Hearts of Iron 2: Doomsday - Armageddon - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.2 - Download
Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Hearts of Iron 2: Doomsday - Armageddon z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja v.1.2, data publikacji 17 marca 2008.
typ plikuAktualizacja do gry
rozmiar pliku9 MB
pobrań (7 dni)2
data aktualizacji17 marca 2008
Niedziałające pliki prosimy zgłaszać na uwagi(at)gry-online.pl
wersja: v.1.2
Poprawka systemowa przeznaczona do gry Hearts of Iron 2: Doomsday – Armageddon. Poniżej znajduje się angielskojęzyczny opis aktualizacji:
- Spycosts are now properly checking the senders sliders, not the targets sliders.
- All unit modifiers are now saved, even if at 0.
- 0 IC is now saved properly.
- Reversed some messages for spies.
- Naval attachments should now be deployable after a save&reload.
- AI now takes naval brigades under development into account when determening to build more.
- Free manpower now handles fractions.
- Funding partisans have a cap, and is slightly less efficient than before.
- Nationalism/Partisans now drop by 1% a month.
- Mission efficiency in combat is now applied correctly.
- The game now correctly identifies submarines in logics for wolfpacks and ASW.
- ASW should not be less effective catching submarines, but more effective.
- Shorebombardment modifier is now capped at 25% as in doomsday.
- Fixed a crashbug in the AI.
- A military controlled country should no longer cancel unit orders when a war is declared.
- Fixed a large amount of syntax bugs in the leader/tech databases.
- Fixed a problem with an upgraded radar attachment giving distance bonus instead of costing supplies.
- Naval attachment can now actually upgrade.
- Fleets will now upgrade attachments even if the first attachment is not eligible.
- Naval attachment upgrades progess is now shown properly in the ledger.
- Any province that can trace supply back to capital through puppets/allies, will now ships its resources back automatically without need for convoys.
- Have fixed that the improved version of the ASW attachment no longer says capital ASW (as it wonAt go onto capital ships)
- A number of events how have pictures, or more exactly are reusing other pictures.
- USA Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- TUR Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- SWE Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- SOV Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- SIA Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- SAF Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- ROM Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- PER Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- NEP Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- MEX Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- MEX Pre Global War scenario had two entries for belligerence in the INC file removed one.
- JAP Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- ITA Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- GER Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- GER Pre Global War scenario had two entries for transports and escorts in the INC file removed one set.
- FRA Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- ENG Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- CHI Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- CHI Pre Global War scenario had province ID 1305 listed twice as a national province (removed one).
- BRA Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- BRA Pre Global War scenario had province ID 816 listed twice as a national province (removed one).
- AST Pre Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- Pre Global War scenario had no enddate (added 1954 as the enddate)
- USA Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- TUR Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- SWE Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- SOV Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- SIA Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- SAF Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- ROM Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- PER Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- NEP Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- MEX Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- JAP Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- ITA Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- GER Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- FRA Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- ENG Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- CHI Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- CHI Global War scenario had province ID 1305 listed twice as a national province (removed one).
- BRA Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- BRA Global War scenario had province ID 816 listed twice as a national province (removed one).
- AST Global War scenario had their transported model IDs set to -1 when it should have been 0.
- Global War scenario had no enddate (added 1954 as the enddate)
- USA 1945 scneario file fixed over 40 duplicated experience entries for initial OOB units.
- SOV 1945 scenario had province 1177 with damaged AA guns which is not used any where else changed it to un-damaged.
- SOV 1945 scenario had two entries for transports and escorts in the INC file removed one set.
- SOV 1945 scenario had province ID 208 defined twice in the INC file (removed one)
- SAF 1945 scenario had an Interceptor in the INC file with two model numbers removed one.
- AI will choose what units to use for invasion more wisely.
- Added several minor leader images and tech team images
- Added several missing propaganda images
- Added Generals for U74 and U87
- U96 Had minsiter IDs fixed
- U97 Had minister IDs fixed
- country.csv had a duplicate entry UTC one should have been UCS.
- U88, U90 and U99 fixed duplicate tech team IDs.
- Land Doctrine tech ID 14090 remvoed the command to effect land forts as it does nothing in game.
- Japan Minister file line 13 had ID 5211 when it should be 5011 (Dupe ID problem)
- UCH Minister file line 46 had minister ID 65343 when it should be 65344 (Dupe ID problem)
- UPR Minister file line 21 had minister ID 79729 when it should be 79719 (Dupe ID problem)
- RUS Minister file had roughly 10 ministers with the same ID from the SOV file (fixed).
- UTC Minister file had roughly 10 ministers with the same ID from the SAL file (fixed)
- CGX 1936 scenario file had a spy bug going to CBX (not exist) changed to CXB.
- GER 1936 scenario file had two starting interceptors in the INC file but trying to attach a brigade (brigade removed)
- USA 1936, 1938 scenario file had a spy bug going to PRO (not exist) changed to PRU.
- FIN 1938, 1939, 1941 scenario file had a spy bug going to DAN (not exist) changed to DEN.
- GER 1938 scenario file line 1274 had an infantry division under development with a month of "nov" changed to "november"
- SPA 1938 scenario file Spain starts with a destroyer but it specifies a brigade model instead of a model (fixed).
- USA 1939 scenario file line 1824 had two strength parms for the strategic bomber removed one.
- GER 1944 scenario had an armor division specified in INC file with two models, one should have been a brigade model.
- JAP 1944 scenario had a light armor division specified in INC file with two models, one should have been a brigade model.
- SAF 1944 scenario file had a starting interceptors in the INC file but trying to attach a brigade (brigade removed)
- SOV 1944 scenario file fixed over 40 duplicated experience entries for initial OOB units.
- USA 1944 scenario file fixed over 20 duplicated experience entries for initial OOB units.
- PER 1944 scenario file had all of their techs defined under techlevels should have been techapps.
- data aktualizacji: 17 marca 2008
- kategoria gry: Strategiczne
- rozmiar pliku: 9 MB