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World War One: La Grande Guerre 14-18 - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.08o - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry World War One: La Grande Guerre 14-18 z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja v.1.08o, data publikacji 7 października 2011.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku27,4 MB


pobrań (7 dni)0

data aktualizacji7 października 2011

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wersja: v.1.08o

Patch do gry World War One: La Grande Guerre 14-18 w edycji Gold. Poniżej anglojęzyczny opis aktualizacji:

New features:

- Introduced the Play-by-Email mode!

- Added aggressivity level setting for stacks (used by battle AI and PBEM)

- Added graphics for Chinese forces


- Military AI now carefully checks the supply status of areas also when considering the camoflage stacks placement opportunities if the difficulty level is set 4+

- Immobilized armies and fleets are now not counted anymore for assignment of detached forces (drag & drop or forces management window)

- Corrected some Italian, Spanish and German texts

- Introduced limitations in building special units (i.e.: arab forces of Senussi army or Arab army of Lawrence)

- Improved the retreat to nearest friendly port procedure in case of fleets evacuation

(*) Introduced an event that brings the automatic removal of Immobilization rule for French and Austrian armies on Alps frontiers when Italy enters the war

- Military AI tweaked to make amphibious and expeditionary corps offensives outside of Europe allowed only to Japan, France and Great Britain (moddable)

- Improved activity of Military AI in army-to-army mode

- General AI improved (military and battles)

- Zeppelins now may have a range value up to 40

- PBEM ORD file names are now more descriptive

- Improved random factors synchronization in PBEM

- Rules for retreat and enemy reinforcements before battle can now be activated also in WEGO mode

- PBEM Battle AI now can play only battle events

- Max number of displayed hit points of naval squadrons is now 7+

- Max number of rows in Units DB increased to 1535

- ORD file is now generated every time game is saved

(*) Scenario corrections:

- All scenarios: Turkish genocide of Armenians now takes place only if Turkey is at war with the Entente

- Grand Campaign and 1916: corrected setup of Portuguese forces

- All scenarios: added events to make AEF automatically lands in Europe when USA enter war (landing priorities: Le Havre, Cherbourg, Brest, Dover)

- All scenarios: added correction to German aircrafts industries DB to allow activation of factories of Hanover

Fixed bugs:

- Added several fixes and improvements in supply checks

- Fixed a bug that made impossible the voluntary abandonement of grand offensives

- Fixed a bug that caused an erratic wrong calculation of RP base flows

- Fixed a bug in mandatory attacks check

(*) Fixed some bugs that caused the disappearance or deactivation of rules introduced by events play or diplomatic actions (i.e.: Bruchmuller)

- Fixed a bug than made the naval combat modifier (turn rule) almost never applied

- Fixed a bug that caused sometimes a neverending English Military AI when the option "Give AI fulltime" was active

- Fixed a bug in Surprise event that caused a wrong calculation in combat die roll modifiers when played by Defender

(*) Fixed a bug that caused a wrong generation of turn rules when introduced by events play

- Fixed a bug in PBEM: save of ORD file was allowed also when mandatory attacks not fulfilled

- Fixed an erratic bug in PBEM that caused a missing refresh of map window on turn end

- Fixed a bug in PBEM that caused an overlapping distribution of event cards among players during the first Events phase

- Fixed a bug in land battles and sieges: the losses triggered by some Combat Results Table were never counted

- Fixed a bug in land battles and sieges: sometimes wounded units were restored to full strength when hit in combat

(*) : not working for older savegames

This patch installs a PDF Manual for PBEM (that you can find in the Start menu).

  • data aktualizacji: 7 października 2011
  • kategoria gry: Strategiczne
  • rozmiar pliku: 27,4 MB

Pliki do gry World War One: La Grande Guerre 14-18






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