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Frontlines: Fuel of War - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.2.0 - v.1.3.0 US/EU - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Frontlines: Fuel of War z gatunku Gry Akcji, wersja v.1.2.0 - v.1.3.0 US/EU, data publikacji 7 listopada 2008.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku929,2 MB


pobrań (7 dni)2

data aktualizacji7 listopada 2008

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wersja: v.1.2.0 - v.1.3.0 US/EU

Poprawka do gry Frontlines: Fuel of War. Poniżej znajduje się jej oryginalny angielski opis:

Expected to release the patch in November, the v1.3.0 patch will include the following features:

New Map – Hindsight

New Map – Sunder

New Map – Wide Awake

New Map – Infiltration

New Vehicle – WC AB-11 Bomber Jet

New Vehicle – RS MRB-131 Bomber Jet

New Weapon – Anti-Air Rocket Launcher

Server Browser has been fixed and will now only show legitimate Ranked servers.

Leaderboard fix has been implemented for the Roles and Loadout tabs: they now record both Ranked and Unranked game information.

Expected to release the patch in September, the v1.2.0 patch will include the following features:


Boneyard Map

Conquer Mode

Joystick support

PC Leaderboards - Unranked

PC Leaderboards - Ranked

Server Browser - Phase 2

Update Button - Updates server information for the servers already in cache

Additional Filters - Pure, Ranked, Frontlines, Conquer

Player profile will remember the custom filter selection

Added server count and player count totals

Server Commander (aka the Dedicated Server Tools previously mentioned)

Configure multiple game options for a dedicated server including loadout, roles and vehicle options

Save setting profiles for each server

Administer player support, including banning and kicking players

Set various map rotations

Watch or chat messages

Restart and stop the dedicated server remotely

Send any server commands through the console

Frontlines: Fuel of War v1.1.1:

Players will no longer be kicked by PunkBuster for using the comma “,” or forward slash “/” character in their names in multiplayer matches.

The binding for the Action key (E) has been fixed. This is also used for the Exit Vehicle function.

Keys that have already been used will be checked for when changing control key bindings.

The distance for melee attacks has been shortened.

The “pipe” character will no longer hide text in the server information window.

Chinese translation errors on the server browser have been fixed.

The Frontline will show up properly on the map.

Fixed first-person weapon animation blends between run and sprint.

Added functionality to allow firing of a weapon to break sprint. Previously you had to come out of sprint and then left-click to fire.

“Master server connection ID verification failed” error has been fixed.

Frontlines: Fuel of War v1.1.0:

New Features

PunkBuster anti-cheat has been added

Spawn Protection – To prevent spawn camping, players will spawn with a few seconds of invulnerability that will end if they perform an action

New Server Browser

Phase 1 of the NEW Server Browser

New streamlined design with easy to use layout

Added text filters for the following categories: Server Name, Player Count, Ping, Map Name & Version Number

Server Name filter will search entire through entire server names for matching criteria

Player filter will default to the minimum number entered. This field also accepts ranges such as 10-40

Ping filter will take the number entered as the max ping allowed. This field also accepts ranges as well

Server Information Box

Added server IP display

Added server name display

Added text clan/server company/message of the day support

Added ability to cancel server search and the server browser will continue to display already pulled servers

Can apply filters to pulled servers

Server browser no longer refreshes when coming back from the server info screens

Enter IP address can now use IP’s with ports and can use alpha characters


Players can no longer stick landmines onto their legs

Invert controls for land vehicles has been fixed

Turrets will no longer continue firing when squad menu is raised

All passengers in a vehicle will see hit notifications

Sentry guns take slightly less damage to destroy

Sentry guns will cause slightly less damage

Sentry guns will no longer respawn after being destroyed (single-player game)

Grenade launcher damage vs infantry has been slightly reduced

Railgun rounds, clips, fire speed and damage radius have been modified, increasing the effectiveness of the weapon

Character Movement Changes

Forced pause which prevented the player from moving when recovering from a jump has been removed

Player will be prevented from jumping immediately after landing for 0.5 seconds (stops the bouncing bunny syndrome)

Multiple fixes should result is much less visible “sliding”, “worming” and “Dolphin” effects from transitioning between crouch to standing, crouch to prone and prone to standing

Sprinting while crouched or prone has been removed

Jumping from and to prone should now be impossible

A minimum timer has been set in between changing positions. (This will prevent crouch/prone spamming)

Character ground speed has been slightly increased, this includes strafe speed

Free fall speed has increased for a more realistic feeling

Single Player: Graveyard – Destroying all tanks will now always advance the frontline properly

User Interface

Action key (E) can now be changed to any key. This key is also used for “Exit Vehicle” functionality and is listed under Infantry controls.

Scoreboard bugs related to double entries and zero point entries fixed

Scoreboard now displays server name, server IP and personal ping

Player can now paste text longer then the max characters set for a text box


Fix for reported ATI X800/X850 user crashes on start up

Vsync default setting is now turned to off, solving some crashes for lower end cards (this is the Maximize Framerate option in the Video- Advanced tab)

Added NULL check to stop players from inputting illegal characters and crashing the game

Systems with the Ageia PhysX card will no longer result in game crashes

Server crash caused by PhysX issue has been addressed


Polish language fixes to load screens and gameplay text


Registry fix to document the running version number and installed SKU (EFIS, E, EG etc). This will allow for improved patch installation detection

Known Issues (to be addressed in a hotfix coming shortly)

Changing keys in the Control options will not check to see if a key is already bound. This is planned to be fixed in a future patch

Punkbuster will kick you off the server if you use the following special characters in your display name: comma, forward slash, or backslash

Effective melee distance to be reduced

When using the pipe character in a server name, text after the pipe will not be shown in the upper right server information window

Frontlines: Fuel of War v1.02:

Crashes when locking the screen during loads has been fixed (i.e. Using Alt+Tab).

Server browser will no longer show servers that are not running.

Alt+Tab will work properly in Windows Media Center.

Lockups/crashes while “Please Wait” popup is on screen has been fixed.

Player no longer becomes stuck in an unresponsive menu after quitting a match at the end of a round.

NAT (Network Address Translation) – Listen Server now shows public IP and can be joined.

Fix for infinite loops that occasionally appear in single player.

Fix for hang issue/crash for Chinese and Korean native operating systems.

Game will no longer crash when the user suspends the game using Ctrl+Alt+Del or Win+L on the splash screen after the game launch.

New .dll’s to address sound card issues added.

Fixed Japanese character issue on scoreboards.

Russian fonts fixed.

Polish, Chinese, and Czech language support added.

Player count sort fixed on server browser.

Frontlines: Fuel of War v1.01 Hotfix :

SecuROM issue with emulation software which will not allow the game to load.

Possible fix for Vista crash related to certain sound cards.

Frontlines: Fuel of War v1.01 patch fixes :

Holding the TAB key will display the scoreboard.

Server browser will not show servers that are no longer running.

"ResolveScenePosition" crash fixed.

Motion blur overload when redeploying fixed.

Autobalance - first person on a server can now switch teams.

Player model is no longer visible when ascending steep inclines.

Parental controls now work. (Windows Vista)

Using ALT+TAB to minimize game will now function correctly.

Frontlines: Fuel of War is an open-world First Person Shooter set in the next great war. In a world ravaged by a global energy crisis, environmental decay, and economic depression, players assume the role of an elite soldier in the Western Coalition Army on an epic crusade against the Red Star Alliance to control the lifeblood of the world’s economy. Frontlines: Fuel of War combines intensely cinematic, non-linear game play, with next generation firepower and a revolutionary Frontline Combat System to deliver the most thrilling and engaging FPS to date.


In both single player and multiplayer, players join the forces on the frontline that result in focused combat and increased intensity while allowing player choice.

In both single player and multiplayer, players can create their own path to victory with non-linear mission objectives and destructible environments. The player chips away at the battle instead of standard die and redo system.

Over 60 next generation vehicles and weapons inspired by military designs of the near future. Including Jets, helicopters, tanks, APC’s and more.

Character customization allows you to represent your play style through character choices, weapon load out and role specialization.

Supports up to 32 players on Console and 64 players on PC via LAN or Internet with shared targeting systems, squad based VOIP and more.

  • data aktualizacji: 7 listopada 2008
  • kategoria gry: Akcji
  • rozmiar pliku: 929,2 MB

Pliki do gry Frontlines: Fuel of War






7 dni

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