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War Leaders: Clash of Nations - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.2 - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry War Leaders: Clash of Nations z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja v.1.2, data publikacji 2 maja 2008.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku252,7 MB


pobrań (7 dni)0

data aktualizacji2 maja 2008

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wersja: v.1.2

Patch przeznaczony jest do gry War Leaders: Clash of Nations. Poniżej lista zmian:

Improvements for the overall stability of the game:

· Random crashes in manager mode

· Improved memory management

· Savegame (IMPORTANT: old savegames will not work)

· Diplomatic window

· General performance improvements

Improvements for manager mode:

· Improved levels of difficulty

· Improved automatic resolution of battles

· Highly improved speed for passing turn in skip mode

· Improved tooltips for units and buildings at construction window (to see what is needed for special constructions)

· Ministry of economy window fixes on wrong, not updated data

· maintenance costs for armies balanced

· Territories income balanced

· Economic wealth for each country balanced

· Raw materials gained by trade agreements does not disappear now when loading a saved game

· Launch diplomacy window by right mouse button on foreign territory

· New mouse button assignment: left mouse button to add/remove to or from the queues. Right mouse button to launch the detailed info screen. This change affects units, buildings, technologies and resources

· Now the buttons on army info screen (disband, dismantle, repair, upgrade) only appear, if it is currently possible to do this action

Improvements for manager AI:

· Improved army movement

· Improved unit and building construction

· Improved AI transporting troops (naval and aerial)

· Improved diplomatic behaviors/actions

· Bug fix on non-building AI

· New valuation system

Improvements for real-time-strategy mode:

· Improved RTS AI

· Improved pathfinding on narrow places (i.e. bridges)

· Damage of anti-aircrafts against bombers balanced

· Bombers can now only attack once before refuelling

Special improvements:

· Fixes on tooltips for territories containing resources

· Insertion of some missing or seldom resources (mangan, uranium)

· Bug fix for secret service technology restrictions

· Color correction on units and movement arrows (i.e. to see units on snow maps)

· Loading transport ships and army refuelling improved

· Plane bombing is replaced by moving, if the country is at peace or truce with you

· There are no more dead nations appearing on diplomatic screen

· After right to pass agreement all units will be expelled from foreign territories

· Bug fixes for event window crashes

· New system of constructing units and buildings: now only the amount of money you need for construction at the current turn will be subtracted from your credits counter (ministry of economy now shows these changes)

· More adequate reactions at war declaration and cancellation integrated

· No more non-existent territories will appear in revolt-messages

· Spies are now able to move over long distances through enemy or neutral territories

· Ministry of economy balanced on credits updating, bankruptcy video is now launched if you are out of money

· No more distortions of territory details (CTRL)

· Territory giveaways or -gains can’t be bought or advantaged by money

· Changes on rebellions: inclusion/exclusion of spies depends on their reckoning potential

· Improved tech tree restrictions

· On pressing the right mouse button over foreign territories, the adequate diplomatic window opens

· Improved key assignment; it is no longer possible to assign more than one function to a key

  • data aktualizacji: 2 maja 2008
  • kategoria gry: Strategiczne
  • rozmiar pliku: 252,7 MB

Pliki do gry War Leaders: Clash of Nations






7 dni

War Leaders: Clash of Nations - v.1.3 PL patch 370,7 MB 2008.12.15 7,3K 4
War Leaders: Clash of Nations - v.1.3 ENG patch 157,7 MB 2009.03.05 5K 0
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