Men of War - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v. - v. ENG - Download
Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Men of War z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja v. - v. ENG, data publikacji 17 maja 2010.
typ plikuAktualizacja do gry
rozmiar pliku32,9 MB
pobrań (7 dni)3
data aktualizacji17 maja 2010
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wersja: v. - v. ENG
Patch do anglojęzycznej wersji gry Men of War. Poniżej oryginalny angielskojęzyczny opis:
Patch 1.17.5:
* Fixed
. Balanced
+ Added
* fixed bug with distant mine planting
* fixed bug with high speed deminers
* game no longer hangs after exit to lobby
* improved game memory protection from external changes (anti-cheating)
* small fixes in "Hall of Fame"
* "Tanks only" mode improved (integrated mod TTmod_Pro from Pheonix)
* fixed bug with undestructible USA mgun
* fixed bug with Sherman "Jumbo" animation
. Frontline: increased CP from 100 to 120 for attacking side
. Frontline: increased score for flag capture from 250 to 300
. BM-13 and Sdkfz4 reactive mines now have lower flying trajectory
+ Added new maps:
Bridges quartet
Country roads
Country side
Dead hills
Desert hills
Gold rush
Patch 1.16.4:
* Fixed
. Balanced
+ Added
+ added Japanese units
+ added rank games and automatch
+ made friends first in "Community" window
* fixed shells ricochet from moving/animating vehicles
* fixed Sturmtiger damage model
* fixed exploding Ŕ39 Turtle and M36 after specific hmgun burst
* game no longer get out of sync after mod install
* soldier can kill prone enemy with knife
* fixed "map control" option storing in settings
* Sdkfz7-1 driver can't be killed with machine gun now
* Ň29 can be killed with dynamite
* fixed armor plates settings on IS1 hull
* some barricades were not penetrable with AP shells
* lowered Centurion gun
* IS3 backward speed lowered, Hetzer speed increased
* changed M3 Grant gun limits
* changed armor piercing for Ě3 Grant gun (as on M4A1)
* KV-2 can aim at 170 m even on small hills
* fixed engine burn probability after hit
* fixed shell spreading while moving for Achilles and Ě5Ŕ1
* Ě5Ŕ1 can't crush buildings now
* fixed M5A1 armor settings
* can't kill M36 crew in the hole between hull and turret now
* fixed Panther's gun mask armor
* fixed armor settings on T29 turret
* fixed Su-76's displaced track after repair
* added armor for machine gunner at Sdkfz251
* IS2 front turret armor set to 100 mm
* Tanks: BT-7A, T-26, KV-1, KV-2, KV-85, IS-1, IS-2, IS-2 M44, Ha-Go, Ke-Nu, Chi-He, Chi-Ha 47, Chi-Ha 57,
will not turn turret to shoot from rear mgun
* fixed track texture on broken King Tiger
* fixed wheels on right side of BT-7A
* fixed traces from wheels of Japanese vehicles
* fixed combat engineers high speed in certain cases
. changed cooldown timers in mode "No refund" mode
. decreased ricochet chance on angles 25+
. decreased armor piercing power after ricochet
. caliber/armor koef. decreased to 30 degrees (T-34 is easier to kill from Pz IV)
. increased range of 37-mm and 40-mm AA-guns to 110 m
. slightly increased explosive power of 120 mm HE shells
. increased AP power of Cromwell tank gun
. slightly increased armor piercing power of AT grenade
. slightly decreased armor piercing power falloff with distance for HMG, AT rifles and AA guns
. Jagdtiger armor piercing is less influenced by armor slope now
. balanced main tanks for all nations (T-34, Sherman, Pz4G, Chi-Nu)
. added engine breakdown for small vehicles when hit by blastwave of nearby HE shell
. limited amount of HE shells placed on map
. all machine gunners except Soviet - cost more
. flamethrower (6) , Vickers mg (6), T-60 (14), Su-76(18),
Hetzer(25), KV-1 (28), Bishop(32), Churchill (35), Ě4Ŕ3 76w (45),
Jagdpanzer (50), Hummel (55), IS-3 (115), T-29 (130)
* Desert walk: removed sandstorm
* River: it was too dark at night
* Port: removed "swamp" terrain
* Hills: disabled the barge entering
Only tanks:
. added supply truck
. can't order tankmen
. fixed CP limit on main tanks
* flamethrower now can be seen in fog of war when firing in 25 m range
. German elite troops wear FG-42 and have better skill with Panzerfaust
. German Panzergrenadiers armed with 2 Panzerfausts (instead of 3)
. slightly increased small arms power in 30 m ranges
. decreased reload time of german AT rifle
. AP mines planting time decreased by 1.5 sec
. more score for taking flags and lines than for holding them
. added KV-85
. Sherman "Crab" costs more
. M20 costs more
. faster AP mines planting
. added Centurion
. QF 17 costs less
. KV-1 costs more
. Sherman Jumbo costs more
. increased CP limit for defenders
. rebalanced cooldown timers
+ added ability to detect backward/forward movement in entity script
+ added ability to detect left/right turns in entity script
Men of War
Patch v1.11.3 release notes:
* Fixed
. Balanced
+ Added
+ Added DesertWalk map.
+ Added Rustle of Sands map.
* The game now shows a correct error message for unsupported monitor resolutions.
* Fixed a rare bug that caused a crash on a double click in the beginning of a network game.
* Added crash protection for item actions.
* Fixed crashing when trying to connect to a modded game.
* Reduced decrease of projectile's armor-piercing capability on ricocheting at angles smaller than 45 degrees.
* Fixed projectile dispersion of long-barrelled guns like D25 and D10S (dispersion at 110m was equal to that at 130m).
* Soviet stormtrooper has now expert level in machine gun command.
* Increased Sturmtiger accuracy at 100-140m, slightly increased blast wave.
* Fixed "zombie" tankmen that survived vehicle fires.
* Removed Flakpanzer I timers in the No Refund mode.
* Fixed Elefant armour (could be pierced at 168mm).
* Slightly increased T29 barrel angle.
* Increased speed of PzKpfw III (30), PzKpfw IV (27-28).
* Fixed PzKpfw IV E damage.
* Reduced maximum allowed units per maps Village (4x4), Tramway depot (2x2), Kanawa mine (2x2).
* Fixed antitank grenades: now they don't pierce turrets and engines or tear off turrets, their raduis of infantry damage increased.
* Added score for tanks hit in turrets when ammo rack explodes.
* Slightly increased accuracy of rifles and submachine guns at 10-20m
* Increased time to raise the Victory Flag from 5 to 7 minutes.
* Increased heavy tank prices in the Frontline mode.
* Tankmen now appear without an initial timer (for better spawn spot location).
* Fixed remote mining and fieldworks.
* Now only units carrying mines/fieldworks will run to mine/fortify.
* Fixed a bug that could crash the game after barrel manipulation.
* Fixed game crashing on launching the multiplayer mode with incorrect firewall settings.
* Fixed possible game crashing on issuing melee orders.
* Now if a vehicle runs over a friendly soldier, it won't smash the crate he's carrying.
* Improved networking code for better NAT support.
* Fixed Jagdpanzer IV, Pz IV E schemes.
* Now low-profile guns can be used with breastworks.
* Fixed certain map bugs (weapon, lanscape).
* Now Land Mattress won't fire by default.
* Removed the "Turret destroyed" message for self-propelled vehicles.
* Cars now carry repair kits.
* Increased acceleration time of car and armoured vehicles.
* Reduced the maximum turning speed of cars and armoured vehicles.
+ Added T-60, T29 tanks.
* Added scores for burnt units.
* Increased fire resistance of medium and heavy tanks.
* Reduced tank fuel consumption.
* Increased Sturmtiger projectile impulse (for light, medium and heavy vehicles).
* Reduced scout speed.
* Maps and missions
Fixed multiplayer maps:
. bazerville
. borovaya
. farmstead
. forest
. hunting
Fixed single-player maps:
. Baptism by Fire
. Moscow Is Behind Us
. Chasing Shadows
. Scorching Sands
. Desert Stronghold
. Turning Point
New additions:
. Kanawa mine
. Dead River
. Dunverde
* Damage
. Reduced car resistance to HE projectiles.
. Increased power of 37-57mm HE projectiles.
. Now breastworks can be damaged by 37-57mm HE projectiles.
. Now Bazooka damages cars.
. Reduced decrease of ranged armour-piercing capability of anti-tank rifles and heavy machine guns.
. Fixed impenetrable truck canvas cover.
. SPG barrel mobility now is restored completely after repairs.
. Piercing gun mask now causes at least some breakage.
. Reduced sloped armour effect for large-calibre projectiles.
. Reduced power of large-calibre HE projectiles.
. Increased blast wave radius of AA and HE projectiles.
. Reduced armour-piercing capability of M4A1 Sherman gun.
. Increased armour-piercing effect of the British anti-tank rifle.
. Removed bullet evasion possibility for soldiers under cover.
. Reduced blast wave radius clipping coefficient for prone infantry.
. Car engine can now be destroyed by a single anti-tank rifle shot (AP=20mm).
. German Rocket-launcher infantry now have bulletproof vests.
. German paratroopers now carry +2 Panzerfausts.
. Increased anti-personnel and anti-sandbag effect of rockets.
* Rate of fire
. Increased Sturmtiger reloading time.
. Increased rate of fire of Land Mattress, Calliope and Raketenwerfer 42.
. Increased light machine gun burst.
. Increased Willys reloading time.
* Armour
. BA-64 now has 9mm armour.
. Adjusted front armour of M5A1 hull and turret.
. Fixed thickness of certain Nashorn parts (was equal to zero).
. Fixed IS-2 and IS-3 engine armour.
. Increased the bottom armour plate of M4A1 Sherman to 64mm.
* Accuracy
. Increased allowed dispersion for AI fire (especially AA guns).
. Added dynamic accuracy of heavy and standard mounted machine guns.
. Increased tank gun accuracy.
. Increased Sturmtiger accuracy.
. Increased Panzerfaust accuracy.
. Increased horizontal dispersion of HE projectiles.
. Increased long-barrelled gun accuracy.
. Fixed IS-2 HE projectile accuracy.
. Increased KV-2 projectile dispersion at long ranges.
. Slightly increased ISU-152 projectile dispersion at maximum range.
. Nashorn is now more accurate than other tanks with KwK 43 guns.
* Visibility
. Reduced field gun visibility.
. Added howitzer exposure time on hits at ranges over 170m.
+ Added a separate outfront_mp.exe for multiplayer.
+ Added friends/blacklist interface.
* Optimized vehicle routes in multiplayer.
* Fixed reinforcements in the Frontline mode.
* Fixed player statuses in chat.
* Changed battle score calculation.
* Changed AT mine settings.
+ Added .png screenshots capturing feature.
* Improved single-player missions:
- Scorching Sands - Area where enemy tanks must not get to is now located further.
- Turning Point - Removed a potentially unlimited infantfy stream from one of directions.
- Armistice - The "Block exits" task now disappears.
- Desert Stronghold - Added howitzer ammo, bay fog now can be turned off, fixed battleship destruction on the map edge.
- Arsenal - Now truck drivers of the first column are visible.
The Frontline mode:
* Changed Sevastopol and Moscow map settings.
* Increased round time from 15 to 25 minutes.
* Reduced periodic reinforcements of the attacker from 100 to 60.
+ Defenders now have more reinforcements.
- Removed attacker's infantry limit.
- Defenders now don't have QF 17.
- data aktualizacji: 17 maja 2010
- kategoria gry: Strategiczne
- rozmiar pliku: 32,9 MB