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Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.41 – v.1.50 English/international - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja v.1.41 – v.1.50 English/international, data publikacji 30 czerwca 2006.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku37,6 MB


pobrań (7 dni)2

data aktualizacji30 czerwca 2006

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wersja: v.1.41 – v.1.50 English/international

Patch przeznaczony jest wszystkich wersji językowych gry Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. Poniżej opis:

Patch 1.50 Release Notes

General Fixes

- Network code optimized, command lag has been reduced

Observer Mode / Replays

- Observers no longer have a ready button

- Observers and replay watchers, can now see production and technology queues.

- Observers and replay watchers, can now see weapon upgrade information

- Fix a bug that was causing recorded games to go out of sync.

- The chat history is now available in replays.

Randomizer Enhancements

- Random race selection algorithm improved

- When selecting the random teams option it is now possible to select 3 or 4 teams rather than just 2

- Random teams now functions properly adding random member positioning to game maps.

- Players are now assigned to teams randomly

- You are now less likely to get the same race twice in consecutive games.

Land Mines

- Increased damage of land mines by 100%

Tier One Buff

- Hit points and attack damage of all tier one units was increased by 25%.

- Tier 2 upgrades now give fewer bonuses to tier one units except Sluggas and Shootaboyz which are now stronger in Tier two.

- All turrets are 25% cheaper

- The attack power of the listening post's turret was increased by 25%.

- Increased damage of Tier 1 spells by 25%

Rally points

- Rally points can now be placed on selected unit, allowing a player to send any new units from a building to them.

Stealth Units

- Stealth units now sound silent unless the hidden unit can be seen.


- Troop squads will no longer drop out of their control groups when the original members are killed.

Space Marines

Chaplain & Apothecary

- Reduced the healing effect of the secondary healing aura of the Chaplain & Apothecary from 4 to 2. The primary, smaller, healing aura remains the unchanged

- Reduced the health regeneration rate of the Chaplain to 1


- Decreased Scout Hit Points from 250 to 230

- Decreased reload time of Sniper Rifle from 12 seconds to 9 seconds

Tactical Marines

- Increased Space Marine Hit Points from 300 to 325

- Increased Missile Launcher damage against Vehicle Medium targets from 38% to 50%

- Reduced setup time of Missile Launchers from 2.5 to 2.0 seconds

- Reduced the reload time of the Tactical Space Marine Sergeant's Power Fists from 2 seconds to 1 second

- Reduced the damage the Tactical Space Marine Sergeant's Power Sword does to Vehicle and Building armor

- (2) Space Marine's Heavy Bolter setup time increased by 0.5 seconds

Assault Space Marines

- Reduced the health of Assault Space Marines from 400 to 375

- The damage Assault Marines do to vehicle and building armor was reduced.

- Reduced the benefit offered by Bionics

- Reduced effectiveness of Melta Bombs against Building High targets from 75% to 50%

- Reduced the reload time of the Assault Space Marine Sergeant's Power Fists from 2 seconds to 1 second

- Reduced the damage the Assault Space Marine Sergeant's Power Sword does to Vehicle and Building armor

Assault Terminators

- Reduced the frequency of the stun effect on the Assault Terminator's Thunder Hammer


- Hit points increased to 2,000

- Armor class improved from Vehicle Low to Vehicle Medium

- The Rhino's Smoke Launchers now have a reduced cool down and increased duration and radius of effect.


- Reduced the cost from (150 Requisition / 130 Power) to (120 Requisition / 90 Power)

- Reduced the Support Cap cost to 1 Population

- Increased Land Speeder's Assault Cannon Weapon penetration against Infantry Medium from 36.3 to 40%

- Increased Land Speeder's Assault Cannon Weapon penetration against Infantry Heavy Medium from 19.6 to 25%

- Increased Land Speeder's Assault Cannon Weapon penetration against Infantry High from 25 to 30%

- Increased Land Speeder's Assault Cannon Weapon penetration against Infantry Heavy High from 9.6% to 25%

Hellfire Dreadnoughts

- Reduced the amount of damage dealt to Vehicle Low armor


- Reduced Dreadnought's damage against building high by 25%


- Increased the cost from (145 Requisition / 260 Power) to (190 Requisition / 300 Power)

- Reduced Whirlwind's hit points from 5,000 to 2,500

Orbital Bombardment

- Enemy players can no longer see the Orbital Bombardment targeting cursor

- Orbital Bombardment does less damage to HQs

- The Orbital Bombardment is now on a global timer to prevent players from deleting their Force Commander and rebuilding him to circumvent the ability’s cool down.


Aspiring Champion

- Increased cost from 55 Requisition / 0 Power to 65 Requisition / 0 Power

- Increased the build time from 15 seconds to 20 seconds

- Increased the damage to Heavy High to be in line with other plasma weapons

- Reduced the reload time of the Aspiring Champion Power Fist to 1 second (down from 2)

- Reduced the damage on the Plasma Pistol does to Monster Medium by 35%

- Reduced the damage on the Plasma Pistol does to Building Low by 50%

Chaos Sorceror

- Reduced the damage the Plasma Pistol does to Building Low by 50%

- Reduce melee damage to building low by 20%

- Corruption now does a minimum of 5 damage every second

- The cost of the Chaos Sorcerer was increased to (150 Requisition and 75 Power) from from (150 Requisition / 50 Power).

- Increased the build time of the Chaos Sorcerer from 20 seconds to 40 seconds

- Increased the hitpoints of the Chaos Sorcerer from 800 to 1000

Chaos Lord

- Reduced the damage the Plasma Pistol does to Vehicle Low by 35%

- Reduced the damage the Plasma Pistol does to Monster Medium by 35%

- Reduced the damage the Plasma Pistol does to Building Low by 50%

- Removed the damage penalty from the Daemon Strength ability.


- Knife penetration versus infantry medium increased from 55 to 84

- Knife damage increased by 15%

- Grenade Launcher damage versus infantry reduced

- Hotkey for Grenade Launcher changed from "G" to "N" to avoid conflict with the Attack Ground hotkey and Squad Leader Upgrade


- Now have the Flame Thrower heavy weapon upgrade. This flame thrower is considerably more powerful than the typical flame thrower in Dawn of War.

- Jumps now cost 2/3 of their maximum charge rather than 1/2.

- Reduced the reload time of the Raptor Champion's Power Fist to 1 second (down from 2)

Chaos Space Marines

- Standardized Chaos Space Marine Heavy Bolter damage and reload time

Khorne Berserkers

- Increased population cost from 2 to 4

Chaos Horrors

- Reduced hit points from 700 to 600

- Increased the amount of damage to Building Medium by 20%

- Increased the amount of damage to Building Low by 50%


- Added a movement penalty to the Assault Cannon


- Hitpoints increased to 2,000

- Armor class improved from Vehicle Low to Vehicle Medium

- Improved cooldown, duration, and radius of Smoke Launchers


- Reduced Chaos Defiler's penetration against Building High targets from 60 to 45


- Chaos Predator power cost increased by 30 power

Chaos Armory

- Chaos Heavy Weapons research has been restored

- Increases the number of Heavy Bolters a Chaos Marine squad can equip from 2 to 4

- Increases the number of heavy weapons a Cultist squad can equip from 3 to 5

- Increases the number of flamers that a Raptor squad can equip from 2 to 4

- Increased cost of Furious Charge from (50 Requisition / 25 Power) to (50 Requisition / 60 Power)

- Increased the cost of Chaos Plasma Pistol research from (50 Requisition / 20 Power) to (50 Requisition / 30 Power)

Furious Charge

- Increased Chaos Marine and Cultist's melee damage bonus from 15% to 25%

- Increased the movement speed bonus for Cultists, Chaos Marines, Raptors and all Champions by 20%.

- increased from 50 req/25 power to 50 req/60 power.

- Furious Charge moved to Tier 2

Purge the Weak

- Doubles the health of Aspiring Champions and Raptor Champions

- Changes the armor type of Champions from Heavy Medium to Heavy High

- Bestows the Fear Aura ability on Champions - Increases health of all members by 100 hit points

- Aspiring Champions and Raptor Champions now only increase squad cap by 1 (down from 2)


Mek Boy

- Increased the damage of the Mek Boy's Mega Blaster

- Mek Boy should not break morale so easily now

Mega Armored Nobz

- Dramatically reduced the amount of damage the Power Claw does to Vehicle High armor

- Mega-Armored Nobz should not break morale so easily now


- Reduced the build time of the Slugga Boy from 5 seconds to 4, reinforce time remains the same


- Build time increased from 5.5 seconds to 6.5 seconds


- Reduced the population requirement for Stormboyz from 40 to 30

- Reduced the amount of damage Stormboyz do to Vehicle Low

- Reduced Stormboy melee damage vs. building low by 10%

- Speed Boost now a research at the Pile O' Gunz for 50 Requisition/50 Power and 30 seconds, requiring Pile O' Gunz and 30 pop

- Stormboyz can once again use Stikkbombs, requires the Pile O' Gunz


- Damage against Vehicle Low and Vehicle Medium increased by 15

- Tankbusta cost reduced to 50 requisition 10 power

- Tankbusta hit points increased from 360 to 400

- Tankbusta's armor type upgraded from Infantry High to Infantry Heavy Medium

- Tankbustaz now come with a minimum squad number of 3 and a maximum squad number of 5

- Accuracy on the move penalty increased to 0.25 from 0.075


- Reduced Big Shoota damage by 10%

Killa Kanz

- Increased the accuracy of the Big Shoota to 70%


- Increased the Zzzap Gun's damage against most armor types

- Decreased the damage of the Big Shootas against vehicle and building armor


- Increased initial Waaagh! resource generation

- Ork level 1 Mob Bonus no longer stacks

Thermal Generator

- Orks no longer require a Banner for a Thermal Generator

Waaagh! Banners

- Increased the hit points and attack power of the Ork Waaagh! Banners by 25%.



- Guide now gives a 30% bonus to accuracy as opposed to 3000%

- Reduced Psychic Storm damage to Infantry Medium from 90 to 75

- Reduced Psychic Storm damage to Commanders from 100 to 80


- Eldar Guardian melee damage against Infantry High increased


- Rangers now have a squad cap limit of 1

- Rangers now start with 5 squad members

- Ranger build cost and reinforce cost has been reduced to 40 Requisition

- Ranger Long Rifle now scales more dramatically with upgrades


- Morale Armor reduced to be in line with other units

- Reduced Banshee damage versus Building Low and Building Medium targets


- Accuracy penalty while moving increased

- Reduced hit points from 400 to 360.

Fire Dragons

- Reduced damage against Building Low and Building Medium targets by 25%

Warp Spiders

- Warp Spider damage decreased by 10%

Falcon Grav Tanks

- Starcannon now does more damage to infantry targets


- Missile launcher is now the default weapon

- Fixed Vyper rockets so that they will hit their targets properly

- The Vyper Missile Launcher now has a knockdown effect that can be used to disrupt enemy infantry

- Hit points increased to 1200

- Armor class increased from Vehicle Low to Vehicle Medium


- Reduced melee penetration versus Building High from 26 to 20.

- The Wraithlord's brightlance damage was reduced by 25% against vehicles and buildings.

Fire Prisms

- Support Cap increased from 3 to 4

Listening Post

- Increased the accuracy of the Eldar Fully Upgraded Listening Post Brightlance from 0.7 to 1.0

Thermal generator

- Increase the build time of Eldar Thermal Generator from 45 seconds to 60 seconds

Imperial Guard

Tech Priest

- Engineer Axe - Minimum Damage 1

Command Squad

- Reduced melee damage of Command Squad versus Building Low armor by 30%

- Uncommon Valor research now adds 100 hitpoints to each member of the Command Squad

Command Squad General

- Increased ranged damage accuracy penalty while moving

- Increased cost from (120 Requisition / 15 Power) to (120 Requisition / 25 Power)

- Imperial General Power Gauntlet - Minimum Damage 1


- Now adds 200 morale to a squad rather than making a squad immune to morale damage

- Increased build time from 20 to 25 seconds


- Reduced the frequency of the Priest's synch kills

- Priest Chainsword - Minimum Damage 1

- Priest Eviscerator - Minimum Damage 1


- Increased the hitpoints of the Psyker and Command Squad Psyker by 100

- Reduced the cost of the Telepathica Temple from (100 Requisition / 30) to (75 Requisition / 20)

- Reduced cost of Command Squad Psyker from (100 Requisition / 100 Power) to (100 Requisition / 50 Power)

- Reduced time of Command Squad Psyker from 55 seconds to 35 seconds

- Now have a new ability known as Curse of the Machine Spirits. This ability changes the target vehicle's armor from vehicle armor to infantry armor and shuts off the vehicle's weapons for the duration of the ability.

- Psyker Spike - Minimum Damage 1

Vindicare Assassin

- Reduced the build time of the Vindicare Temple add-on from 20 seconds to 15 seconds

- Increased the damage of the Exitus Rifle from 800 to 1200

- Assassin Exitus Pistol - Minimum Damage 1


- Reduced armor from 120 to 100, hit points have been increased to compensate

- Increased build time from 4 seconds to 5 seconds

- Added a 1 second setup time to the Guardsmen Grenade Launcher

- Hotkey for Grenade Launcher changed from "G" to "N" to avoid conflict with the Attack Ground hotkey and Squad Leader Upgrade

- Added a 20% accuracy penalty while moving to the Guardsmen Lasgun

- Decreased Plasma Gun penetration versus Building Low targets from 35 to 25

- Guardsmen Knife - Minimum Damage 1


- Reduced damage of Kasrkin's Grenade Launcher by 30%

- Reduced damage of Kasrkin's Plasma Gun by 50%

- Weapon specialization now effects the Kasrkin's grenade launcher and plasma gun

- Kasrkin Knife - Minimum Damage 1


- Fixed a bug that would cause the Hellhound to do perpetual damage to units even when no longer attacking that unit

- Hellhound turret rotation speed increased


- Fixed a bug that was causing the Basilisk not to fire at units within its maximum range

- Basilisk reload-time increased from 4 to 6 seconds

- The Basilisk now fires at units within its maximum range


- Reduced resource return on Headquarters from 50% to 40%

Infantry Command

- Increased build time of Infantry Command structure from 30 seconds to 36 seconds

Tactical Control

- Increased cost of Weapon Specialization from (100 requisition / 25 power) to (100 requisition / 100 power)

- Increased the research time of Weapon Specialization from 30 seconds to 45 seconds

- Weapon Specialization now affects the Kasrkin Grenade Launcher and the Kasrkin Plasma Gun

Thermal Generator

- Fixed power gift of Thermal Plasma Generator

  • data aktualizacji: 30 czerwca 2006
  • kategoria gry: Strategiczne
  • rozmiar pliku: 37,6 MB

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