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Sudden Strike 3: Arms for Victory - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.31 PL - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Sudden Strike 3: Arms for Victory z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja v.1.31 PL, data publikacji 21 lutego 2008.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku154,6 MB


pobrań (7 dni)1

data aktualizacji21 lutego 2008

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wersja: v.1.31 PL

Patch przeznaczony do polskiej edycji gry Sudden Strike 3: Arms for Victory. Poniżej oryginalny opis poprawki:

Bugs fixed:

° Ordering "Scatter" killed the command queue

° Trees tinted on zoom

° Clicks outside the map would reset the selection

° Assault command couldn't be confirmed by clicking on an object

° Shooting guns connected improperly

° AT rifles sound too loud

° Some minor typos have been fixed

° Mines can be detonated by explosions

° Truck with broken chasses immediately disappear (Untermehmen 7"C")

° Unload command caused exceptions in some cases

° Incorrect gun state in saved games

° Incorrect player profiles

° Loading saved games caused crash in some cases

° Model of English 5.5 howitzer used wrong animation indices

° Incorrect passenger animations on some vehicles

° Wrong passenger state

° Trucks with attached guns didn't properly handle the "Assault" command

° Gun squads play no animation when dragging the gun

° Flak guns never attacked infantry

° AI: soldiers were crouching in aggressive mode

° AI: repair command worked improperly after loading

° AI: suspended refuelling

° M/P: the game reported wrong number of players

° M/P: disabled controls for missing players

° M/P: fixed 'Country' field in lobby

° M/P: the game froze before start

° M/P: color was not reset on disconnect

° ATI HD series video cards workaround

° Incorrect historical data for some vehicles

° Missing sound schemes


° AI: a crowd of medics do not attempt to heal a single soldier

° AI: units with empty guns seek ammo boxes

° AI: soldiers line up after unloading from a vehicle

° AI: units bypass commands they couldn't fulfill (do not stop)

° AI: improvements in MicroAI for snipers

° AI: the 'Follow' command is not interrupted when fighting enemies

° AI: units without arms & passengers do not try to assault

° AI: improvements in the pathfinding algorithm

° AI: crew have better chance to leave the vehicle

° AI: soldies scatter farther than before

° The 'Stick together' command now can be queued

° Vehicles' icons blink, if not enough crew to shoot

° Esc resumes Pause without showing the menu

° M/P: BackSpace speedup in chat

° M/P: cheats do not work via Single Player mode

° M/P: increased TTL for chat messages

° M/P: ping info

° M/P: 3 pauses for each player per a game, the host can resume


° Rotation cursor

° You can drag camera using the Mini-Map window

° "German tank supply", a single mission

° M/P: option to show enemies in red & allies in blue

° M/P: two missions reworked, one added

  • data aktualizacji: 21 lutego 2008
  • kategoria gry: Strategiczne
  • rozmiar pliku: 154,6 MB

Pliki do gry Sudden Strike 3: Arms for Victory






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