Legend of Grimrock - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.3.1 - v.1.3.6 - Download
Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Legend of Grimrock z gatunku Gry RPG, wersja v.1.3.1 - v.1.3.6, data publikacji 15 lutego 2013.
typ plikuAktualizacja do gry
rozmiar pliku2,2 MB
pobrań (7 dni)0
data aktualizacji15 lutego 2013
Niedziałające pliki prosimy zgłaszać na uwagi(at)gry-online.pl

Wersja: v.1.3.1 - v.1.3.6
Patch przyrostowy do gry Legend of Grimrock poprawiająca następujące elementy (opis w języku angielskim):
Changes since 1.3.1:
- added new graphics option Render Quality, setting it to low may increase frame rate dramatically on low end systems
- added new game option Tablet Mode, which enables attacking with left mouse button
- added support for wall and pillar placement for LightSources
- entities with pillar placement can now be placed next to walls in the editor
- added anchorPos, anchorRotation, targetPos and targetSize properties for altar definitions
- added new entity property: class
- added new scripting functions: getMaxLevels(), isWall(level, x, y), Party:setPosition(x, y, level, facing), Monster:setPosition(x, y, level, facing), Monster:getHealth(), Monster:getLevel(), Champion:getFood(), Champion:addTrait(trait, silent), Champion:removeTrait(trait), Champion:hasTrait(trait), Item:getScrollImage(), Item:insertItem(slot, item), Item:removeItem(slot), Item:getItem(slot), Item:getItem(slot)
- added getStatistic(statName) (possible statistics are: "play_time", "monsters_killed", "items_found", "secrets_found", "treasures_found", "toorum_notes_found", "skulls_found", "grimrock_doors_opened", "tiles_moved", "pit_falls", "melee_attacks", "ranged_attacks", "unarmed_attacks", "rocks_thrown", "spells_cast", "potions_mixed")
- added craftingTool property for recipes (support for new crafting tools)
- bug fix: crash when party stops resting and there is a onRest hook but no onWakeUp hook
- lever click box can be adjusted by placing a Node named "lever_node" in the model file
- added new LightSource property: flicker
- added new optional parameter for shootProjectile(): championOrdinal
- added Item:onEquipItem(champion, slot) and Item:onUnequipItem(champion, slot) hooks (works for all inventory slots)
- bug fix: shootProjectile's offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ parameters don't work
- added onDrawGui, onDrawInventory, onDrawSkills, onDrawStats hooks to Party class for implementing custom guis
- corrected grammatical errors (thanks Komag!)
- small tweaks to the Grimrock dungeon
- data aktualizacji: 15 lutego 2013
- kategoria gry: RPG
- rozmiar pliku: 2,2 MB