Ski Racing 2006 - aktualizacja do gry wersja - patch #1 - Download
Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Ski Racing 2006 z gatunku Gry Sportowe, wersja patch #1, data publikacji 18 stycznia 2006.
typ plikuAktualizacja do gry
rozmiar pliku22,4 MB
pobrań (7 dni)0
data aktualizacji18 stycznia 2006
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wersja: patch #1
Pierwszy patch przeznaczony do gry Ski Racing 2006. Poniżej zamieszczono oryginalny opis poprawki:
Patch List:
- One new Norwegian pro skier to play with
- Online Multiplayer Problem solved
- New dynamic advertisings
- New adverts in Kitzbuehell
- ALT F4 sometimes caused problems when pressed. This is fixed.
- A problem with the 'ALT Gr' button that occurred on some keyboards is fixed
- Some logics in the HUD in network play are changed so that the results are more logical for the player.
- Improved latency hiding when playing with bad connections (> 200 ping)
- The users do not have to refresh the server list two times to see Internet servers anymore
- Server list can now be sorted by ping, name and LAN servers
- Server list holds new info (ping, current number of players, game status (racing or in lobby))
- The last selected item is always selected after re-sorting the server list
- A miss-spelled skier name in WC play is corrected
- A visual bug that occurred when canceling name input in tournament play is fixed
- data aktualizacji: 18 stycznia 2006
- kategoria gry: Sportowe
- rozmiar pliku: 22,4 MB