Faces of War: Oblicza Wojny - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.04.1 ENG - Download
Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Faces of War: Oblicza Wojny z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja v.1.04.1 ENG, data publikacji 8 grudnia 2006.
typ plikuAktualizacja do gry
rozmiar pliku41,7 MB
pobrań (7 dni)2
data aktualizacji8 grudnia 2006
Niedziałające pliki prosimy zgłaszać na uwagi(at)gry-online.pl
wersja: v.1.04.1 ENG
Poprawka systemowa przeznaczona do angielskiej edycji gry Faces of War. Poniżej opis aktualizacji w j. angielskim:
- profiles & screenshots will be placed into folder /my games/faces of war/
- now profile can be deleted from game
- some localization issues fixed
- several game crashes fixed
- many mission bugs fixed
- game will use 5 autosaves per cycle, not just one
- xfire support
- fixed some models and missions errors
- improved game performance
Interface (single & multiplayer)
- minimap zoom-in and zoom-out
- big map (key M)
- fixed single unit selection when on pause
- unmanned vehicles are shown in squad panel
- guns will have different icons in squad panel
- ability to assign keys 1 to 9 to single units
- alternative unit selection system (available via game options)
- marked tabs in interface
- fixed: camera not following unit in direct control after save/load
- camera can now be moved with keyboard in pause
- irreparable components are marked in black
- fixed: soldiers talking while throwing grenades
- more informative unit icons in single player mode
- displays right amount of bazooka ammo, if soldier has panzershreck in his inventory
- fixed: game crashes when player tries to load savegame unavailable during game progress (for example, when taking savegame from a friend)
- fixed: game crashes during tank explosion, when shell was selected from the weapon panel
- fixed: on scenario start slowdown and scrolling stay turned on
Interface (multiplayer)
- host name and player name are separated
- ping now shown on all clients in game and in session
- ping on all open games in the lobby
- ability to change game type and map in session
- option to turn flora respawn off
- displays client disconnection explanation
- message "player xxx is gone" is turned off
- statistics sorting
- statistics in cooperative game for all players
- displays client's PC performance in session and in game
- ability to change password in session
- chat enhancement
. colored messages by sender
. private messages
. copy/paste to clipboard
- improved reinforcements panel (more useful info)
- ability to quick lock/unlock password protected session
- ability to set comment for session (select session in lobby to view)
- ability to set up max players count in session
- displays missing mods/resources upon connection
- fixed: game crash when all missions in lower line passed but not all missions in upper line
- fixed: repaired or captured units that didn't show in left panel
- separate color on minimap for human players in cooperative game
- improved display of private messages in game
- player is warned about private message sent to nonexistent recipient
- reworked fog of war
- unlocked camera
- fixed "unable to run game" issue on some Radeons
- realistic reflections on water
- game allowed to run (after user request) if not enough video memory available
- standard minimum and maximum camera distance to the ground for all maps
- maximum zoom out is increased by 20%
Game (single & multiplayer)
- grenade movement trail
- no ricochet for bazooka and howitzer shells
- lowered howitzer's accuracy
- lowered restitution for grenades
- sapper clear mines upon detection
- fixed fast destruction of buildings by AP shells and bazooka
- no standing up on "attack" order, if soldier can shoot from current position
- now squad follows closer to commander
- fixed installation of AT hedgehogs and dynamite
- other soldiers don't prevent getting to items or boxes anymore
- fixed path planning for cars and cannons
- tank slowing down while crushing buildings
- soldier will not throw grenades if he can shoot enemy or enemy is too close
- no more shooting enemy soldiers with bazooka
- fixed aiming of stationary artillery and self-propelled artillery
- no more standing corpses in water after save/load
- more realistic damage/penetration system
- improved attack point location for commands: attack, throw grenade, shoot bazooka...
- improved path planning for soldiers under cover
- improved soldiers distribution for move-to-cover command
- fixed: after load, impossibility to see enemy sighted by unit before save (tactics difficulty)
- fixed: enemy seen in fog
- fixed: planted bushes not obstructing visibility
- covers are now displayed inside buildings
- lowered ammo wasting for player units
- fixed: crushing constructions/buildings with vehicles
- fixed: soldiers in APC are killed when APC moves through other moving objects
- changed unit appear/disappear time in fog
- fixed: space unavailable in cannons (rare occurrence)
- permanent visibility for units in buildings is turned off
- only prone covers in bushes for prone unit
- higher target priority on tanks for cannons and other tanks
- fixed: stationary mguns very hard to disable with frag grenade or HE shell
- fixed behaviour for "hold position" - now soldiers must stand still.
Dropped weapon pick up allowed. Soldier is allowed to lie down under heavy fire.
- fixed: guns were able to kill themselves because of blast radius
- fixed: grenade throwing from covers
- fixed: after loading savegame units can start moving to commander
- fixed: in some instances, soldiers who lost their commander can start moving
- teleportation is turned off between neighboring covers
- fixed: soldiers drifting in covers
- increased attach distance for guns
- heavily loaded soldier will not become tired when standing
- fixed: armored van counted as enemy
- fixed: track movement speed on some tanks
- soldiers will get rid of gun or mgun if underwater
- contused tank men will die faster
- weapons don't show on invisible soldiers
- fixed: errors with models il-2 and fw-190 after explosion
- won't count tank kill on turret break
Game (multiplayer)
- improved scoring system
- ability to set up limit on resources in game (eg: Soldiers)
- new color for "call in" buttons - if unit is charged, but can't be called in due to limits, then button is red, otherwise button is gray
- more fragile tracks on tanks
- turret and engine repair is allowed
- new marking for flag zone
- in "Frontline" mode mines are deleted only in flag zone
- improved balance for "squads only" for all multiplayer modes
- new command: "abandon vehicle" (Key L)
- better component-wise tank destruction in multiplayer
- new gameplay options for multiplayer:
. reinforcement - time-based, money-based with refund, money-based without refund
. intensity - low (mostly diversions), normal (battle), high (meat-grinder)
- ability to mask your field gun with bushes (new command for gun)
- ability to place soldiers in buildings' windows (multiplayer only)
- higher damage from blast wave in multiplayer
- removed additional ammo from rocket vehicles in multiplayer game
Multiplayer (technology)
- improved internet connection stability
- improved lag for fast PCs in game
- connection by IP is now functional
- more options open for modding in multiplayer modes
- fixed: no master of session on dedicated server
- fixed: client crash on connection to dedicated server
- interface lag 2x improved in multiplayer (time lapse between button press & action)
- network code fixed. Game must run much more smoothly now.
- improved caching - game load time will be slightly longer, but again it will add more smoothness to game (especially when you crush something)
- improved game list refresh in multiplayer internet game
- data aktualizacji: 8 grudnia 2006
- kategoria gry: Strategiczne
- rozmiar pliku: 41,7 MB