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Trainz Simulator 12 - aktualizacja do gry wersja - Patch #2 - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Trainz Simulator 12 z gatunku Gry Symulacje, wersja Patch #2, data publikacji 29 lipca 2011.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku14,6 MB


pobrań (7 dni)0

data aktualizacji29 lipca 2011

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Trainz Simulator 12 patch Patch #2 - Darmowe Pobieranie |

wersja: Patch #2

Patch do gry Trainz Simulator 12. Poniżej anglojęzyczny opis aktualizacji:

TY#531- Fix to downloading 'Out of Date' assets

TY#629- 'Inability to insert a spline point next to another one on a parallel track.'

TY#833- HOTT MAV Eaos load not showing after save

TY#1080- Replace Assets loses the names

TY#1112- Coronas - "directional" doesn't work any longer (coronas are invisible)

TY#1109- 'Overlapping Spline Point Manipulation Problem'

TY#1147 - 'Speed Limit Flashing - too sensitive'

TY#1172- Multiplayer- The MP's hosting error message font is too sharp for the eyes.

TY#1232 - 'Addon - Addon packs are not marked favourite by default'

TY#1293 - 'Multiplayer - add progress indicator during game login process'

TY#1426- Map Display Options: Visible in normal views (added attachment)

TY#1431- Content Manager list view does not refresh after downloading DLS asset listings

TY#1451 - 'MP- You cannot re-host a disconnected server.'

TY#1452 "Sound - Doppler not working in 'tracking camera' view"

TY#1465 - 'QuickDrive rule does not default to "Control Type" pane on Multiplayer Client'

TY#1490 "Track not connecting to industries"

TY#1499 - CM - Saving a search with 1 "Asset KUID" containing more than 10,000 assets causes a lockup or crash of main window;

TY#1537- iTrainz Chat - Not telling me if other user is offline;Private Chat: I don't know when player has gone offline

TY#1538- Route listing jumps back to Highlighted choice

TY#1575- Unneeded asset backups

TY#1597- Autosave Creates Faulty Session

TY#1634- Save Session breaks achievements

TY#1639 - 'Various (all?) sessions are not restoring driver commands after Save Session'

TY#1693- 'Read Only files cause save errors in taddaemon that are not reported to the user'

TY#1703- No lock icon for fixed track junctions

TY#1711- 'Twisting of two track bridge if spline is inserted on bridge'

TY#1712- 'Scroll bars don't appear to be showing correctly on minibrowser controls'

TY#1716- CM: Improper time\date displayed for 'Modification Time'

TY#1724- 'Surveyor- Inserting spline points to double tracks make them automatically change track layout.'

TY#1765- Unable to place track side objects on certain type tracks.

TY#1784- Surveyor- Deleting spline point near a junction of 2 single line tracks with a double line track swaps the single line tracks over.

TY#1786- Surveyor- Undoing from TY#1784 twists the double line track

TY#1787- Surveyor- Deleting spline point near a junction of 2 single line tracks and a 2 line track breaks the junctions.

TY#1834- Fixed bug related to spline points in 2T tracks.

TY#1885- Surveyor quick drive run saved session error on restarting the save from session menu

TY#1811- CM Download Totals

TY#1878- RazorBack Classic Modified Crashing system

TY#1896- Interior - still lacking a button style control for a horn

TY#1929- Backups not being purged after expiry period

TY#1978- Midshire Mainline v3 cannot be found on DLS

TY#2049- Trainz / Content Manager will download content of a later build

TY#2058- Trainz/CM should not attempt to download assets with an unsupported version

TY#2143- No 'locked layer' prompt when trying to place a world origin object with a locked route layer

TY#2194- Sound settings do not load correctly if muted

TY#2197- Trainz uses wrong thumbnail for assets downloaded from the DLS

TY#2215- Springfield Industrial District - Routes menu session count appears wrong

TY#2216- Overwrite All/Skip All do not work when importing content

TY#2218- CM 3.6 Search by KUID

TY#2220- Mojave Sub Division : Mojave to Bakersfield - "control method" window doesn't close when DCC or CAB mode is selected.;

TY#2225- Driver 'save session' dialogue should pause game while open

TY#2226- Driver 'save session' dialogue should present a reasonable default save name

TY#2228- Driver- Keyboard shortcut W does not work for some steam locos.

TY#2162- Adding '#TY2162' as a channel creates a new buddy instead of a channel

TY#2118- Feature Request - Add support to the Download Station listings for removing/disabling an asset

TY#2349- Added a roll-back feature for failed patches.

Improved handling of bridges, tunnels, and multitracks.

Fixed coupler breakage when reloading saved session.

Fixed restoring of camera focus when reloading saved sessions.

Fixed lighting and sound effects.

Fixed various TrainzUtil crashes related to non-ANSI characters.

Fixed various Content Manager crashes due to faulty asset config files.

  • data aktualizacji: 29 lipca 2011
  • kategoria gry: Symulacje
  • rozmiar pliku: 14,6 MB

Pliki do gry Trainz Simulator 12






7 dni

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