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King's Bounty: Pakiet Dodatków - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.3.1 ENG - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry King's Bounty: Pakiet Dodatków z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja v.1.3.1 ENG, data publikacji 28 grudnia 2010.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku22,4 MB


pobrań (7 dni)0

data aktualizacji28 grudnia 2010

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wersja: v. 1.3.1 ENG

Patch do gry King's Bounty: Crossworlds.

Uwaga: Usuń wszystkie mody przed instalacją patcha!

Poniżej anglojęzyczny opis aktualizacji:


Fixes and updates:


Orcs on the March

- Crash fixed at Assassin's Know Weakness skill.

- Error fixed at orc shaman's Adrenaline Maximum.

- Error fixed at spells Poisonous Spit, Black Hole and Soul Draining at the boss arenas.

- Error fixed at Skeletons' skill Bone Gate at the Arena of Chaos.

- Description of skills fixed at Rune Mage, Faun and Bone Dragon.

- Feature Recruiter fixed.

- A dialogue of Rock Porter fixed, if you don't take quests for spy searching.

Defender of the Crown

- Failure fixed after the defeat in the battle for medals (after the talk with smuggler Hogben).

- Ancient Ent's skill Summon Swarm doesn't recharge the skill Running now.


Balance updates:


Orcs on the March

- Abilities of the Infernal Dragon were strengthened.

- The following creatures were strengthened: White Kraken, Fauns, Rune Mages, Goblins, Orc-leaders and Tirexes.

- Orc-shamans were weakened.

- The feature Favorite Enemy of humans gets updated in every new battle.

- The AI of Alchemist and Engineers was updated.

Defender of the Crown

- The enemy hero Mahruk was strengthened.


Additions and upgrades:


Orcs on the March

- Detailed information on the trophies in the Military Academy added; (c) ilih.

- A specified log during the receipt of Adrenaline by orcs added.


- Support of 16:9 format added.

- New opportunities for game modders added.

  • data aktualizacji: 28 grudnia 2010
  • kategoria gry: Strategiczne
  • rozmiar pliku: 22,4 MB

Pliki do gry King's Bounty: Pakiet Dodatków






7 dni

King's Bounty: Pakiet Dodatków - Hirao's A New Phase mod for King's Bounty Crossworlds v.23092021 mod 213,8 MB 2021.09.27 1,2K 4
King's Bounty: Pakiet Dodatków - v.1.3.1 PL patch 157,1 MB 2011.02.02 1,3K 1
King's Bounty: Pakiet Dodatków - v.1.3.1 ENG patch 22,4 MB 2010.12.28 1,5K 0