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Trainz Simulator 2010: Engineers Edition - aktualizacja do gry wersja - Service Pack 3 ENG - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Trainz Simulator 2010: Engineers Edition z gatunku Gry Symulacje, wersja Service Pack 3 ENG, data publikacji 6 grudnia 2010.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku42,4 MB


pobrań (7 dni)0

data aktualizacji6 grudnia 2010

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wersja: Servicepack 3 ENG

Patch przeznaczony do angielskiej wersji gry Trainz Simulator 2010: Engineers Edition. Poniżej anglojęzyczny opis aktualizacji:

Streamlined achievement logging.

Fixed a specific instance where the script error button could not be clicked on.

Fixed a thread exception when entering the cab of a loco facing backwards in a consist.

Fixed further issues with CM's region filter.

CM now shows kuids for missing dependencies.

Updated DLS license agreement.

Undoing a paste operation now undoes water placement and removal.

Fixed a script error in DriverModule when using the AI to run around.

Added missing functionality to some signal states in specific French Signals.

Faulty routes/sessions can now be deleted in game via the Routes Menu.

Added French localisation to the game.

Adding a "seasonal variant" tag no longer adds a "groundtexture" tag instead in CCP.

Added "Interactive" keyword to all vehicles/industries that support product queues.

Fixed "Backup Asset Keywords".

Added German localisation to the game.

Adjusted some UI elements for formatting issues.

Adding a product to a wagon in surveyor now adds the product as a dependency.

Assets downloaded from the DLS via CM are now automatically favourited.

Fixed an issue where assets were unable to be commited because another process had locked them.

Fixed an issue where built-in assets were being incorrectly marked faulty.

Loading a saved session that uses "Display HTML Pages" no longer causes a script exception.

Fixed an issue where saving in a specific way caused Trainz to hang.

Decreased FCT checking time in CM.

Added Polish localisation to the game.

Added Russian localisation to the game.

Uninstall now checks if trainz programs are running before uninstalling, and will attempt to shut them down.

Improved CD key functionality.

Made various minor changes resulting in assorted performance boosts.

Added Spanish localisation to the game.

Improved database asset searching.

Corrected an issue where saved sessions were not being saved to the correct location.

Modified some error messages and notifications to remove references to TS2009.

Added Czech localisation to the game.

Fixed an issue that could cause the object, track and train lists to not be sorted alphabetically.

Fixed an issue where CM would stall after commiting large amounts of cloned assets.

Added Dutch localisation to the game.

Added extra localisation tokens to strings previously missing them.

Strings in CM's archive helper now correctly show cyrillic text.

Splines no longer draw all over the place when merging routes.

Fixed an issue with layers that would sometimes render trackside objects incorrectly immovable.

Fixed a script exception that could occur when a lot of updates are available via the "Content Updates" menu.

The 'Driver commands' rule now shows commands even if one of them is faulty.

Changing a route's region and saving now retains the new region.

CM no longer appears to hang when adding certain archives.

Fixed an issue where Trainz would not handle certain resolution changes correctly.

Removed references to earlier versions of Content Manager in CM.

Fixed a variety of potential script errors in older sessions.

Added further checks in regard to achievements.

Fixed a potential hang at the Routes Menu.

Fixed an issue that would cause Trainz not to start when using OpenGL and fullscreen mode.

Removed debug options that appeared in CM when it was run in Russian.

Made various major improvements to the Patcher.

'Manual' button in the Launcher now works correctly when using the Russian Translations.

Fixed an issue where detail strings were showing in English when they should be in Russian or German.

CM now correctly shows how many assets are in a loaded archive.

Fixed an issue with the Edit Environment tool that would cause the dates to lose their alignment.

Fixed an issue where non-local assets could be attempted to be saved to a CDP.

Added localisation tokens to key shortcuts.

Prevent possible crash if Speedtree fails to load.

Added MSVC runtime DLLs for extra support in Windows XP.

Added localisation tokens for several key in-game strings.

Steam engine sound are no longer one cycle out of sync.

"Replace asset..." tool modified to work with track markers.

Bumped version number to 3.3.

Added additional support for Steam usage.

Added additional support for the Blue Comet pack.

  • data aktualizacji: 6 grudnia 2010
  • kategoria gry: Symulacje
  • rozmiar pliku: 42,4 MB

Pliki do gry Trainz Simulator 2010: Engineers Edition






7 dni

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