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ETROM: The Astral Essence - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.1 D2D - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry ETROM: The Astral Essence z gatunku Gry RPG, wersja v.1.1 D2D, data publikacji 10 lipca 2006.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku10,4 MB


pobrań (7 dni)0

data aktualizacji10 lipca 2006

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wersja: v.1.1 D2D

Poprawka systemowa przeznaczona do gry ETROM: the Astral Essence dystrybuowanej za pośrednictwem sieci Internet. Poniżej oryginalny opis łatki:


- New Control System (F1 to activate the Auto-Camera)

- Config. Auto-Save

- Direct Link to the Hangan's Gun Shop: Active the cheat-mode Ctrl+PM and then press H (use this only if the "equipment" mission is accomplished or you may experience crashes)

- all previous patch changes:

NEW OPTIONS ON START WINDOWS (Check it for Common Trouble Shooting):

- VSync Disabled

This option allows to disable the Vertical Video Sync. It can speed up the general fluidity of the animations (increasing the Frame Rate). In some cases horizontal lines could appear.

- Software Vertex Processing

Some low-profile videocards (in most cases, the on-board ones) have tech specs close to the limits of the Product's Minimum Requirements. Enabling this option it can be forced to use the CPU instead of the GPU for certain graphic operations (eg. mesh skinning). The CPU will do more work, probably resulting in a general decrease of the game speed (decreasing the Frame Rate).

- Safe Mode

On certain critical configurations and with some videocards' drivers the game could be unstable. This option decreases the performances and increases the controls of the application to manage system's Threads/Processes. In particular it enables the DirectX (tm) multi-thread mode.


- Ammo Bug

- Time Power (now can't disappear at the end of a Time-Mission)

- Technical Improvements and Better GC Compatibility

  • data aktualizacji: 10 lipca 2006
  • kategoria gry: RPG
  • rozmiar pliku: 10,4 MB

Pliki do gry ETROM: The Astral Essence






7 dni

ETROM: The Astral Essence demo 880,5 MB 2006.02.15 2,4K 1
ETROM: The Astral Essence - enemy description addon 16,7 MB 2006.02.23 2,8K 0
ETROM: The Astral Essence - v.1.1 ENG patch 4,9 MB 2006.06.27 2K 0
ETROM: The Astral Essence - v.1.1 D2D patch 10,4 MB 2006.07.10 1,9K 0