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World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.5.0.5a - v.5.0.5b INT - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria z gatunku Gry RPG, wersja v.5.0.5a - v.5.0.5b INT, data publikacji 22 marca 2013.

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data aktualizacji22 marca 2013

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World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria patch v.5.0.5a - v.5.0.5b INT - Darmowe Pobieranie |

Wersja: v.5.0.5a – v.5.0.5b INT

Patch przyrostowy do gry World of Warcraft w wersji dla wszystkich regionów podnoszący wersję z początkiem v.5.0.5a do v.5.0.5b

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Poniżej angielskojęzyczny opis aktualizacji:

October 8


Vengeance should now ramp up more quickly. Avoidance will now grant Vengeance based on the average damage of the avoided NPC auto-attack, instead of just refreshing existing Vengeance. This does not apply to enemy special attacks.



Detonating Zen Sphere now does progressively less damage when more than 10 targets are affected.

Zen Pilgrimage: Return now ensures that the journey is round trip.

Rising Sun Kick now always properly applies the Mortal Wounds effect to targets it damages.

The healing generated by Spinning Crane Kick has been reduced by 30%.


Execution Sentence can no longer be cast while Hexed.


Spirit of Redemption will no longer sometimes prevent players from rolling on items.


The Warlock Season 12 4-piece PvP set bonus will no longer cause Warlocks that have assumed Dark Apotheosis form to lose access to Fury Ward.

Metamorphosis: Void Ray will now correctly aggro creatures within range.


Unleash Earth no longer generates a taunt effect against enemies that are immune.


Galleon will no longer sometimes respawn too quickly.

The Beast of Jade in the Jade Forest will no longer cast Jade Statue.

Kal'Tik the Blight will no longer disappear unexpectedly.

Bog Lashes spawned in combat with Fen Stalker no longer grant experience when slain.

Granary Vandals now engage properly when attacked from range.


The Relic of Niuzao now provides 1434 Stamina, and grants 8871 Dodge when used.

Valorous Commendations now correctly grant Valor Points when Honor Points are capped.

Lesser Charms of Good Fortune now stack to 180.

Vial of Shadows, Cunning of the Cruel, and Bone-Link Fetish now have a reduced chance to be triggered when worn by players above level 85.

Grand Expedition Yak

Cousin Slowhands now sells all three reagents to remove talents and glyphs: Vanishing Powder, Dust of Disappearance, and Tome of the Clear Mind.

Pet Battles

Defeating the Grand Master pet tamers on each continent now correctly unlocks all of the associated Pet Battle daily quests for characters of both factions on an account.


The quest "Lost Scouts" will now be offered after "Survival Ring: Blades" and "The Battle Ring" are completed.

Players that had previously completed "The Guo-Lai Halls" can now properly acquire the remaining quests to unlock the Golden Lotus reputation daily quests.

The Klaxxi will now be more consistently varied in the daily quests that they offer, regardless of realm restarts.

The Klaxxi'va are now visible after the quest "Overthrone" is complete.

Shado-Pan Scouts for the quest "Lost Scouts" will now despawn appropriately after the quest is completed.

Party members now share quest credit appropriately for the following quests in the Jade Forest: "The Wayward Dead", "Trapped!", "Spitfire", "Unbound", and "Rally the Survivors".

Players are now able to complete and turn in both "Pooped" and "Sweet as Honey".

The Dark Heart of the Mogu can now be acquired in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

Slaying Shao-Tien Mindbenders now properly provides credit towards the completion of "The Silent Approach".

Shao-Tien Surveyors now spawn more frequently and are easier to spot.

Players can now no longer interact with the Sik'thik Cages after completing "The Search for Restless Leng".

Qua-Ro Whitebrow is now easier to defeat during the quest "His Trainer's Challenge: Qua-Ro Whitebrow".

Players can now more easily acquire "Unyielding Servitors" from Daschla in Silverpine Forest.

Dungeons & Raids

Mogu'Shan Vaults

Pets can no longer maintain threat against the Emperor's Strength during the Will of the Emperor encounter.

Gara'jal the Spiritbinder will now cast Final Destination correctly.

Elegon now flies closer to the ground, allowing certain Area of Effect abilities to properly target him.

Touch of the Titans, Overcharged, and Energy Conduit no longer interrupt player spellcasting during the Elegon encounter.

Mogu'shan Wardens in the Elegon encounter now move more slowly.

The Stone Guardians inside the Halls of Gou-Lai now respawn more slowly.

High Inquisitor Whitemane's Mass Resurrection will now properly resurrect all eligible targets in the Heroic and Challenge Mode versions of the Scarlet Monastery.


Brewmaster Boof's assistants in the Brewmoon Festival scenario are really applying themselves and now work more quickly.

The health and damage of enemies in the Brewmoon Festival has been reduced.


Healing and shielding effects applied to players that have been involved in PvP combat are now reduced by 15% .


Several on-use items no longer function inside Rated Battlegrounds.

Cobo Cola and Carbonated Water can now be used in Rated Battlegrounds.

Silvershard Mines can now properly end in a tie.

Bug Fixes

Dead players and Priests in Spirit of Redemption form are now properly granted credit for the "Mosh Pit" achievement upon completion.

The Avengers of Hyjal achievement is now account wide.

October 4


The Sha of Anger now respawns more frequently, but less predictably.

Galleon can no longer be taunted, and both he and his companions are now more dangerous.

The cost to learn Battle Pet Training has been reduced from 100 gold to 10 gold.



Fixed an issue where Stampeding Roar could sometimes be cast in any form.

Resolved several issues with the spell Nature's Vigil.

Death Knight

The Chillblains talent now works properly with Chains of ice. Casting Chains of Ice on a target will apply both the Chillblains snare and the Chains of Ice rooting effect.


Mages have learned to stop hitting themselves with Nether Tempest.


Resuscitate now casts correctly in Arenas.

Chi Torpedo is now a full body effect, targeting friends and foes immediately surrounding the Monk, rather than those near the front of the Monk's body.


Devastate will now correctly activate Sword and Board.


Kill Command, Glaive Toss, and Powershot will now properly activate Thrill of the Hunt.

Scatter Shot will now properly break when damage is dealt by any source.


Both Repentance and Hammer of Justice can now be applied to the same target.

Fixed an issue where Execution Sentence could deal excessive damage under some circumstances.


Five combo point Deadly Throw finishing moves will no longer interrupt the spells cast by a Paladin under the effects of Devotion Aura.


The instant cast Incinerates generated by Backlash will now correctly consume Backlash.


Players with Elemtental or Restoration specializations no longer suffer pushback when casting Elemental Blast.


The Sha of Anger will no longer rudely interrupt the meals of those who are not engaged in combat with him.

The Sha of Anger will now correctly respawn after a wipe.

Players that are not eligible for loot from the Sha of Anger will no longer be able to use an Elder Charm of Good Fortune for an extra loot roll.

Dagou, objective of "The Guo-Lai Halls", is no longer tameable.

Blackmane Pillagers now award significantly less experience.

Sra’thik Warcallers, Sra’thik Swiftclaws, and Sra’thik Kunchongs now drop loot commensurate with their difficulty, given the assistance of Niuzao.

Birds of Pandaria are now hormone free. These healthier, slimmer birds will now drop Wildfowl Breast somewhat less frequently.

Honor quartermasters have been working out; they now have the correct amount of health and deal increased damage.

Peacekeepers of both factions in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms now have increased health.


The mana gained from the two piece set bonuses provided by Tier 12 healing sets has been reduced.

The Coin of Luck now grants 537 Critical Strike instead of haste.

Brann Bronzebeard is no longer interested in buying Crates of Archaeology Fragments.

Using the Phase Fingers tinker on gloves will now increase the player's dodge rating by 2,880 for 10 seconds. The tinker can only be activated once per minute.

The Hunter glyph, Glyph of Black ice will no longer appear in auction house searches for Monk glyphs.

The lore book, "The Wandering Widow" should now be visible regardless of player phase.

Players can no longer sell the Warbot Ignition Key to vendors after retrieving it from the mailbox or purchasing it from Jepetto Joybuzz.

Pet Battles

The pet ability Expunge now deals more damage.

Certain captured pets now appear correctly in the Pet Journal.

Cassandra Kaboom's pets are now the correct level.

Players are now able to obtain Pristine Pet Traps and Strong Pet Traps from the achievements "Pro Pet Crew" and "Going to Need More Traps".


All players attacking Dagou will now properly receive quest credit when he is slain.

Bloodknight Antari has adopted a more sedentary life-style.

Phasing now functions correctly after the quest "The Final Power" has been completed.

Leven Dawnblade is now easier to find.

Leven Dawnblade will now correctly allow players to turn in "The Secrets of Guo-Lai".

Kaz'tik the Manipulator is now clearer about his unwillingness to chat with players.

Players should no longer become disconnected after defeating a Great White Plainshawk during the quest "A Lesson in Bravery".

Players on the quest "Viseclaw Soup" will find that Viseclaw Scuttlers now have more eyeballs.

The quest "Extending Our Coverage" now offers appropriate experience, gold and reputation.

Skeer the Bloodseeker will now correctly emerge from the Ancient Amber Chunk even if a player dies while casting Break Amber.

Skeer the Bloodseeker is now appropriately conversational in the course of "The Scent of Blood".

The quest "Striking First" can now be completed.

It is no longer possible to obtain the quest "The Gou-Lai Halls" without fulfilling its prerequisites.

The Yak Wash will now make all but the filthiest Yaks sparkling clean.

Fixed an issue where players were sometimes unable to obtain the quest "Barring Entry".

Fixed several issues with the quest "Stones of Power".

Players will now properly receive credit for the quest "The Ritual" in Kun-Lai Summit.

Trainees will now properly concede defeat in the course of completing "The Lesson of Stifled Pride".

Dungeons & Raids

Bonus loot rolls on The Stone Guard in Mogu'Shan Vaults now yield appropriate loot.

Players that have defeated The Stone Guard will receive Valor Points appropriately in all difficulties.

Players are now able to obtain the guild achievement for completing Mogu'Shan Vaults.

Enemies will no longer respawn incorrectly in Mogu'Shan Vaults.

Slaying Elegon while he is beginning to Enrage will no longer sometimes prevent his chest from spawning.

After sensitivity training, Master Snowdrift now respects personal boundaries, and will no longer sometimes give awkwardly long hugs.

The creatures in Shado-Pan Monastery found between the Sha of Violence and Corrupted Taran Zhu are now less difficult.

The Shado-Pan Trainees will now attack during "The Battle Ring".

General Pa'valak's Blade Rush will no longer target pets in the Siege of Niuzao Temple.

Enemies in the Scarlet Monastery will no longer ignore line of sight when using ranged abilities against players.

Fixed an issue with Rom'ogg Bonecrusher's Chains of Woe.



The health of Demolishers in Strand of the Ancients now scales correctly with their drivers.

The time limit for Warsong Gulch has been reduced from 25 to 20 minutes.

Bug Fixes

Resolved several issues that could occur with Cross Realm Zones.

The respawn rate of Ghost Iron Ore has been reduced to the correct value.

Windwool Cloth now drops less frequently from enemies.

Cyclonic Inspiration now persists until players leave their respective faction strongholds in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

The guild perk, The Quick and the Dead, now increases the movement speed of dead players by 10%, down from 100%.

Players are now able to properly earn the "Save it for Later" achievement from the Greenstone Village scenario.

Completing Rare and normal Cataclysm archaeology projects will now correctly grant skill increases.

Dark Soil in the Valley of the Four Winds now respawns correctly.

Level 10 characters logging into Mists of Pandaria for the first time will now correctly learn Control Pet and Control Demon.

October 1


Players no longer require Honored reputation with Mists of Pandaria factions to purchase gear with Justice Points.

The reputation requirement to purchase certain pieces of Mists of Pandaria Valor Point gear have been reduced from Revered to Honored. These include:

Klaxxi - neck items

Golden Lotus - rings

Shado-Pan - cloaks

August Celestials - bracers

The item level of Mists of Pandaria gear that is purchased with Justice Points has been raised from 450 to 458.

The item level of Mists of Pandaria gear that is purchased with Honor Points has been lowered from 464 to 458. As a result, the quality color of these items has been changed from Epic to Rare. However, the PvP Power and PvP resilience of these items has been increased significantly so these items retain their previous degree of effectiveness in PvP.

Mists of Pandaria PvP item vendors were tired of getting the dook kicked out of them. Their health has been increased significantly.

The item level requirement to queue for Mists of Pandaria Heroic dungeons has been reduced from 440 to 435.



The area of effect damage from Nature's Vigil will no longer hit stealthed targets.

Fixed an issue with Incarnation that could allow flight without using Flight Form.

Dream of Cenarius now correctly increases the healing from Cenarion Ward by 30% instead of 70%.

Starsurge casts that trigger an Eclipse now deal the correct amount of damage.

Mojo is now removed properly when a druid assumes Flight Form.

Symbiosis has been changed, and now grants the following abilities:

Protection warriors - Stampeding Shout

Blood death knights - Wild Mushroom: Plague Protection

Protection paladins - Wrath

Brewmaster monks - Bear Hug

The periodic damage of Thrash (Bear) now deals 60% more damage. Initial direct damage remains un-changed.

Death Knight

Death and Decay will no longer trigger the Runic Return two piece PvP set bonus.

Howling Blast and Unholy Blight now properly spread their diseases to the primary target as well as other targets within range.


Nether Tempest no longer strikes targets the Mage is not already in combat with.

Charges of Ice Floes are no longer consumed when the Chilled effect from Frost Armor is applied to enemies.


Casting Roll while accepting an Arena queue will no longer prevent the monk from taking actions once within the arena.

Glyphed and un-glyphed versions of Spinning Fire Blossom now deal the same amount of damage.

Missing with Blackout Kick after the Combo Breaker mastery activates will no longer grant two free Chi.

Swift Reflexes now deals 100% more damage.

Keg Smash now deals 50% more damage and strikes all nearby targets, rather than three.


Protection warrior damage values has been adjusted:

Revenge now deals 50% damage to a secondary target, and 25% damage to a third target.

Deep Wounds now does 50% less damage for Protection warriors only.

Warbringer will now stun the correct target when using macros.

Wild Strikes that consume the last charge of Bloodsurge will now properly cause a one second global cooldown, rather than a 1.5 second global cooldown.


Many beasts are now properly able to be tamed.

Deterrence now properly prevents the stun effect from the Warrior talent Warbringer.

Explosive Shot can now properly trigger Thrill of the Hunt. Explosive Shots that have no cost due to the effects of Lock and Load can not trigger this effect.


Holy Wrath now deals 100% more damage.

Avenger's Shield now deals 50% more damage.

Seal of Truth and Censure now deal 80% less damage for Protection Paladins only.


Flash Heal will now consume both Surge of Light and Inner Focus when both buffs are active.

Void Tendril root effect is now subject to diminishing returns in PvP.

The Shadow version of Divine Insight no longer procs for Holy or Discipline priests.

Healing from the Divine Star spell no longer breaks channeling for the caster or friendly players.


Hellfire no longer does damage immediately when it is initially cast, and now does the correct amount of damage over its 14 second duration.


Players visiting other realms via RealID or Battletag parties will no longer receive loot from Galleon/Salyis's Warband.

Mutated Silkmoths and Tiny Mutated Silkmoths are now more abundant.

Sprites will now only stack the Spritely buff to 20 (was 40).

Orchard Wasps will no longer attack critters in the area.

Creatures slain in the Krasarang Wilds will no longer clutter the environment.

Groundbreaker Brojai in Krasarang Wilds is no longer quite so loud.

Captain Doren will now correctly respawn if players leave his cave after he enters his Sha form.

Cheerful Jessu and the mailbox are now always available in Pearlfin Village.

Birds and beasts in Kun-Lai Summit are now meatier.

Various NPCs in Kun-Lai Summit now respawn less frequently.

Fixed an issue that could cause the Sha of Anger to despawn under certain certain circumstances.

Captain Ripflesh should no longer despawn unexpectedly.

Creature respawn rates in Howlingwind Cavern has been adjusted when many players are in the area.

Giant Cave Bats now award significantly less experience.

King Spineclaws now award significantly less experience.

Captive breeding programs have brought the endangered Briny Clacker and Brineshell Snappers back to sustainable populations.

The Shuffling Mistlurker's Smash attack no longer has a knock-back effect. They are still jerks.

Osul Sharphorns in Townlong Steppes now leash properly, and no longer knock themselves silly when using Gored or Demolish.

Ordo Overseers now leash properly and reset if they stray too far away from the farm.


The Cremating Torch effect no longer affects players or pets.

The Mithril Stopwatch trinket's effect Now Is The Time! activates properly from spell damage.

Puntable Marmot may no longer be used in Rated Battlegrounds and Arenas. The Puntable Marmot may no longer be used as the target of a Warrior's Intervene or a Druid's Wild Charge.

Merchants will no longer buy certain pets or mounts.

The Amber Sledge of Klaxxi'vess is now correctly be purchased from The Klaxxi at Exalted reputation.

Reward satchels can no longer be sold to vendors.

The Umbrella of Chi-Ji has had its stats improved.

The Malevolent Gladiator's Touch of Defeat, Malevolent Gladiator's Heavy Crossbow, and Malevolent Gladiator's Baton of Light are no longer available for sale from arena vendors.

Season 12 off-hand items and shields have been adjusted to match other, equivalent PvP gear.

Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Plate Gauntlets no longer have Spirit.

Voodoo Brew no longer allows players to attack others of the same faction.

The Price of Progress trinket effect been adjusted to occur less frequently.

The Hozen Peace Pipe now only grants 100 reputation for Shado-Pan, Klaxxi, Golden Lotus, and the August Celestials. This item will continue to grant 1000 reputation for other Pandaren factions.

The Hozen Peace Pipe now has a seven day cooldown.

Pet Battles

Many pet abilities have been improved.

Wild battle pets in The Veiled Stair now spawn at the correct level.

The Clockwork Gnome's ability, Build Turret, now properly has a 2 round cooldown.

A wayward Tiny Harvester can now be battled normally.

Turns should no longer inadvertently be skipped when multi-round abilities are used in a Pet Battle.

Fixed several issues that could occur when using offensive pet abilities in PvP, Tamer and Wild Pet battles.


Fixed several issues involving daily quests and Cross Realm Zones.

Players are now able to complete the quest "Mimicking Nature's Call".

Anduin Wrynn should now return if he wanders off during quests in the Krasarang Wilds.

Players are no longer able to obtain multiple Teng Appleblooms during the quest "Priorities!".

The Silk Cocoon Bucket for the quest "Where Silk Comes From" can now be looted multiple times by different players.

Players who have completed the quest "Weed War" no longer leave a weedy lawn in their wake.

The Diabolical Plans that start the quest "Diabolical Plans" now drop properly for Horde players.

Chen Stormstout and Li Li Stormstout will no longer disappear unexpectedly during the quest "Chen and Li Li".

Hao Mann is no longer quite so loud.

Hatchling Poop for the daily quest "Pooped" is now slightly more... persistent.

Players can no longer be interrupted by enemy attacks when looting the Big Bag of Poop and the Tiny Bag of Poop for the daily quest "Pooped".

Turning in the repeatable quest "Replenishing the Pantry" no longer fulfills daily quests completed achievement criteria.

Fixed an issue that could prevent players from turning in the quest "Immortality?".

Players must now properly earn the right to Lao-Chin the Iron Belly's company by completing "The Challenger's Ring: Lao-Chin the Iron Belly".

Peat Clumps for the quest "Golgoss", and Peat Mounds for the quest "Arconiss", can both now be interacted with properly.

Shao-Tien Ritual Statues for the quest "Smashing Impression" have been fixed so that they can once again be broken.

All players attacking Aetha, Leechfingers, and The Ook of Dook will now properly receive credit for their respective quests.

Players should now receive credit for the quest "Free From Her Clutches" when freeing Kunchong Hatchlings, and Kunchong Cages will now reset properly once opened.

The following quest items can now be looted by all party members: Clacker Tails for the quest "Fine Dining", Volatile Blood for the quest "A Bloody Delight", Pristine Mire Beast Eye for the quest "Putting and Eye Out", Amber-Encrusted Brain for the quest "A Little Brain Work", and Thresher Jaws for the quest "Shark Week". In addition, players can now obtain up to ten un-opened Thresher Jaw at one time.

The daily quest, "My Town, It's on Fire Again" is now more fiery.

The daily gift quest granted by "Blingtron 4000" is now only available to players of level 80 and above.

Terracotta Defenders now properly attack the player who looted the Bottom Fragment of Lei Shen's Tablet for the quest "Stealing Their Thunder King".

Shao-Tien Surveyors are now easier to spot from a distance.

The Claw of Anger, which begins the quest "Remnants of Anger", can now be looted by all members of the party or raid that slew the Sha of Anger.

Dungeons & Raids

Level 85 players should be able to queue for random normal difficulty Cataclysm dungeons.

Cannons in the Gate of the Setting Sun now properly propel players precisely.

Zao Sunseeker can no longer be encountered in the Temple of the Jade Serpent.

Level 90 players can now join the random queue for normal versions of lower level Mists of Pandaria dungeons.

Striking Ook Ook with multiple barrels simultaneously now awards the correct number of stacks for the achievement, "Keep Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'".

The doors leading to Master Snowdrift in the Shado-Pan Monastery should now remain open to prevent players from becoming locked out during the gauntlet. The inner doors will still close once Master Snowdrift himself is engaged.

Hateful Essence in the Shado-Pan Monastery will no longer cause players to become stuck in combat.

The High Inquisitor Whitemane encounter in the Scarlet Monastery now properly awards reputation upon completion.

Bug Fixes

Player resources are now properly set to default values when the arena preparation phase ends.

Players can no longer stack on top of the Season 12 PvP item vendors, PvE item vendors and Challenge Mode item vendors.

Portal: Vale of Eternal Blossoms and Teleport: Vale of Eternal Blossoms are now properly retained after a paid faction transfer.

Players are now ported directly to The Grim Guzzler tavern after accepting the queue for Coren Direbrew.

All players that slay Warbringer Qobi are now properly awarded the Brewmoon Festival achievement.

Turning in the quest "Flying Colors" will now properly complete the Tian Monastery portion of the Upjade Complete achievement.

  • data aktualizacji: 22 marca 2013
  • kategoria gry: RPG
  • rozmiar pliku: 5,7 MB
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7 dni

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World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria - v.5.2.0+ - v.5.2.0b INT patch 5,2 MB 2013.04.15 1,4K 0