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RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.2 full EU - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja v.2 full EU, data publikacji 14 stycznia 2005.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku13 MB


pobrań (7 dni)1

data aktualizacji14 stycznia 2005

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wersja: v.2 full UK

Poprawka systemowa przeznaczona do europejskiej edycji gry RollerCoaster Tycoon 3. Poniżej znajduje się pełne zestawienie wprowadzanych do gry zmian (j. angielski):

More Peeps Balancing

- Enhance peep leaving park behavior by add time limit to ensure churn of fresh peeps

- Dividing the way 'waiting for group' behavior is reported.

- Inject more single peeps and reduce the probability of big groups being created

- The VIP objective, where the VIP wants to visit a certain type of theme, is now easier to satisfy

- Peeps are less complaining when experiencing temperature extremes

Mixmaster enhancements

- Scrubbing with echoing sound feedback added

- Maximum number of tracks now extends as tracks are added (to ~ one screen height above the last track)

- Song-file waveform preview

- Spacebar to play/pause

- Adding new fireworks causes fireworks list to stretch off the screen If easy (from forum list)

- User-created fireworks are saved with the show, negating the need to distribute the .frw file


- Correction to German texts

Other Enhancements

- Stratacoaster braking force increased

- Fixed the circumstance where color settings and other custom fireworks were not saved with firework displays

- Increased maximum train length for Suspended Swinging Car

- Some height limits (e.g. Monster Trucks and Wooden Coasters) have been increased

- Corrected some problems where importing wooden coasters from RCT1 and RCT2 undesirable performance

- Starting dates can now be changed in scenario editor

- LOW FRICTION check-box added to coaster operation mode panel that reduces friction, which is especially helpful for tracks imported from RCT and RCT2

- Confirmation box now prompts players upon deleting coasters and attractions.

- Optimizations to 3D code and asset files has resulted in better overal performance

- Powered Launch as been added to Twister coasters

- Removed the REFLECT BACKGROUND option from the Display Options control panel


- Reordered the sorting technique that previously resulted in disappearing rotating cars on the Virginia Reel

- Added previously missing particles for some effects

- Corrected an infrequent instance of the game crashing while loading a save game

- Corrected the circumstance where water rides were not speeding up on the down-slopes

- Corrected the circumstance where splash boats and rafts were too fast

- Corrected the instance where some coasters had overlapping trains

- Peeps no longer become lost on rides if the ride is switched to test mode or is closed

- Attendance calculations refined

- Corrected a rare and complex interaction between some soundcards being present in the same computer with some video cards that resulted in reduced frame-rate

  • data aktualizacji: 14 stycznia 2005
  • kategoria gry: Strategiczne
  • rozmiar pliku: 13 MB

Pliki do gry RollerCoaster Tycoon 3






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