Steel Beasts - aktualizacja do gry wersja - Pro Personal Edition patch v.2.262 - v.2.304 - Download
Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Steel Beasts z gatunku Gry Symulacje, wersja Pro Personal Edition patch v.2.262 - v.2.304, data publikacji 16 listopada 2006.
typ plikuAktualizacja do gry
rozmiar pliku108,6 MB
pobrań (7 dni)0
data aktualizacji16 listopada 2006
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wersja: Pro Personal Edition patch v.2.262 - v.2.274
Poprawka systemowa przeznaczona do specjalnej edycji gry Steel Beasts, znanej pod nazwą Pro Personal Edition. Poniżej znajduje się oryginalny opis patcha:
Do you need this update? Start Start Pro PE and look in the upper right corner of the main menu screen to find the version number. If the version number is less than 2.304, you should download this update. This update is NOT for SB Pro PE ANZAC users! (A separate update will be made available to you through ANZAC.)
Minimum version: Please ensure that you are running at least version 2.262 of SB Pro PE. (If not, download and install the 2.262 updated below.)
Codemeter (dongle) software update: This SB Pro PE update requires that the software for the Codemeter stick be updated as well.
*** Before you begin - be sure to back up any files/work that you want to keep. This includes scenarios, terrain maps, etc. ***
* Save to your computer
* Unzip SBProPE2_304Update.exe from the archive.
* Run SBProPE2_304Update.exe. The installer will ask for your install location. If you installed SB Pro PE in a non-default location, then be sure to change this.
* Install the latest Codemeter software included in the zip file. The SB update will not run without the latest Codemeter software!
* Start Pro PE and confirm that you have 2.304 in the upper right corner of the main menu.
2.266 compiled
- Set error for infantry firing RPGs to be higher so they miss more often.
- Added new feature for infantry to enter into buildings when given hold, defend or none, tactics. (Infantry stay outside of building with guard tactics.)
- Fixed bug that caused BRDM2ATs to rise above the ground in network sessions when they engage an enemy.
- Fixed some problems with the driver's position in network ses-sions.
- Fixed bug in which soldiers can see up to 1000m, even if visi-bility is set to less than this.
- Fixed bug in which bunkers or abatis moved during the planning phase during a network session by one player would not be re-flected on other machines.
- Fixed bug in which mounted troops of spawned units would not be owned by any player once spawned.
2.273 compiled and released
- Adjusted CC TC behavior with respect to target selection and overriding of human gunners.
- Fixed bug that caused laid bridges not to be recognized at times by client machines in network sessions.
- Added TOW 2B missile (top attack).
- Adjusted network code to loosen requirements for clock syn-chronization between host and clients.
- Added CV-9040B infantry fighting vehicle
- Added CV-9040C infantry fighting vehicle
- Added Strv 122 Swedish main battle tank
- Added rearward driving camera view for driver's place of Strv 122 and Leopard 2A5DK
- Infantry can now occupy buildings
- Squads may now drop an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) which can be remotely controlled and provides thermal and optical camera views from locations up to 300m away.
- Added CH-146 "Griffon" helicopter.
- Fixed bug that caused SB to fail to load certain missions and maps if the user logged into a Windows account without admin-istrative privileges.
- Battlesight key for gunner's position in the Leopard 2A4 now works.
- Troops will now check for friendly forces in their sights be-fore firing, to reduce fratricide.
- Removed jerkiness in pitch of tanks when they make slight turns.
- Proper RPG sound will now play when RPGs are fired.
- Changed the way that the CC gunners deliberately add error to their aiming (which is meant to avoid repeated hits at hard spots or possible obstacles). Initial shots at targets now have no aiming error added.
2.294 compiled
- Mines that explode near combatants will now show up on the 2D map as a green minefield.
- Added feature to write hot keys to an HTML file.
- Added tool to convert the map projection type in the map edi-tor. (Available in classroom version only.)
- Fixed bug in which crew information was not being sent prop-erly over the network in certain special cases in network ses-sions.
- SB will now search all subfolders of the standard scenario lo-cations when joining a network session and searching for the scenario that is loaded by the host.
- Pressing one of the view hot keys (F1, F2, etc...) when al-ready in that view will now toggle the mouse steering on and off.
- Expanded the amount of information in the HTML AARs by logis-tics as well as a detailed tracking of events, their times, and locations
- Added the ability to create a completely user-defined language by adding a folder with language name to the ..\loc\ folder. (Start by duplicating a language of your choice, then trans-late the content of the files and/or replace the wave files).
- Added tutorial for the employment of HE grenades from a vehicle's grenade launcher
- Added tutorial for the employment of bridgelayer tanks
- Added tutorials for CV9040 gunner and commander
- Added multispectral smoke, and Galix protection system
- Fixed bug (ammunition count in T-72 and T-80)
- Fixed bug (M113SA4 no longer amphibious)
- Fixed bug (turret rotation speed with hull turning into the same or opposite direction)
- Fixed bug (turret rotation speed with hull turning into the same or opposite direction during network sessions with human gunner and commander)
- Fixed bug (artillery delivered smoke now properly obstructs view of computer-controlled forces)
- Fixed bug (Loss of alignment if gun is in back-deck clearance area is now indicated in the gunner's primary sight)
- Fixed bug (M1's cal .50 and loader's MG now don't collide as easily as before)
- Fixed bug (HIND now less vulnerable to small-arms fire)
- Fixed bug (FIST-V day-channel and thermal view were not prop-erly aligned)
- Fixed bug (Leopard 2A4 battlesight procedure is now working properly)
- Fixed bug (Infantry marked as killed on the host computer now gets properly killed on client machines, too)
- Fixed bug (infantry ATGM launch sound)
- Fixed bug (Bridges laid in network sessions can now actually be crossed)
- Fixed bug (improved aiming procedures of computer-controlled gunners)
- Fixed bug (added hotkeys to initiate a refill of ammunition ready compartment (no longer needs menu action to do it))
- Fixed bug (remote control of other vehicles' cal .50)
- Fixed bug (some maps didn't show properly georeferenced grid coordinates)
- Fixed bug (a missing resource file error for some languages)
- Added SPAG dummy for constructive simulation purposes
- Vehicles are now more easily damaged in collisions
- Own troops now survive collisions with vehicles. Enemy troops can still be run over, though.
- Made change in network code to make SB more tolerant of large system stalls (caused by memory swapping, for example) to greatly reduce the chance of a disconnection in a network ses-sion.
2.299 compiled
- Updated some light vehicles' armor files
- Fixed bug (Leopard 2 gunner can now change TIS settings while in KH mode)
- Fixed bug (Troops no longer dismount automatically after en-gine turn-off)
- Fixed bug (Assault bridges no longer appear on both sides' maps)
- Fixed bug (Vehicles no longer severely damaged or even killed occasional by small-arms fire while moving towards the at-tacker)
- Changed model geometry of Leopard 2 tanks to close a ballistic hole (similar to bug )
- Fixed bug (AT-6 "Spiral" reduced to 600mm RHAe)
- Fixed bug (Clicking on the "Exit" button in the map screen will no longer activate the mouse steering in the next view)
- Fixed bug (T-72 no longer shoots at distant targets with pri-mary sight damaged)
- Fixed bug (Saved plans with units moved to the edge of deploy-ment zones are now longer locked in place)
- Fixed bug (T-xx gunner's hatches now closed)
- Fixed bug (Loading of PLN files during the planning phase blocked proper spawning of units)
- Fixed bug (AARs now show troops that were killed inside of buildings)
- Fixed bug (Clicking on sights in 3D interior will now center mouse cursor to avoid sudden inadvertent traversals.)
- Updated all MBTs' armor files
- Reduced external sound levels further when inside a vehicle.
- Engines for helicopters can now be turned off only when landed.
- Adjusted brightness of thermal textures for a more consistent look.
- Adjusted floating height of amphibious vehicles.
- Added emplacement depth options for CV9040 and ASLAV.
- Added Instant Action scenarios for all playable vehicles
- Added Gunnery Range scenarios for all playable vehicles
- Added CV90 user's manual
- Added Strv 122 user's manual
2.300 compiled
- Moved ATGMs for T-xx tanks to main gun storage area. (Existing missions with T-xx tanks that have non-zero ATGM counts should be updated in the mission editor to ensure the proper ATGM count.)
- Vehicles with mounted troops will now not open their troop hatches unless the troops are in the vehicle.
- Refinement of vehicle collision model
- Fixed bug (more stable bridge-crossing behavior in the pres-ence of enemy forces)
- Fixed bug (M1 Abrams too likely to catch fire)
- Fixed bug (Text labels of triggers >#32 disappear when used)
- Fixed bug (Gun ready to fire before loading position has been left for firing position)
- Fixed bug (Coax firing techniques for moving targets improved for CV90's computer controlled gunner)
- Fixed bug (Amphibious vehicles occasionally sank into the ground itself)
2.304 compiled and released
- data aktualizacji: 16 listopada 2006
- kategoria gry: Symulacje
- rozmiar pliku: 108,6 MB