Men of Valor: Vietnam - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.0 – v.1.3 UK - Download
Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Men of Valor: Vietnam z gatunku Gry Akcji, wersja v.1.0 – v.1.3 UK, data publikacji 24 listopada 2004.
typ plikuAktualizacja do gry
rozmiar pliku9,8 MB
pobrań (7 dni)0
data aktualizacji24 listopada 2004
Niedziałające pliki prosimy zgłaszać na uwagi(at)
wersja: v.1.0 – v.1.3
Patch uaktualnia brytyjską edycję gry Men of Valor: Vietnam. Jest on niezbędny do rozgrywki wieloosobowej w sieci, a ponadto zawiera sporą ilość poprawek przeznaczonych do rozgrywki jedno i wieloosobowej.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Controls are now grouped and sorted by function rather then alphabetically.
- Several rendering optimizations to improve frame rate and eliminate graphical
artifacts during cinematic sequences.
- Several Unicode fixes for localized versions.
- Auto patching is now enabled.
Single Player
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Compass and health still visible during end cinematics has been resolved.
- Audio issues during the in-game movies on Audigy cards has been resolved.
- Player's are no longer able to fire their guns during intro cinematics.
- Dying while friendlies are being carried off in a fight will not longer
result in broken objectives upon restart.
- Numerous AI & pathing issues resolved throughout many of the levels.
- Dying before first save point in the 3rd mission of Clearing the hamlet no
longer results in a non-progression.
- Players respawning without a weapon in their hand resolved.
- Asterisks (*) are no longer valid in profile names.
- Mission fails with "Squad has been Killed" message despite squad not being
killed resolved.
- Hodges no longer stands backwards when throwing the grenade at the bunker at
the end of "Night fight on Hill 881N"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Player's can no longer create a map hole by firing a rocket into the ground
and jumping onto it.
- A listen server player will no longer get two "Cannot pick up xxxx" messages
when trying to pickup an item they cannot use.
- Spamming the ESC key before choosing a character will no longer cause an
invalid profile to be used.
- Hue House-to-House - Clients will once again see the tank explode in a
multiplayer mission game.
- Grenade explosions & their sound effects now happen on the correct
- Precise aim will now activate once the player stops bandaging if they
continue to hold the precise aim button down.
- Operation Starlite - NVA mortar shots now always count during multiplayer
- Operation Starlite - NVA objectives now say how many mortar shots need to be
- Operation Starlite - Fire is no longer inappropriately heard after first
round of map if the US team wins.
- Frontline - Players can now see how many flags each side has.
- Clients are now able to cycle between all alive players in spectator mode.
- The final score screen is now displayed an additional 3 seconds.
- M79 and RPG7 will no longer make an explosion sound on a client machine if
the projectile was never armed.
- Booby trap pickups are now correctly labeled.
- Suicide messages are once again broadcast when a player dies by fire or falls
to his death.
- Hue House-to-House - Players no longer cast unusual shadows in the factory.
- Players now always spawn at the correct base when entering the game.
- Team kills are now broadcast in red text.
- In team based games, Communist players no longer set off booby traps placed
by team members. In deathmatch, boobytraps cannot be set off by the person who
placed them.
- Any class is now able to disarm booby traps. Classes with wire cutters will
disarm the traps instantly, while classes without will take a few seconds.
- Mortars called in by red smoke grenades will now do significantly more
- Team mate names now appear in Yellow if they have an objective piece. (In
objective based games)
- USMC Tunnel Rat will now see enemy names in red.
- Player's out of respawns will now appear in red text on the score screen.
- The knife and Claymore can no longer be 'rapid-fired'.
- All of a player's previously placed boobytraps will now be destroyed when
switching teams.
- data aktualizacji: 24 listopada 2004
- kategoria gry: Akcji
- rozmiar pliku: 9,8 MB