Great Invasions: Mroczne wieki - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.07c - Download
Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Great Invasions: Mroczne wieki z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja v.1.07c, data publikacji 16 maja 2008.
typ plikuAktualizacja do gry
rozmiar pliku11,9 MB
pobrań (7 dni)0
data aktualizacji16 maja 2008
Niedziałające pliki prosimy zgłaszać na uwagi(at)
wersja: v.1.07c
Poprawka systemowa do gry Great Invasions. Poniżej oryginalny opis.
Important: This patch works for the AGEOD version of the game only.
So, once installed, you will have to:
- launch the Setup tool;
- type again the serial key number.
This is the list of improvements and bug fixes that come with this patch:
- Imporvement: added frequency for minor Ethnics assimilation tests (expressed in months, see in GameRules DB, line PAF)
- Fixed bug: the checks for entrance in play of historical leaders was working only for monarch, not for common leaders
- Fixed bug: when a vassal army was marching through the country of the dominant nation, the crossed province generated no income
- Fixed bug: when a vassal army was meeting an army of the dominant nation, they fought each other
- Fixed bug: Graft stratagem was wrongly applied, as no cost was applied on playing nation's treasury and the diplomatic relations improvement was wrongly applied
- Improvement: added reciprocity in diplomatic relations change for 'Gift' and 'Threaten' diplomatic embassies
- Fixed bug: wrong sprites for some religions (Acacianism, Alawism, Bogomilism, Karaism, Kharijism, Monotheletism, Mutazilism, Origenism, and Sunni Muslim)
- Improvement: deadline date for all historical events that can trigger 'technological improvements' (i.e.: Dromons / Fire Dromons for Byzantium) has been set to 31 Dec 1066, so that now this technological advances are now available also in later scenarios!
- Fixed Bug: the 'Bribe' embassy now works fine
- data aktualizacji: 16 maja 2008
- kategoria gry: Strategiczne
- rozmiar pliku: 11,9 MB