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War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.01.24 - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja v.1.01.24, data publikacji 19 marca 2015.

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data aktualizacji19 marca 2015

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Patch o numerze 1.01.24 do gry War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition. Poniżej anglojęzyczny opis aktualizacji:


1. Display of AF/Port icon between player saves based on player's intel

2. Return mines loaded on ship to pool when ship is upgraded. Otherwise, they are lost when weapon list updated

3. Reported cargo/troop safety values incorrect when no cargo/troop space

4. Allow smaller 'reserve' space for small groups on ships

5. Preserve some more data when swapping fragment and parent to prevent lost of parent

6. Correct attacking plane count before final post-air combat

7. Pilot promotion may have occured in error sometimes

8. Raid detect message sometimes dropped of the combat report

9. Some TFs did not auto-refuel when at base. TF with Support ships loaded with supply generally

10. Some pilot-leader connections were being corrupted

11. Movement bug with following units due to incorrect move indicator. Seems to fix a few other move issues due to the incorrect indicator

12. Wrong ship sometimes reported in Ops report for TF movement which causes some damage

13. Escorts being assigned to auto-convoy TFs when not in the AC ship pool

14. Status (static,restricted,etc) filter of ground reinforcement/withdraw not working with the date sort

15. ASW groups not allowed to attack sometimes

16. Fragment size not set sometimes at time of the fragment/parent swap. This was causing HQ/LCU to jump to reinforcement queue

17. Bug in bomber intercept if too many rounds of fighter v fighter combat

18. Required Aviation Support is NOT capped at 250 for the human pl;ayer. This was removed at start of AE but crept back in sometime during updates

19. Removed the fragment/parent swap during a TF unload as it could often orphan the fragment.

20. Clear patrol levels if the patrol leveles are not valid after a aircraft upgrade

21. Additional victory conditions for post 44/45 apply only to game-time of over 3 years (ie not short scenario). This was fixed in a previous patch but only for one of the VCs, not the full set

22. Certain sequence of actions allowed enemy LCUs to be visible at enemy base

23. Enabled 'z' to speed up all animations; was commented out in a few animation replays

24. Bug caused F/FB to sometimes bomb at low altitude

25. Aircraft factory upgrade not always happening on time resulting in short span upgrades not occurring properly.

26. Bug in Industry 'failed' indication not showing properly sometimes

27. Location check at scenario load to include small map sceanrios

28. Bug in air supply to fragments in a non-friendly base hex

29. Using way-points defeats some TF missions (eg bombardment) as the TF destination was being set to homebase before execution of the mission – ie was returning to base immediately

30. Error in Strategic map display

31. Additional and stockpile options were not turned off when base was captured

32. Correct LCUs that were being changed to a base (type 6) resulting in 2 bases showing on mouse over

33. Army experience being gained when not 100% prepared as per manual; changed to allow chance to gain experience if >75% prepare and < 50% national exp level

34. Army experience being gain while unit was not on map or was in a ship. Fix 33 added to alleviate the incorrect experience gaining happening while in reinforcement queue

35. Increased road path when using STRATEGIC_MOVE to allow unit to remain on RR – caused unit to jump “off-rail” and move overland

36. Captured base sometimes set to a incorrect HQ if LCU had a bad HQ

37. Excessive accident messages on unload from TF reported

38. Reworked editor sub-unit merging as some devices could drop off the unit list when merged causing smaller size unit than expected

39. Corrected possible TOE error in scenario data load for inactive units

40. Air transport by seaplane to enemy bases was being allowed; a commando type unit can however be allowed to do this.

41. Possible CTD if sinking ship's load was a group

42. Limit the number of devices built from resources per unit during LCU replacements; this was causing an over production for that turn

43. Retain day/night setting when creating group fragments

44. Adjusted supply and fuel values in base list not to overrun the space

45. CT_APc removed from Minesweeping TF;CT_AM removed from Local Sweeping TF, but added YMS to Sweep TF in line with manual and code

46. Auto-rebuild (1/3 of TOE) of Chinese ground unit devices is limited to Squad types as the rule relates to the abundance of manpower and is not covered by replacement pool. Normal rebuilding of destroyed units is not affected by this.

47. Carrier capable and trained text not showing together on Group screen

48. Handle any blank re-name changes by ignoring them

49. Possible CTD when air fragments combine

50. Unloading TF can freeze a LCU onto a ship under some conditions

51. AI not behaving if main HQs missing (affects small map mainly)

52. AI using AGC for normal land units – removed from TF if not needed

53. Soviet activation message not in Ops report

54. Correct off/on-map movement of LCU - not always behaving correctly due to the hex range

55. Clear Soviet air balance if not activated. Possible incorrect base switching

56. Sub attack against docked TF not happening for port size <3

57. Unit type changing unexpectantly

58. Torpedo replacement on plane sometimes is missed

59. Double handling of overstacked supply requirements

60. Fixed alternate weapons for port attacks

61. Corrected weapon system damage to show after combat on ships in port rather than wait till sometimer in the ship repair cycle.

62. Ship tonnage over 32K could cause repairs to fail

63. Display message for group on ship could cause crash

64. Allow upgrade of group when “withdraw” is off

65. Patrol sub TF doesn’t return to base if it doesn't have home base

66. Setting TF name to max 25 characters wiped out TF

67. Corrected display of some weapons in a/c display

68. “Set Objective” will allow some prepare points to remain based on unit experience

69. Check torpedo supply available before deciding alternate torpedo load

70. Allow ship-based groups to draw reserve upto 3

71. Some display issues with weapon filters and missions for aircraft data

72. Issue where a weapon slot having multiple filters could lose some weapons

73. Forming TF in from base showed incorrect TF

74. Zero length TF name caused corruption to name

75. TF icon could show wrong side if TF from each side present

76. Parent LCU swapping not always working if fragment off-map

77. Error in rebuilding of editor sub-units not clearing original parent device numbers first

78. Split groups sometimes not counted as one for overloaded AF check

79. Burma Road not open if Rangoon is captured

80. Para unit not moving by seaplane

81. Partial weapon load not kicking in if ops needed exceeded ship's ops level and ammo load exceeded 1000

82. Fixed discrepancy in base AV on some lists

83. Protect against fragments being linked to other fragments for LCUs (as in un/loading on transports). Can lead to loss of ability to merge with unit’s parent.

84. ASW combat could result against ‘phantom’ TF when one TF had been eliminated in an earlier combat round

85. Fixed groups could fly too far if escorting transports

86. Single plane filling of group not counting previous clicks.

87. Non-port base trying to build port (type = primary AF is NOT a port)

88. Fixed non-base disbanding of LCUs

89. Fixed transfer name box for veteran pilots missing

90. Overfilled TOE of LCU could lose a number of devices when device upgraded

91. Corrected device upgrade sometimes skipping an upgrade

92. Disabled devices not being carried forward for reinforcements when Japanese production is on

93. Restricted filter on Unit list for 'change all on list ..' not working

94. Don't show TF to enemy player (in case it happens)

95. Troop/supply can unload from TF at an enemy 'dot' base, but once base captured, unloading is almost impossible. Treat 'dot' base as no base for unloading purposes

96. AI swapping aircraft to different nationalities on reinforcement

97. Pilot training HI expenditure was not set in some cases

98. Strategic movement type not carried to 'set all follow/march' units

99. Missing '*' next to AA on class upgrade display

100. Disbanding VS group when not returning wasn't merged

101. New scenario LCU move direction not always correct

102. Writeoff any active ships that are in enemy port base. Possible bug if ship repairing when base captured

103. CV groups should retain resize capability when moved back to ship. In general, any ship-based group which is carrier trained can be resized.

104. Possible overflow error when build list of ships

105. Change direction when set for direct move. Added description to March Direction on screen to help identify when direct move is set

106. Devices in TOE of less than 3 could cause subunits not to rebuild

107. TF destination (unload at) not allowing some TFs to return home

108. Direct move fix last patch broke scenario start move setup

109. Missing seaplane expenditure on repair attempts

110. Correct TF patrol issue when no destination hex

111. Bug in activating barge that could disband random TF (DCB)

112. Aligned unit type and suffix to coorect ‘strangeness’

113. Low endurance ships not always using fuel for small moves

114. Some ships with system damage excluded from autobuild TFs

115. Some liquid capacity not used on xAK type ships

116. Stop multiple combats where more than 500 units in a stack

117. Fixed LCU device repair bug

118. Setting same destination won't clear march distance

119. City attack not allowing 'cities' and 'ports' to be bombed. Just the first type found.

120. Made emergency mobiliation forces arrive as delay 1 so get correctly setup

121. Moving units try to build non-base forts (using supply) which are zero'ed - wasted supply

122. Ignore empty convoys when checking for arrivals

123. Issue with '0' AV units continually retreating in combat

124. Adjust ship fuel after upgrade/conversion by adjusting ship/base fuel levels

125. Catered for only 2 ships in TF that becomes crippled

126. Flak factor could be randomly reduced when checking TF flak numbers

127. Flak calculation incorrect for land units

128. Ship-based groups could fly with torp if no torpedo slot on ship

129. Enemy base damage impacting ability to use paratroops

130. Tweaked Isolated units without supply can lose more devices

131. Fixed Retain extra data from fragment when parent restored from fragment

132. Fixed Auto-base capture not kicking in if non-combat friendly unit present

133. Fixed Group upgrade not performed if ANY fragment present on or off-map

134. Fixed retreat test for isolated units in supply phase

135. Protected use of 'unload at' destination when no destination is present that could cause TF to run off to some other destination

136. Correct display of port building % - out by factor of 10 on display

137. Port/AF attack only against bases

138. Correct barge rebuilding due to 1123n

139. Units could retreat from combat without triggering pursuit

140. CAP range not accounted for when flying with DTs in transport intercept

141. Show '0' port if ships sighted

142. Ships unable to repair should be able to go to crew-repairs (as long as no other limits)

143. AI issue with resource movement by TF

144. Port refuelling when lowest endurance ship in TF doesn't need fuel

145. Ships in port with full fuel should have full endurance

146. Fix AI over-diverting TFs to top off fuel (courtesy of Don)

147. Unloading unit attack mode not correct in some shock attacks

148. If base in hex belonged to enemy, the LCU display would still show some 'base' info (eg supply)

149. Damaged planes in reserve could interfer with normal plane repairs

150. LBA flying from small AFs sometimes

151. Setting patrol boundary could set destination on random TF.

152. Some errors in ship transfers due to tonnage limits

153. Error in setting Ground Reinforcements globally off by menu option

154. Cleared destination data on parent unit when rebuilding

155. Auto rebuilt Chinese squads are not affect by randomization. Other devices may have some randomly disrupted rather than lose the devices due to the randomization

156. Stop in-game update from wiping pilot HI cost

157. Forming TF in base with large ships does not undock TF.

158. Corrected replacement delay when rebuilding split air groups.

159. Tender causing resource TF not to finish loading

160. Fixed Potential to only service 150 mines if more than one ACM present

161. Fixed altitude reporting error when altitude less than 6000’.

162. Normally non-trained carrier group on a ship wont take replacements. Docked ship (in port >2 or in TF docked) should allow this.

163. Pilot losses caused be bombs (as in bombardments) to pilots was adjusting the Allied counts and not Japaense ones.


1. Show Port re-arm level on ship list screens at base. Does not account for tenders, just the port

2. On ship display, class ammo level will be in GREEN if weapon can be reloaded at base. Tenders not counted

3. When showing mine device on ship, show '!' next to mine ammo if can reload at base

4. Ability to transfer ship in TF screen directly (disband) to the base in the hex. Quick method to remove damaged ships from TF

5. New filter for “non-building” devices in Industry pool screen

6. New filter for “non-building” aircraft in Air Replacement pool screen

7. On base list, an indicator is shown next to port value if any friendly mines (*) or enemy mines (^) detected

8. New symbol setting of 19 for Commando/raider type unit. If there are extra icons in the ‘button6..’ image files, then these will be shown. If not, by default there are shown as standard parachute unit icons

9. Air/port damage and building is shown in base mouse over

10. On base list, an indicate ‘b’ is shown next to port/af that have building turned on

11. TF can be routed to stay within coastal hexes as much as possible

12. On Top Pilot screen show the 'ace' cut-off value if more than 1

13. Added option on group and LCU reinforcement screen to turn off replacements if game originally started with gloabal replacements ON.

14. Current base can get supply returned to it when reserve planes returned which were originally supplied from another base

15. Unit type filter on Troop Loading screen

16. Report killed ground units if not in combat report

17. “In port” and “In TF” filters for forming/transferring new TFs

18. Set all ships to current repair mode in base Repair screen

19. Add a cargo factor for the 3-day supply when showing Amphib TF for troop loading. Removed additional cargo factor (x4) but kept 3-day supply when showing Amphib TF for troop loading

20. Extended class name to some of the screens that have a mouse-over on the ship name.

21. Show Electronics data in in-game database view

22. Ability to change combat/strat mode in Load TF screen

23. Indicate moving unit on Location column mouse-over on army unit list

24. Show Upgrade and Replacement option by LCU on army unit list

25. Added message when LCU can't march directly to a hex

26. Added ability to return supply-driven ships to the pool from ship list screen. Slight menu alignment changes.

27. Added reinforcement numbers for small craft to show as (x/y), where x is normal delay and y is delayed but built (no additional building costs)


1. AF of 8+ have AV support doubled for purposes of determing support for air operations (complements fix 18 above)

2. Permanently increased pilot array to 70K

3. Increased number of air combat rounds are a factor of total aircraft involved

4. Allowed submap to submap movement if land connected for land units. Should have been so as per Andrew Brown

5. Restored the 'space' key operation for AI games. Added Cntl-Z to act as the quick message delay toggle instead

6. Aircraft being grounded for maintenance factors in durability also. This will spread out the maintenace a bit more

7. Support device replacements won't decrease the overall experience of LCU units. This does not alter the overall EXP change due when any replacements are received.

8. For symbol type 19, the unit acts as if a parachute type. There should be a distinction between the two but could break current games.

9. Some LCU Prep points may be retained if unit is experienced

10. Treating planes under maintenance as Reserves when calculating planes on ship if group is at maximum size

11. Added DT_ASW to aircraft weapon display (can still be used as weapon, but not shown on screen)

12. Cancelling from 'Form new TF' will return to original TF rather than close the TF screen

13. Only allow a/c weapon upgrade if profiling on to protect incorrect data in old scenarioes

14. Removed group type of CHUTAI from small unit check for overloaded AF check

15. Added any group with maximum size of <9 as small unit for overloaded AF check

16. Allow disabled planes in withdrawing groups to go to pool if base in mainland USA or Japan, rather than treated as losses

17. Mission run-in speed change. In some cases, TF can switch to mission speed for quick move in a phase (bombardment, near destination). The check for the distance to destination was based solely on max phase move (ie 12 hex) not the actual mission speed. The check has been changed to use the mission speed rather than the max 12 hex.

18. Increased effect of same air hq and group leader (and removed raid leader affect) on raid coordination

19. Removed 'torpedo failed' message when no hits made by sub

20. Land based flak influenced by device's 'accuracy' value inline with naval flak

21. Split LCU Upgrade from Replacement so both can be used independently

22. Allow Crippled (ESCORT) TF to auto-disband into port once it reaches its Home base

23. Auto-disbanded Escort TF with heavy damage (>50 float or >70 system) in port 3+ go into Pierside repair

24. Adjusted air filter to right justify in order stop overruns on wide font

25. Suppressed build rate if device has to be built from production/resources

26. Restored original code that allowed LI,REF to produce when enemy LUC in hex

27. Partially restore original code that allowed HI to produce, but only if no enemy LCU or for port >3, no enemy TF in hex

28. Restored original downgrading of device for arriving Japanese LCU if unable to fully satisfy from pool before dropping by 75% (production on)

29. Allow overdue ship groups to withdraw from ship in base hex rather than move ashore

30. Tweak TF transfer screen for ships in TF

31. Allow carrier based groups to pick out of range city attack. Inline with port/af attack

32. Show on LCU screen if enemy in next hex and/or crosssing river in movement

33. Check for enemy in hex only when moving into hex, allow move if own base present, or moving unit stronger than enemy AV, or no enemy combat units, or friendly combat units present – was interring with AI

34. Reverse base checking order for supply movement every 3rd turn. High numbered bases sometimes missed out on supply if in a nest of low numbered bases.

35. Allow AI to return to the supply pool some small ships. This also corrects the player returning small ships to the pool and having to pay Shipyard building points again.

36. Upgrading ships with any cargo will attempt to offload it while in port (ie not part of TF) so can start upgrade.

37. Units with static squad/engineer devices can't retreat. This is inline with the design but did not work if there were none left in the unit.

38. Re-arranged air transport intercept for messages

39. Naval bombardment sometimes stopped short range ships from firing if longer range ones present

40. Changed Allow inactive pilots to be selected if group 100% training

41. Maxed out ship ops on refueling

42. Add right-clock to 'Refuel ships in list' for ammo rather than fuel

43. Replenish from port with 'no refuel option' will attempt to replenish ammo only

44. Global replacement OFF now includes upgrades for reinforcements

45. Mark as “loaded” for ships that cannot load troops in Fast Transport TF – was stopping load process from ending

46. LCU don't start to move until unpacked (use to be that this only applied to units starting a STRATEGIC_MOVE)

47. Limit return fire from LCU in defend/bombard stance when being bombarded only.

48. Add option to activate pilots in a group

49. Modified ACM to use the ship’s endurance/fuel rather than port fuel

50. Undocked TF in home base was not expending any endurance, although it does in a non-home base. Such TFs will randomly expend a small amount of endurance.

51. Added air groups filter to loading TF screen, and made items not selectable if filter is off

52. When checking for low ASW ammo, ignore ships with NO ASW weapons as distinct from having no ammo available.

53. Handle case where top HQ is also a Command Hq attached to another Command Hq. Not really expected.


1. The main HQs (slots 1-27 and 100-134 for Japanese and Allied respectively) in a scenario should not change player or HQ, even if not in play. These original HQs are used by the AI routines so changing or deleting them can put the AI off. Changing other elements should be okay.

2. Clarification to weapon filters for aircraft:

PM_CITY_ATTACK 1 // used for city attacks

PM_NAVAL_ATTACK 2 // used for naval attacks

PM_NAVAL_ATTACK2 4 // alternate for naval attack (like torp replacement)

PM_LAND_ATTACK 8 // used for land (ground) attack

PM_PORT_ATTACK 16 // used for port attack

PM_AF_ATTACK 32 // used for AF attack

PM_ASW_ATTACK 64 // used for ASW attack

Dropped any reference to secondary values for land and AF as they served no special use.

3. New symbol 19 (Commando/raider) was added in build 1112. This acts like symbol 13 in games started before 1123.

In newer games, parachute symbol (13) units can drop from planes, and commando symbol (19) units can be moved by submarine. Both types can be moved by seaplane to an enemy base.

If there is no specific art for units with symbol 19, then it defaults to the symbol 13 art. The art is in “Button6_AUS.bmp” files; the next block at the end of current file.

Clarification changes

1. Some clarification and changes in regard to use of the Soviet Motherland bases. These bases are those defined as having an original Soviet hex ownership of SOV_UNION (90), MONGOLIA(91) or TANNU_TUVA(92).

1. Allied non-Soviet groups can't transfer to Soviet Motherland bases

2. Allied non-Soviet LCUs can't move into Soviet Motherland hexes

3. Alied non-Soviet LCUs can be landed by ship or air at Soviet Motherland bases after Soviets are activated, but can’t move

4. Allied non-Soviet TFs or ships can't replenish from Soviet Motherland ports, even if disbanded in port.

5. Allied merchant ships assigned to Soviet Hqs will become Soviet ships permanently

6. Re-assigning base command of Soviet Motherland bases needs to also be Soviet

  • data aktualizacji: 19 marca 2015
  • kategoria gry: Strategiczne
  • rozmiar pliku: 100,6 MB

Pliki do gry War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition






7 dni

War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition - v.1.01.08r9 patch 100,7 MB 2012.02.09 1,4K 0
War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition - v.1.01.24 patch 100,6 MB 2015.03.19 3,1K 0