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Vietnam '65 - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.11 - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Vietnam '65 z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja v.1.11, data publikacji 8 czerwca 2015.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku40 MB


pobrań (7 dni)0

data aktualizacji8 czerwca 2015

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Vietnam '65 patch v.1.11 - Darmowe Pobieranie |

Patch o numerze 1.11 do gry Vietnam '65. Poniżej anglojęzyczny opis aktualizacji:

New features:

- Fog of war.

- New VO for various events.

- Custom game editor

- Save games naming and deleting

- Hex tile grid can be toggled on and off.

- Vietcong units have new animation when disbanding after combat.

- Villages play effects when H&M changes.

- Combat bonuses and penalties for terrain, spotting and weather.

- Helicopters do not get defensive bonuses.

- Ambushed units do not get defensive bonuses.

- New units are given names.

- Names for units are customisable.

- Weather.

- M113 has detection when carrying friendly infantry.

- VC cadres are more evasive and reactive.

- Options - Player can choose whether units with current orders are included in the arrow cycling of units still to move

- Units withdirect fire are out of the arrow cycling unless there are targets within their range


- Rocks can no longer spawn under US bases in all cases.

- [STEAM] Fixed stat tracking for a few veteran-related achievements.

- S hotkey works correctly.

- Fixed minor typos.

- Enemy units no longer sometimes move further than they should.


- US units automatically gather intelligence if they start their turn in a village. No need to perform another action.

- Current game mode displayed on intelligence map.

- New effects.

- Movement rules for units adjusted slightly.

- Infantry are now better at moving through jungle than vehicles

- Vehicles are affected by poor weather more severely than infantry.

- Can now select all buildings.

- Emergency air resupply no longer carries fuel.

- Control and selection modifications.

- Can deselect units while they are moving.

- Can only supply drop on tiles with valid friendlies.

- Can only air strike on tiles with visible enemies.

- Audio updates.

- Tweaked camera bounds and parameters slightly.

- Damaged vehicles have wrench icon instead of red cross.

- Custom cursor?

Fixed thumbnails sometimes drawing under labels on map

- Added stroke to zero in typewriter font

- Made H&M effects slightly bigger.

- Villages have portraits too.

- Names stay around with or without hex grid on map

- Swapped hex and menu button positions.

- Removed blocks from cia map texture

- Rains more on Veteran

- US units automatically gather intelligence when starting turn in village.

- Dead units will correctly clear fog.

- Fixed Howitzer shoot animation

- Minor UI fixes for continue mode user experience

- Fixed a number of exploits involving dying US units.

- Unit action buttons arrange along the bottom of the screen.

  • data aktualizacji: 8 czerwca 2015
  • kategoria gry: Strategiczne
  • rozmiar pliku: 40 MB

Pliki do gry Vietnam '65






7 dni

Vietnam '65 - v.1.11 patch 40 MB 2015.06.08 1,8K 0