Król Artur II - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.106 – v.1.107 - Download
Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Król Artur II z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja v.1.106 – v.1.107, data publikacji 28 marca 2012.
typ plikuAktualizacja do gry
rozmiar pliku42,9 MB
pobrań (7 dni)0
data aktualizacji28 marca 2012
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wersja: v.1.106 – v.1.107
Patch do gry Król Artur II. Poniżej znajduje się oryginalny opis wprowadzanych zmian:
King Arthur II – The Role-playing Wargame v1.1.07
- New button on the Hero Inventory panel (usable on an Artifact Store location) – moves all unequipped Artifacts to the Store
- Beast Master skill fixed
- The settings of the Minimap icons always saved (at returning from battle, starting a new game or loading a saved game from the Main Menu)
- Enemy armies no longer block the route towards the target (some part of the route is marked by red colour, indicating that a battle have to be fought)
- End Turn button popup properly tells if a Delegate quest is waiting to be solved
- Resurrection spell popup fixed
- Tier 2 Elmet Legionaries receive the Fomori Slayer skill properly
- Knights of the Light units receive an upgradable skill (Golden Basilica locations)
- Armies defending a passage cannot be lured away anymore
- “University” (London) diplomacy action fixed
- Woodlander skill of Wolfbreeds fixed
- Units cannot move to an army from faraway Army Reserves anymore
- Marriage for female heroes is not available anymore
- Items received and lost in the same quest no longer appear among quest rewards
- Faith requirement at Unseelie Champions training fixed
- Spell cooldown never drops below 10% of the original number
- Popup of item type filter buttons in Artifact Store improved (info about possible modifiers at forging)
- Unit icons during Tutorial fixed
- Time limit requirement always appears properly in the popup of the quest
- Traits modifying Lore points (from locations) fixed
- Solving late game quests in “wrong” order issue fixed
- Passive skill bonuses appear properly in the statistics
- Lost level up bonuses of hero retinue on new Tier fixed
- Battle alert sounds (gate destroyed) fixed
- Sub-objective text in Call to Arms Objective fixed (15 units available, including own units and heroes)
- Non-16:9 resolution notification windows fixed
- “Careful Tactician” promotion fixed
- First sub-objective of the "Nimue" Objective fixed
- Grendel's Lair teleport location fixed
Known issues – fixing in progress
- The level of some units drops back to 1 in unique situations
- Few quests spawn on the top of the army that is supposed to solve it
- Some of the final Objectives don't appear properly on the Objective panel if a certain option in a specific Diplomatic quest is chosen
- Some Victory Locations don’t appear properly on the Minimap
- Lancelot's Grail Shard Essence gathering
- data aktualizacji: 28 marca 2012
- kategoria gry: Strategiczne
- rozmiar pliku: 42,9 MB