mars: War Logs | Focus Home Interactive |
Mass Effect | Microsoft Studios |
Mass Effect 2 (disc only) | Electronic Arts |
Mass Effect 3 (disc only) | Electronic Arts |
Metal Slug 3 | SNK PLAYMORE |
Metal Slug XX | SNK PLAYMORE |
Might & Magic Clash of Heroes | Ubisoft |
Military Madness | Hudson Entertainment |
Mirror’s Edge | Electronic Arts |
Missile Command | Atari |
MOH Airborne | Electronic Arts |
Monaco: What’s Yours is Mine | Majesco Entertainment |
Monday Night Combat | Microsoft Studios |
Monkey Island 2: Special Edition | Disney Interactive Studios |
Monkey Island: Special Edition | Disney Interactive Studios |
Motocross Madness | Microsoft Studios |
Mr. DRILLER Online | Bandai Namco |
MS. PAC-MAN | BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. |
Ms. Splosion Man | Microsoft Studios |
Mutant Blobs Attack!!! | Midnight City |
MX vs. ATV Reflex | THQ |
N+ | Microsoft Studios |
NBA JAM: On Fire Edition | Electronic Arts |
NEW RALLY-X | Bandai Namco |
NiGHTS into dreams… | Sega |
NIN2-JUMP | Cave |
Oblivion | Bethesda Softworks |
Of Orcs and Men (not available in all regions) | Focus Home Interactive |
OFP: Red River (disc only, except Japan) | Codemasters |
Omega Five | Hudson Entertainment |
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising | Codemasters |
Outland | Ubisoft |
PAC-MAN | Bandai Namco |
PAC-MAN MUSEUM | Bandai Namco |
Pac-Man: Championship Edition | Bandai Namco |
Pac-Man: Championship Edition DX+ | Bandai Namco |
Peggle | PopCap Games, Inc. |
Perfect Dark | Microsoft Studios |
Perfect Dark Zero | Microsoft Studios |
Phantasy Star II | Sega |
Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds | Mages. |
Pinball FX | Microsoft Studios |
Plants vs. Zombies | PopCap |
Portal 2 | Electronic Arts |
Portal: Still Alive | Microsoft Studios |
Prince of Persia | Ubisoft |
Pure (disc only) | Disney |
Putty Squad | System 3 Software Ltd |
Puzzle Quest | Xbox Live Arcade |
Puzzle Quest 2 | D3 |
Puzzle Quest Galactrix | D3 |
Puzzlegeddon | Tecmo |
QIX++ | TAITO Corporation |
R-Type Dimensions | Microsoft Studios |
RAGE (disc only) | Bethesda Softworks |
Rayman 3 HD | Ubisoft |
Rayman Legends | Ubisoft |
Rayman Origins | Ubisoft |
Red Dead Redemption | Rockstar Games |
Red Faction: Battlegrounds | THQ |
Runner2 | Aksys Games |
Sacred 3 | Deep Silver |
Sacred Citadel | Deep Silver |
Saints Row IV | Deep Silver |
Sam & Max Save the World | Microsoft Studios |
Sam & Max Beyond Time & Space | Microsoft Studios |
Samurai Shodown II | SNK Playmore |
Scarygirl | Square Enix |
SEGA Bass Fishing | Sega |
Sega Vintage Collection: Alex Kidd & Co. | Sega |
Sega Vintage Collection: Golden Axe | Sega |
Sega Vintage Collection: Monster World | Sega |
Sega Vintage Collection: Streets of Rage | Sega |
Shadow Complex | Microsoft Studios |
Shadowrun | Microsoft |
Shank 2 | Electronic Arts |
Shotest Shogi | Microsoft |
Shred Nebula | Microsoft Studios |
Silent Hill: Downpour | Konami |
Skate 3 | Electronic Arts |
Skullgirls | MarvelousAQL |
Small Arms | Microsoft Studios |
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed | SEGA |
Sonic & Knuckles | Sega |
SONIC 4 Episode II | SEGA |
Sonic CD | Sega |
Sonic the Fighters | SEGA |
Sonic The Hedgehog | Sega |
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 | Sega |
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 | Sega |
Soul Calibur II HD | Bandai Namco |
Soulcalibur | Namco |
South Park: The Stick of Truth | Ubisoft |
Space Ark | Microsoft |
Space Giraffe | Microsoft Studios |
Spelunky | Microsoft Studios |
Splosion Man | Microsoft Studios |
SSX | EA Sports |
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed | Disney Interactive Studios |
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II | Disney Interactive Studios |
Super Meat Boy | Microsoft Studios |
Supreme Commander 2 | Square Enix |
Syberia | Bandai Namco |
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 | Bandai Namco |
Texas Hold ‘Em | Gearbox Software |
The Cave | SEGA |
The King of Fighters ’98 Ultimate Match | SNK Playmore |
The Maw | Microsoft Studios |
The Orange Box | Electronic Arts |
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings | CD Projekt Red |
Ticket to Ride | Microsoft Studios |
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas | Ubisoft |
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas 2 | Ubisoft |
Torchlight | Microsoft Studios |
Tour de France 2009 | Focus Home Interactive |
Tour de France 2011 (not available in all regions) | Focus Home Interactive |
Toy Soldiers | Microsoft Studios |
Toy Soldiers: Cold War | Microsoft Studios |
Toy Story 3 | Disney Interactive Studios |
Trials HD | Microsoft Studios |
Triggerheart Exelica | Microsoft Studios |
Trine 2 | Atlus USA |
Tron: Evolution | Disney Interactive Studios |
Ugly Americans: Apocalypsegeddon | 345 Games / Comedy Central |
Unbound Saga | Activision |
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown | Sega |
Viva Pinata | Microsoft Studios |
Viva Pinata: Trouble In Paradise | Microsoft Studios |
Wolfenstein 3D | Bethesda Softworks |
Word Puzzle | Microsoft Studios |
XCOM: Enemy Unknown | 2K Games |
XCOM: Enemy Within | 2K |
Zuma | Microsoft Studios |
Zuma’s Revenge! | PopCap Games |