Spartan - aktualizacja do gry wersja - UK Just Play retail v.1.017 - Download
Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Spartan z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja UK Just Play retail v.1.017, data publikacji 18 czerwca 2004.
typ plikuAktualizacja do gry
rozmiar pliku8,1 MB
pobrań (7 dni)0
data aktualizacji18 czerwca 2004
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wersja: UK Just Play retail v.1.017
Łatka przeznaczona jest angielskojęzycznej wersji gry (edycja Just Play). Poprawia ona zbalansowanie poziomów trudności rozgrywki, usprawnia procedury sztucznej inteligencji oraz inne mechanizmy gry. Poniżej pełna lista modyfikacji (tekst oryginalny – j. angielski):
- The difficulty levels have been adjusted as new gamers were finding it far too difficult. After 6 months of playing Spartan we decided the beta testers were no longer the best source of feedback for how hard the game should be!
- The AI no longer starts with many more resources than the player & no longer rushes player at the start of the game
- The AI maintains production of units into the later game & reacts more quickly to the situation presented by the player & other AI sides.
- The starting positions of some nations adjusted to make them more playable - most notably Sparta/Lacedaimon
- The AI's research choices are now much more balanced allowing the AI to compete with the player on a much more even footing.
- The Persian & Roman invasions are more powerful
- A bug where the buy prices for generals & maintenance was incorrect has been fixed
- The AI will no longer attack you without cause. The AI will now only attack its enemies, so careful attention to diplomacy now really pays off.
- Friendly fire casualties have been reduced
- A bug where relationships were not effected by naval battles has been fixed
- The UI & list box behaviour have been improved to work more like Windows
- The AI deployment logic has been improved
- A bug where you were offered the wrong battle resolution options when the AI attacked one of your fleets has been fixed.
- A bug in the diplomacy order descriptions has been fixed
- The formula used for Auto resolved combats has been improved
- data aktualizacji: 18 czerwca 2004
- kategoria gry: Strategiczne
- rozmiar pliku: 8,1 MB