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Strategic Command WWII: Assault on Democracy - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.01 - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Strategic Command WWII: Assault on Democracy z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja v.1.01, data publikacji 31 lipca 2013.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku120 MB


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data aktualizacji31 lipca 2013

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wersja v. 1.01

Patch o numerze 1.01 do gry Strategic Command WWII Assault on Democracy. Poniżej anglojęzyczny opis aktualizacji:


- fixed a controlled movement error that would cause a CTD when scrolling the map beyond the range of the highlighted unit movement area (Strategiclayabout)

- fixed an AI amphibious movement error that would cause a CTD (Robert Hatcher)

- fixed a TCP/IP game play error that would cause a CTD (Catacol Highlander)

- fixed a scorched earth calculation error (llhnickerson)

- fixed a WAR ENTRY script error that was not properly checking for conditional alignments (Eisenhammer)

- fixed a FoW unit movement error for when Major nations are on the map but currently fully 'Neutral' politically

- new unit placements can now only be placed at resources connected by rail to either a Capital or Industrial Center

- research breakthrough threshold adjusted from 30% to 45% (Bill R.)

- HQs in Auto-Assist mode will no longer have attachments re-assigned to front line units unless they are out of range of the 'parent' HQ

- adjusted AI Fighter/Medium Bomber attacks against ground targets so that the AI will skip attacks with potentially higher losses for these units

- adjusted AI Fighter/Medium Bomber/Carrier attacks against ground targets so that the AI will skip attacks with potentially higher losses for these units (steel32)


- fixed a Light Carrier display error in the Combat Target dialog that showed 'operational range' instead of 'intercepts' (mcaryf1)

- fixed a DECISION EVENT error that had the Editor incorrectly looking for a FREINDLY_POSITION

- fixed a resource AA upgrade error that would cause a crash to the desktop (mcaryf1)


1939 World At War

- fixed the name of the German VXI Corps as it is not a proper Roman Numeral (llhnickerson)

- fixed several SURRENDER #1 events related to DE 602 and French Polynesia and the French West Indies (steel32)

- fixed the Indian National Army UNIT event for Japan after the fall of Singapore (numdydar)

- fixed an Italian surrender in East Africa popup error (Robert Hatcher)

- fixed a SURRENDER_1 event that missed some Moroccan tiles for the Vichy France events (Monsterclaude)

- fixed a neutral island that is now set to Japan that could be found between Tinian and Guam (Monsterclaude)

- fixed several AI FLEET scripts so that US naval units should no longer travel near Japan until later in the war (numdydar)

- fixed a weather zone error for Paris (Strategiclayabout)

- fixed several Chinese Army names that ended in 'th' that should have ended in 'st' or 'nd' or 'rd' (Robert Hatcher)

- fixed the northern border between Norway and the USSR so that they now meet (Robert Hatcher)

- fixed the German road heading south to Italy that previously passed through Switzerland(Strategicallyabout)

- added east/west loops in Mexico (Robert Hatcher)

- added a rail line from Chungking to Chengdu (Duke of York)

- added a 3 strength BB for Italy in February 1940 to arrive via the P/Q (Abukede, Bill R.)

- added a road and rail from Germany to Zagreb (numdydar)

- added 2 new DECISION events to handle the UNIT coastal garrisons for either a German or Allied invasion of Norway (crispy131313)

- added Kursk to the map as a town and adjusted the terrain around Kursk and Kharkov to be mostly hills and less forest (Monsterclaude)

- added several hills northwest of Rzhev

- added several marsh tiles near Velikiye Luki and southeast of Novograd

- changed a Japanese Army that was set to arrive on the P/Q on December 1, 1939 to October 1, 1940

- changed a Japanese Army that was set to arrive on the P/Q on March 3, 1940 to December 1, 1940

- Wainright HQ now a US unit as opposed to Japanese unit (numdydar)

- Malta SUPPLY event adjusted to take into account the status of Egypt as well as to remove Alexandria and Cairo from the event (mcarfy1)

- port at Anchorage now accessible/attackable by both the Axis and Allied navies (Monsterclaude)

- Vichy France territory amended so that it will be possible for the Axis to reach Spain without having to invade Vichy France (abukede; Catacol Highlander).

- Japanese SNLF at Naha now set to arrive via P/Q January 1941

- POPUP for June 1940 added to remind the Japanese player that war with the Allies will be inevitable and to properly prepare for it (abukede)

- minimum supply and minimum connection supply set to 3 for land operational movement so as to not limit these options in the USSR, this will also help with German supply in the USSR as well (Catacol Highlander)

- UK and US Amphibious Warfare action point increments increased to 2 tiles for each new Level of Amphibious Warfare research

- all naval Loop scripts now have a minimum of 2 finish positions (Catacol Highlander).

- it is now possible to access Anchorage by sea (MonsterClaude).

- supply scripts relating to Italian supply in Abyssinia amended to correctly reflect that they are tied in to ownership of Cairo, rather than Alexandria.

- duplicated Soviet Winter event removed from the Murmansk area.

- river Thames added in the UK, and the river Po in Italy (Eisenhammer).

- the river Nile's route has been amended slightly near Cairo (Eisenhammer).

- Chinese AI PURCHASE scripts amended to better reflect likely/historical Chinese purchases but still with the possibility, lowered percentage, that non-historical purchases might still be made (numdydar)

- UK DIPLOMACY scripts adjusted so that the UK will no longer invest in Diplomacy during an enemy invasion of its home island (numdydar)

- UK PURCHASE scripts adjusted so that the UK is more likely to purchase a few defensive Corps and Armies to counter a possible amphibious invasion early in the game (numdydar)

- UK now set to a maximum of Level-3 Anti-Tank to be consistent with all other majors (SeaMonkey)

- Baku removed from the Soviet Industrial Centers list

- Chinese IM increased to 60% from 55%

- Italian NM now set to 30000 from 20000 (steel32)

- UK Commonwealth units from Egypt will now continue to fight once Egypt surrenders (jjdenver)

- Norwegian territorial coastal waters now adjusted so that having Allied naval units just outside of the convoy lanes will no longer affect Norwegian mobilization towards the Axis (ludi1867)

Flatiron 1943

- Added blockade loops for Axis (Honch)

- Corrected port bombings event

- Adjusted Allied naval A.I.

  • data aktualizacji: 31 lipca 2013
  • kategoria gry: Strategiczne
  • rozmiar pliku: 120 MB

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